Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 194 Border Army (5)

"Fight in formation and then fight, the art of war is normal." An army that fights without forming a formation is either a skirmisher tactic that transcends the times, or it is a ragtag group.

Zhang Shun is also very smart. After experiencing so many battles, he also has certain insights into the use of troops. He knew that if he wanted to fight against the cavalry, he would have to wait at least until the infantry formation was completed before he could have a chance to withstand the impact of the cavalry.

However, when they were arrayed under the enemy's nose, it was obvious that the other party was not that easy to talk to. so what should I do now? Only by personally leading the cavalry to expel and block the opponent's harassment, and delaying it until Jiang He and Li Jiyu completed their formation, was it possible to achieve a certain degree of feasibility.

Therefore, Zhang Shun immediately ordered: "Jiang He and Li Jiyu listened to the order, with their backs to the valley and their faces outside the valley in formation. Jiang He was on the left, Li Jiyu was on the right, and Li Shian was in the front and rear formations, ready to support with artillery. Two formations, front and rear. I will lead the cavalry to fight with the enemy's cavalry to buy you time to form the formation. Listen to the order!"

Li Jiyu and Jiang He obeyed the order and quickly expressed their opposition. Jiang He lost his leader because he failed to dissuade the "Eight King Kongs" before, and now he doesn't want this to happen a second time; and Li Jiyu himself has also played the trick of rebellion and knows the importance of the leader. If he loses Zhang Shun, I am afraid that the rebels who were forcibly bound together by Zhang Shun and others will disperse in a hurry.

How could Zhang Shun not know their concerns? But the arrow has to be fired when it is on the string. The officers and soldiers who encountered this encounter actually had so many cavalry. This was something that the rebels could not have expected from the beginning to the end.

Previously, when everyone learned that they were encountering a frontier army, they felt that the enemy had many cavalry, only a thousand or so at most. Everyone gathered their cavalry together. It was not that they were unable to resist, but they were just worried that the losses would be too great.

As a result, this time the opponent actually pursued two thousand fine cavalry. If they could not annihilate them in one fell swoop, the rebels might not even be able to escape. For this plan, no matter how many troops came to support the officers and soldiers on the opposite side, only by first resisting the charge of the four to five hundred cavalry and completely eating up the surrounded fifteen hundred cavalry could the threat facing the rebels be completely resolved.

Zhang Shun got angry and thought: No wonder since ancient times, the founding monarch claimed that "the destiny is mine"! If the earthen pot is not broken outside the well, the general will inevitably die in battle. If the people who raised the army and founded the country had not had destiny, they would have died in a stinky ditch long ago in the process of going through hundreds of battles.

Nowadays, everyone says that I am the True Dragon Emperor, but they don’t know how good I am as the True Dragon Emperor. If destiny is mine, I should live up to my destiny, and my life should not be cut off. If destiny were not in my hands, today would be my day of death!

If I die, everything will be over. I don’t know how Li Sanniang and the Xing family will live in the future! I don’t know how Chen Changzhen, Xiao Qinhu, Liu Cheng and others survived among the rebels! I don’t know what will happen to the two or three thousand soldiers under my command!

It's a shame that I don't have anyone under my command who can take on a big responsibility. If I die now, the only thing I can do is for the tree to fall and the hozens to scatter! Zhang Shun knew that although Liu Cheng had the greatest contribution, he had no foundation and was not close enough to him, so it would be difficult for him to hold a big position. Although Chen Changzhen was close to him and had the support of his sworn brother Xiao Qinhu, he did not have enough prestige and it was difficult to maintain himself. This power, after thinking about it, now has no one to entrust to future generations.

In this case, just leave it to fate. Even if he leaves his last words, it will be of little use and will only hurt morale needlessly.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun said nothing. He led two hundred bodyguard cavalry, Zuo Wukong and You Ji Dan, all wearing heavy armor and holding swords, and rushed towards the four to five hundred officers and soldiers.

Cavalry battles are not as mindless hedging as many people imagine. Neither party is a fool, and they know that mindless hedging will only lead to losses for both sides. There is only one life for a person, and no one wants to give up this life.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, both sides will repeatedly test and find positions before the final victory.

This time, when the four to five hundred cavalrymen saw Zhang Shun and others rushing out, they immediately took action and occupied a hillside that was conducive to charging, trying to wait for Zhang Shun and others to arrive.

Zhang Shun is so cunning, how could he be fooled? Anyway, he rushed out just to delay time. Since the other party is unwilling to engage in battle, it is best for everyone to wait for their subordinates Li Jiyu and Jiang He to complete their formation.

When the officers and soldiers on the opposite side saw that Zhang Shun did not launch an attack, they also noticed the opponent's delaying intentions, so they sent hundreds of cavalry to harass and mediate the battle. These cavalrymen were very good at shooting. They rushed to Zhang Shun's team to shoot, and launched three-eyed guns and other long-range strikes.

Neither Zhang Shun nor Ji Dan are good at long-range shooting and cannot fight back. However, some of the cavalrymen under his command are still good at archery, especially the township party brought by Chen Changzhen. Not all of them are martial arts masters who are skilled in bow and horse, and their archery skills are even better.

Therefore, Zhang Shun also led the cavalry in circles with the opponent while fighting back at the opponent. Wukong was not good at long-range attacks, just because he hit Magistrate Mengjin with a stone last time. So Zhang Shun specially made some goose egg-sized iron gall bladders for him, and specially trained them for throwing.

Unexpectedly, the effect was quite good. This guy was already very strong, and the shooting distance between the two sides was only a dozen or twenty steps, which was not particularly far. Guang Zhangshun saw with his own eyes that he threw three cavalrymen off their horses.

The other party's arrows were not good either. During the struggle between the two sides, Zhang Shun's cavalry were also shot down by the other party, killing many of their men. Several arrows even hit Zhang Shun. Fortunately, Zhang Shun's "silk body armor" was both strong and soft, of high quality, and did not cause any damage to him at all.

As Zhang Shun listened to the sound of arrows flying past his ears, he felt his adrenaline surge, his heart beat faster, and a sense of excitement rushed straight to his forehead. He couldn't wait to lead his team immediately, rush forward, and kill the opponent cleanly.

Fortunately, Zhang Shun still had reason. He knew clearly that if he really rushed over this time, the remaining three to four hundred people of the opponent would seize the opportunity to fight with the opponent's 100 people and charge forward. Caught off guard.

The two sides struggled for a while, each suffering some casualties. However, because Zhang Shun's personal guards were relatively elite and outnumbered their opponents, the opponent's hundred cavalry fell into a disadvantage, and more cavalry were shot down by Zhang Shun's personal guards.

Seeing that these hundred people were at a disadvantage, the officer on the opposite side was not in a hurry to send people to assist. Instead, he saw from a distance that Jiang He and Li Jiyu under Zhang Shun were about to complete their formation, and felt that he could not wait any longer.

Therefore, he ordered three hundred cavalry to be sent out to harass Jiang He and Li Jiyu's troops.

Zhang Shun saw it from a distance and couldn't help being shocked. This was exactly what he was worried about. As a result, the opponent took advantage of the small amount of cavalry to involve themselves and others, and sent most of the cavalry to harass their own infantry formation.

Thanks to fans "Liu Xuande Resurrection" for the reward, the protagonist said, thank you Uncle Liu Huang for lending me the power of benevolence and righteousness! Thanks

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