Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 198 Border Army (9)

Zhang Shunfei passed by the enemy general on the wrong horse. He ignored the nausea and shouted excitedly: "The enemy general is dead, surrender quickly! Those who abandon the army will not be killed, and those who resist will be killed!"

Only then did the personal guards under the enemy general Li Bi react and couldn't help crying: "General!" "General officer!"

It didn't matter that they were crying, everyone immediately knew the news of the death of General Li Bi. Some people immediately abandoned their weapons and surrendered, some turned their horses and ran away, and some were furious and tried to rush up and kill Zhang Shun. , to avenge his own general.

Zhang Shun, who had just killed the enemy general and general with his own hands, suddenly saw twenty or thirty cavalrymen surrounding him before he could take a breath.

Zhang Shun was shocked when he saw this. He turned his horse's head and ran to one side, while switching the mace from his left hand to his right hand. He didn't care about the blood on the mace. He just found an opportunity while running, pulled the reins sharply, slowed down the horse, and turned the horse to the right. After dodging the swords and guns of many cavalrymen who were desperately pursuing him, he shot down an enemy cavalryman with his backhand.

At this time, Zhang Shun turned around and saw that following him were a white-robed general and a black-robed warrior. These two men were all dressed as personal guards under their own command. They were each riding a horse and carrying a spear. They were dancing like flowers and fighting together with the enemy. In an instant, each of them picked off a member of his horse to chase down his own cavalry.

Zhang Shun couldn't help being overjoyed when he saw this, and quickly asked loudly: "What do you call these two heroic generals? It's not the hero who saved my life just now!"

The black-robed general heard the voice and responded: "I am Li You of Huaiqing Mansion, and the cousin of your sworn brother Chen Changzhen!"

When the white-robed general heard the voice, he responded: "I am Li Xin of Huaiqing Mansion, and I am your bodyguard! Chen Changzhen was my cousin, and Li You was my cousin! I was relatively close to the lord just now, so I dared to call for him. Blocked the enemy general's spear."

Zhang Shun couldn't help but feel happy after hearing this, and quickly said: "Chen Changzhen is my sworn brother. The two of them are not only the eldest brother, but also my two brothers! If it weren't for the two guards, I would have died here today!"

Everyone carried the sedan chair, and Zhang Shun spoke pleasantly. Although the two brothers kept saying "I don't dare", they were also happy in their hearts. The two men caught up and rushed back to protect Zhang Shun.

The servants of General Li Bi were unwilling to give up and tried to pursue them again, but Li You and Li Xin turned around and shot two more of them. The arrows they shot at Zhang Shun and others were either dodged by Li You and Li Xin, or blocked by Zhang Shun waving the cloak in his hand, but they were unable to hurt any of them.

When the enemy got closer, Zhang Shun, under the protection of these two men, turned his horse and charged, and then left, killing the twenty or thirty servants under Li Bi's command until they lost their temper.

Seeing that Zhang Shun was about to reunite with his personal guards, these people had no choice but to do anything. They couldn't help but stamp their feet and beat their chests, wailing: "If the first warrior under the commander-in-chief is still there, how can this thief be allowed to be so arrogant!"

It turns out that Li Bi has a fierce general who is very skilled in martial arts and is best at charging into battle. The result was unexpected. While patrolling outside the camp, Zhenghe met Chen Changzhen.

This talented man was so bold that he tried to kill Chen Changzhen and other scouts to avoid leaking information about the camp. The end result was that his skills were inferior to those of his peers, and he was stabbed to death on the spot by Chen Changzhen with a spear.

As a result, Li Bi, the commander-in-chief, failed at every step and was killed by Zhang Shun and others because of the lack of warriors to protect him. This was how Zhang Shun's battle to establish his power took place.

It is said that after Zhang Shun and his guards reunited, they immediately dispersed the enemy cavalry that besieged Wukong and Ji Dan. That Wukong was better, even though he was covered in blood, it was basically the blood of his enemies; while Ji Dan was not good at martial arts and only relied on brute force, and he was injured in many places, but fortunately Zhang Shun gave him His life was saved because of his excellent armor.

At this time, the enemy's 500 fine cavalry had already fled and many of them died, and nearly 200 cavalry had surrendered. Zhang Shun didn't know how the battle was going in the valley, so he boldly enlisted them under his command. If the battle went against him, he would just lead them to fight together. Anyway, the cavalry of the two armies were facing each other, and the opponent's swords and guns would not recognize his own people!

As a result, apart from the casualties, Zhang Shun's troops instantly expanded from 200 to 300 fine cavalry.

At this time, Jiang He and Li Jiyu had already formed their formation, but found that there were no more enemies to block. When they saw Zhang Shun covered in blood, their faces turned red and they were so ashamed that they could not raise their heads.

Zhang Shun did not criticize them harshly, but comforted them: "The only way to use troops is speed. Just practice more in the future and speed up the formation. Now the fighting in the valley is intense. You should change the front team to the rear team and prepare to meet Zhang San." 100. Wei Congyi is the one."

The fighting on Zhang Shun's side was thrilling, but the fighting in the valley was fierce. After all, face to face, sword to sword, both sides have very few strategies available, only a bloody fight.

Zhang Shun stepped forward and saw that Zhang Sanbai and Wei Congyi had also turned into two bloody men. He didn't know how many soldiers they had lost, but they still fought to the death. Zhang Sanbai even took a breath and shouted that he wanted to charge forward again.

Zhang Shun was afraid that his men and soldiers would suffer too many losses, so he quickly dragged Zhang Sanbai back in person. Seeing that he was covered in blood, Zhang Sanbai thought he was a soldier under his command, and couldn't help but cursed: "How dare you stop me, you courageless man? Listen to my order and rush up with me to kill him. If there is even the slightest bit of cowardice, I will kill him without mercy!" "

Zhang Shun heard this and said with a smile: "General Zhang is so murderous! The enemy general is dead, so there is no need to make unnecessary sacrifices!"

When Zhang Sanbai heard that it was Zhang Shun's voice, he realized that he had recognized the wrong person. He blushed for a moment and shouted "General", but he didn't know how to respond.

Zhang Shun did not criticize his general who dared to charge into the battle. Instead, he patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "Let's rest for a while and see what my methods are like!"

After speaking, Zhang Shun ordered people to carry Li Bi's body over, then picked it up with an iron gun, showed it to the besieged frontier cavalry, and shouted: "Your general is dead, surrender immediately." , to avoid today's misfortune. If not, we will all be buried in this valley!"

As a result, Zhang Shun's expected enemies knelt down and surrendered but did not appear. On the contrary, many frontier soldiers saw Li Bi's body and couldn't help crying loudly: "What's wrong with the general? He was poisoned by a traitor! Now I am dead. I swear to avenge the general!"

Then, these border troops launched an even more frantic attack on Zhang Shun's location, trying to recapture Li Bi's body. Zhang Sanbai glanced at Zhang Shun and said nothing. He had no choice but to grab the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand and charge forward with others.

Zhang Shun was a little embarrassed when he saw this, but fortunately, he was quite thick-skinned and didn't feel very embarrassed. He just shouted sternly: "Li Shi'an, pull our 'golden cannon' over and send them on their way as soon as possible!"

The vigorous encounter in Yangcheng is coming to an end. This time, the well-developed protagonist has truly met the powerful soldiers of this era. The author doesn't know whether he wrote about the bravery of the Ming Dynasty frontier army. Many people have misunderstandings about the army in the late Ming Dynasty. They always think that when the Ming Dynasty fought against the Hou Jin Dynasty, they suffered repeated defeats. They think that the Ming Dynasty's army was poor. In fact, this is an illusion. The so-called Eight Banners at that time was just a replica of the well-fed frontier army of the late Ming Dynasty. During the long-term tug-of-war between the two sides, Hou Jin also suffered a lot. Nurhachi had one hundred thousand troops when he started his career (recorded in old Manchu archives). Even after many times of plundering and replenishing wild Jurchen men, by the fifth year of Shunzhi, the number of Manchu men was only about 55,000. The missing person in the middle is obviously not a statistical error by Houjin.

However, the problems of the Ming Dynasty were the corruption of the system and the lack of food and pay. Firstly, the frontier troops were seriously underpaid. Secondly, the ability to coordinate large-scale operations was poor, and combat effectiveness was inversely proportional to the total number of soldiers. Therefore, this created a very unfriendly situation for the peasant army. If the peasant army cannot withstand the attack of a general soldier alone, it will not be able to gain a foothold; however, if it wants to withstand the attack of a general soldier, it often requires the peasant army to gain a foothold and formalize the army. This is also one of the reasons why the peasant uprisings in the late Ming Dynasty were so powerful but often failed to take off.

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