Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 195 Border Army (6)

His side had few cavalry and the other side had many cavalry. Since the other side divided its troops, Zhang Shun had no choice but to divide his troops to deal with it.

Zhang Shun made a prompt decision and ordered: "Wukong! You and your hundred cavalry will do whatever it takes to stop the other party's cavalry from attacking our infantry!"

Wukong couldn't help but was stunned when he heard this, and asked strangely: "I'm leaving, what will you do, master? Now I don't have Bajie and Junior Brother Sha!"

Zhang Shun didn't want to joke with him, so he immediately shouted: "Stop talking nonsense and obey the order immediately!"

Upon hearing this, Wukong frowned, then turned his horse and led more than a hundred cavalry under his command to rush towards the 300 cavalry who were preparing to attack the infantry under Jiang He and Li Jiyu, interfering with the opponent's attack.

As soon as Wukong and others left, the pressure on Zhang Shun's side suddenly increased. There were originally more than 200 riders versus the opponent's more than 100 riders. Now that both sides have similar military strength, they are unable to do anything to each other for a while and have to entangle each other.

When the officers and soldiers saw Zhang Shun's hundreds of cavalry trying to stop his more than 300 cavalry, they sneered and said with a smile: "The mantis arm is just a chariot!"

Unexpectedly, Wukong was extremely skilled in martial arts, and was able to fight both near and far. When the two sides were confronting each other, Wukong danced with the thirty-six kilogram iron rod in his hand like a tiger in the wind. If he touched it, he would die. No matter whether he was a man or a horse, he would fall to the side. He was invincible.

More than 300 officers and men and cavalry were overwhelmed by his momentum and did not dare to fight with him. But when the two sides started fighting, the officers and soldiers could not take advantage. Wukong holds the iron rod in his left hand and grabs the iron gall in his right hand. He throws one at a time without missing a beat.

The horse that Wukong sat on was dead from exhaustion, so he hurriedly walked dozens of steps to catch up with an ownerless horse, turned over and jumped on the horse, and continued to fight.

Only then did someone react and shouted: "Shoot the horse first before shooting the man. This man is fierce and difficult to control. Kill his mount first and then his man!"

Immediately, others heard the words and shot at Wukong's horse. Before Wukong could react, they shot the horse that Wukong was sitting on like a hedgehog. Even Wukong had countless stabbings on his body.

Thanks to the silk and iron armor plan that Zhang Shun came up with, so many arrows could barely penetrate Wukong's armor. Wukong didn't even grab the arrow stuck in his body. Instead, like a giant hedgehog, he used his two legs to lead his cavalry towards the opponent's cavalry.

Since ancient times, how can there be any reason for a person to control riding by foot? Seeing this, the government cavalry couldn't help but get excited. They quickly turned their horses and rushed towards Wukong, trying to kill him on the spot.

Unexpectedly, Wukong ran more than ten steps away from the officers and soldiers, waved his right hand twice, and shot down the two cavalry in front of him. Then, he rushed to the horse that had lost its cavalry. Without waiting for others to attack, Wukong grabbed the horse's tail with one hand and got on the horse.

In this way, Wukong rode his horse and kept pace with the charging officers and soldiers, galloping in the same direction. Wukong took the opportunity to adjust the distance between his horse and the officers and soldiers around him, and swung the iron rod left and right to kill the officers and soldiers accompanying him.

Although these cavalry are far apart from each other, in order to maintain the integrity of the formation, most of them try to keep the left and right distances as far as possible to avoid causing disturbances in the team. After Wukong's torment, the group of officers and soldiers suddenly became frightened and hid one after another.

As a result, the one on the left disrupted the formation on the left, and the one on the right disrupted the formation on the right. So many people were helpless!

However, there were only seventy or eighty cavalry left by Wukong. After confronting the government cavalry, he rushed behind the government cavalry. Seeing that the officers and soldiers were in chaos, they couldn't help but be overjoyed. Without Wukong's personal command, they immediately turned their horses and charged towards the group of cavalry from behind.

The remaining 100 long-distance cavalrymen were originally led by officers and sat firmly in the middle of the army. Unexpectedly, the situation on the battlefield was unpredictable. In a moment, his three hundred elite cavalry were messed up by a "rogue bandit" with more than a hundred cavalry.

At the beginning, the officer was still in the mood to joke: "There are such fierce warriors among thieves and bandits! What a pity! Time is also destiny, so you should die here!"

Unexpectedly, Wukong killed the formation of officers and soldiers with one person. Instead, the rebels seized the opportunity and launched a charge and surprise attack on the cavalry of the officers and soldiers.

This officer is also a decisive person. When he saw this, he couldn't help but said angrily: "There is nothing better than this when a trapped beast still fights! You follow me and charge for a while, kill this warrior, and win the battle!"

Upon hearing this, the men and horses under his command couldn't help but echoed: "Behead this warrior to sacrifice the victory!" After saying this, they all followed the officer and charged towards the back of the rebel cavalry who had killed more than 300 cavalry.

At this time, Zhang Shun was entangled with more than a hundred riders who were entangled with him, while watching and listening in all directions. He observed the battle situation around him from a distance, but he did not expect that Wukong could achieve such a great success, nor did he expect that the enemy officer would be so decisive and seize the opportunity in an instant, intending to kill Wukong and others.

Zhang Shun knew very well that even if Wukong was invincible, once more than a hundred of his cavalry were defeated and he was alone and surrounded by more than 400 government cavalry, he would still be devastated on the spot! But currently, there is no team that can support Wukong on the battlefield. What should we do?

What's more, it is hateful that Wukong died alone, but what makes Zhang Shun even more anxious is that once Wukong is defeated, Li Jiyu and Jiang He have not yet completed their formations, and they will inevitably be defeated by the officers and soldiers. Then the officers and soldiers took the opportunity to attack from both sides and took advantage of the situation to defeat himself and Xing Honglang's troops. Not only did the besieged officers and soldiers escape, but he and others would also die without a burial place today!

It's too late, but it's soon. Zhang Shun made a decisive decision and shouted: "Ji Dan, please bring more than fifty cavalry to entangle the officers and soldiers here. The rest of them will look at my flag and charge with me!"

On such a battlefield, and it was a cavalry battle, there was no battle flag prepared. Where did this flag come from?

Zhang Shun stretched out his left hand to take off the red cloak from behind, and stretched out his right hand to pull out the steel mace from his waist. Then he gave the mace to one of his left hands and wrapped it in a red cloak.

Zhang Shun raised the mace in his left hand high, and the red cloak wrapped around it fluttered in the wind. It was a red flag charging to the death!

At this moment, Zhang Shun didn't have any reserves left, and he didn't even have a strong general around him. It is impossible for Ji Dan's fifty or so cavalry to be entangled with the opponent's more than one hundred cavalry for a long time, and now he only has the short time that Ji Dan has forcibly snatched away. With just one blow, either you die or I die!

It turns out that at the last moment of despair, Zhang Shun suddenly became blessed, like a divine help. He was keenly aware that the officer who made the final charge was none other than the current commander-in-chief of the officers and soldiers.

Judging from his commanding ability and various methods, it is beyond the reach of ordinary officers. Now if I want to solve this dilemma, I only need to kill this person, and all the problems will be solved.

It's just that I, a monarch who has never personally charged into battle, can he really kill such a veteran?

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