Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 192 Border Army (4)

When the "Nine Dragons" met the Yulin general Li Bi's troops, the battlefield terrain was relatively empty. The "Nine Dragons" had no choice but to bite the bullet and deploy their formation.

As a result, before the rebel formation had time to unfold, they saw the officers and soldiers on both sides of the cavalry from a distance, like crabs stretching out two iron claws, pinching the chaotic rebel team. It turns out that the cavalry here are good at attacking the slow and fast. Seeing that the rebels are all infantry and moving slowly, they took advantage of the rebels' unstable footing and prepared to interrupt the formation of the rebels.

This "Nine Dragons" was originally from Zezhou, Shanxi. He had never seen so many cavalry, let alone expected that a battle could be fought like this. I can't even use my own formation, the enemy is already in front of me.

I saw the officers and soldiers from the two wings coming in a dark attack from the left and right. When the rebels were ten or twenty paces away, they all drew their cavalry bows, raised their three-eyed blunderbuss and other weapons, and fired in a burst. Suddenly, the troops on both sides of the rebel army fell to the ground.

After the cavalry on these two wings finished shooting, they put away their long-range weapons and rushed forward brandishing sabers, lances, three-eyed muskets and other weapons. Fortunately, the "Nine Dragons" are local snakes, and many of the villagers under their command are mountain hunters. They are tenacious and tenacious, unlike ordinary rebels.

Although these people were in a chaotic formation, they were brave enough to fight against the cavalry. Although the officers and soldiers who rushed up killed many rebels, they failed to defeat them. Instead, they were surrounded by the rebels and hacked to death several of them.

Seeing that there was nothing they could do, the officers and soldiers quickly retreated. The rebels couldn't catch up, and the second wave of cavalry rushed over again. Another volley fired from a distance of more than ten steps, and many of the rebels fell down in response. However, this time, the officers, soldiers and cavalry did not dare to charge forward. Instead, they lined up and circled back.

The rebels were unable to resist, so they had to engage in chaotic shooting. However, the formation was chaotic, the orders were inconsistent, and the cavalry was a moving target, so the hit rate was very ugly. On the contrary, the cavalry of the frontier army were like a pack of wolves. Every time they rushed up, they would shoot and bleed the rebels.

If you see that the rebels are not very determined to resist, they will make a few tentative attacks. It was like a hungry wolf hunting, tearing off a piece of flesh and blood from the prey every time.

The "Nine Dragons" were furious and tried to take the initiative several times to repel the cavalry of the opposing officers and soldiers. As a result, when the other party saw him and his men rushing up, he turned his horse's head and ran away. The "Nine Dragons" were afraid of the escaping team and did not dare to pursue them too far, so they had no choice but to return.

As a result, the horses on the other side stuck to each other like brown candy and fired at the rebels, killing many of them.

Although the rebel army had not collapsed at this time, the "Nine Dragons" were at their wits' end. He felt like a strong man trapped in a quagmire. Although he had great strength, he had nowhere to use it. He could only watch as he fell deeper and deeper.

Fortunately, "Nine Dragons" still has some sense. He knows that the "Purple Gold Liang" and other rebels are not far away from him and others. As long as he and others slowly retreat a certain distance and gather with other rebels, they will not be afraid of the cavalry of the officers and soldiers. .

As a result, he made another common mistake and gave the order to retreat. Retreating before the battle is a method that famous generals have not dared to try easily since ancient times, so he made a hasty decision.

Sure enough, after hearing this order, the rebels who were already struggling to hold on turned around and retreated regardless. As a result, retreat turned into flight, and flight turned into fleeing for one's life. The rebel army had no formation to begin with. When everyone saw others running away, they were afraid that they would be left there to eat the swords of the officers and soldiers. Suddenly, everyone seemed to be participating in a 100-meter race, chasing each other for fear of falling behind.

As a result, the "Nine Dragons" team completely collapsed, and they were defeated like a mountain. The "Nine Dragons" knew that they had no ability to gather their troops and confront the officers and soldiers. He quickly mounted his war horse and ran around with other relatives and fellow villagers.

How could the cavalry over there miss such an opportunity? Suddenly, a total of two thousand cavalry on both wings chased out, hanging at the back, and slowly slaughtered the lagging rebels. As for the other rebels, the cavalry were not in a hurry to pursue them. Instead, they were like shepherds, slowly driving away the fleeing crowds.

Zhang Shun had seen Chen Changzhen suffer such heavy losses before, so he became extremely wary of this group of officers and soldiers. Originally, according to Zhang Shun's idea, fight if you can, and leave if you can't. There is no shame in it. If you are stubborn and always engage in "team battles" with the enemy, that is the level of a bronze rookie.

As a result, "Nine Dragons" was the bronze rookie who "formed a team". Zhang Shun could not leave the team alone, so he had to bite the bullet and move forward with "Purple Gold Liang" and "Xing Honglang". Fortunately, in order to know himself and the enemy, Zhang Shun asked Liu Cheng to also send a team of one hundred cavalry to investigate the information.

Not long after, Liu Cheng sent someone to report that the "Nine Dragons" of the former rebel army had a hand with the officers and soldiers. There are many officers, soldiers and cavalry, no less than two to three thousand people, and I am afraid that the "nine dragons" cannot support it.

Zhang Shun thought for a while, and then hurriedly went to meet the second master "Zijin Liang" to exchange military information and discuss countermeasures. When Zhang Shun arrived, Xing Honglang also happened to come over, so the three of them each had their own sources of intelligence, and they all concluded that the "Nine Dragons" could not be stopped.

At this time, Xing Honglang thought that while the officers and soldiers were fighting against the "Nine Dragons", he could use both methods to rush to the battlefield and attack the officers and soldiers together. The "Purple Golden Liang" believed that it could occupy the favorable terrain first and wait until the "Nine Dragons" were defeated before fighting the officers and soldiers.

Only Zhang Shun did not say anything, because according to his idea, it was better for everyone to leave here while the "nine dragons" were entangled with the officers and soldiers. However, this method of betraying one's "brother" is not easy to say, it is too harmful to one's character, and Zhang will just die in his own belly.

At this time, Xing Honglang sought Zhang Shun's support, but Zhang Shun politely declined: "'Nine Dragons' have few people and few troops, so they will not last long. I think the strategy of the second leader is actually a prudent strategy!"

The second leader "Purple Gold Liang" only said that Zhang Shun had changed his mind and was determined to support him again. He couldn't help but feel happy and thought to himself: "I have rejected Optimus Prime's face several times, but he still treats me like this. You are a true and honest man! Since Zhao'an failed, Han Tingxian is of no use. I will kill this man later and sell him one!"

Not to mention how moved the "Purple Golden Liang" was, when Xing Honglang saw that Zhang Shun supported the "Purple Golden Liang" policy, he no longer opposed it. The three of them made a decision and found a terrain, which was exactly the terrain with a road sandwiched between two low mountains.

Seeing this, the "Purple Golden Liang" couldn't help but said with great joy: "We should destroy this dog officer together. Now one team is on the left and one team is on the right. Our army is hiding behind the mountain. When the 'Nine Dragons' are defeated, we will Let our rebels pass, and then lead the army to block the road. You will surround the enemy's rear on the left and right, and you will definitely surround and kill this group of officers and soldiers here!"

Thanks to the fan "Book Friends 20180905191701649" for the reward, thank you for your support! I can't change the chapter name. I made a mistake. It's so embarrassing.

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