Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 199 Border Army (10)

The "Golden Cannon" was heavier and had just been transported into the formation by Li Shi'an. After hearing Zhang Shun's order, he immediately ordered the "golden cannon" to be loaded with shotshells, so that everyone worked together to push it to the front of the formation.

Although this "Flying Iron Cannon" method greatly speeds up transportation, it is ineffective in releasing shotguns in front of the advancing formation. Because Zhang Shun did not dare to let five or six mules pull the artillery through the gaps in the formation. If the mules were frightened and disrupted the formation, they would be in big trouble.

With great difficulty, everyone pushed the thing, which weighed two thousand kilograms, to the front of the position, and then lit the artillery fire at the defensive officers and soldiers.

The border troops in Yulin Town have been fighting against captives all year round. Apart from using firearms against others themselves, they rarely encounter situations where the enemy uses firearms against themselves.

When they saw a huge-caliber artillery piece coming out of Zhang Shun's team, they couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

Before they could react, a huge cannon sounded, like a thunderbolt from the blue, deafening. Such a huge noise stunned both the enemy and ourselves on the battlefield, and the battlefield could not help but become silent.

His ears were buzzing from the cannon, but he still hadn't come back to his senses. Zhang Shun heard a mess of heart-rending cries, wails, and moans coming from the formation of officers and soldiers on the opposite side, and then a strong bloody smell hit his face, choking Zhang Shun and others.

After the smoke finally cleared, Zhang Shun was shocked by the hell on earth in front of him. I saw that the area of ​​more than a hundred steps in front of the artillery was completely empty. Both men and horses were beaten to a bloody pulp and fell to the ground.

Especially the ones that were closer, they were basically smashed into pieces, and the flesh, bones and soil were all mixed together, turning into black and red mud. There were some fragments of armor and cloth mixed in the mud, and it was already difficult to tell which was a human and which was a war horse.

Further away, there is a corpse that has been beaten like a sieve. The general shape is complete, but the human shape has long been lost. Only single holes can be seen on the corpse, bleeding everywhere.

Further away, there are relatively normal corpses scattered around, and there are often many injured people rolling next to these corpses. They were holding their stomachs, grabbing their arms, or holding their heads, twisting in pain and feeling worse than death for a while.

Seeing this scene, both the enemy and the enemy felt a spasm in their stomachs, and they couldn't help but hunched over and vomited on the spot, almost vomiting out all the food they had eaten last night.

Although Zhang Shun has experienced many scenes of shotgun bombardment, he thinks that his ability to accept it has improved a lot. At this time, I just felt a wave of food trying to come up. He endured the discomfort in his stomach, but shouted with a ferocious expression: "I have ten of these 'golden cannons' under my command. If you resist to the end, you will all become minced meat!"

As soon as Zhang Shung finished saying the word "minced meat", he felt a rush in his stomach and quickly kept silent for fear of making a fool of himself in public and losing his momentum.

When the others heard the word "minced meat", their stomachs that had just finished vomiting couldn't help but tumble again, and they retched again and a bunch of sour water came out. There was no fighting ability at all!

It turns out that shotgun shooting is different from live ammunition shooting. A larger caliber and a more appropriate magnification will multiply the power of the shotgun. Large-caliber artillery such as the "Golden Cannon" was specially strengthened for shooting shotguns. Its caliber was five inches, which was approximately between 155mm and 160mm in later generations. It was extremely bloody.

After a single shot, almost no creature in the cone in front of the muzzle had any chance of survival.

The frontier army, which had been resolute in resisting, suddenly suffered such a blow, and its formation was instantly torn apart by Zhang Shun's artillery. Then about a hundred elite soldiers lost their lives in an instant, including both men and horses. This was simply unimaginable for soldiers in the cold weapon era.

They looked at the bloody scene in front of the two armies, and suddenly the elites of Baizhan also lost their courage. The two groups were fighting, wanting to escape but not being able to escape, wanting to fight but not daring to fight. These Yulin elites had no choice but to weaken at the knees, discarding their weapons, lying on the ground, and shouted shamefully: "Lord of Hell, spare your life, I am willing to surrender!"

At this time, Zhang Shuncai breathed a sigh of relief and motioned to Wei Congyi, Zhang Sanbai and others to lead people over to accept the surrender.

As a result, Wei Congyi, Zhang Sanbai and others also fought with each other and did not dare to step forward. These two ruthless men were frightened by Zhang Shun's tactics and were at a loss for a moment.

Zhang Shun didn't know that these two people had been frightened. He saw that the two of them were dumbfounded, completely unaware that this was the time to snatch prisoners and equipment, and he couldn't help but get angry. He stepped forward and kicked Wei Congyi and Zhan Sanbai respectively.

Only then did the two men come to their senses, and they quickly encouraged their soldiers with kicks and beatings. They fearfully walked around the "Shura Field" in front of them, went to capture the prisoners, and select and equip the horses.

It wasn't until Zhang Shun's men and horses rushed over to close the battlefield that Xing Honglang and others over there reacted. It turned out that this group of rebels had rarely seen such a tragic and bloody scene, and their performance was even worse. It took them a long time to recover.

However, they were scared out of their wits by Zhang Shun's artillery. They dared Zhang Shun's men to snatch prisoners, equipment and horses. Suddenly, each of them turned into a "moral model" and "courtesy of others". Some people even refused to compete with Zhang Shun's men, but instead nodded and bowed, and politely asked, "If you can trust us, we can also help you buy and take care of prisoners, trophies and other items!"

At first, Wei Congyi and Zhang Sanbai suspected that they were trying to deceive them and did not dare to let them take over. It wasn't until they made many sincere requests that they reluctantly agreed to give it a try and handed over some unimportant things to their care.

As a result, these rebels kept their word and fulfilled their promises, without confiscating any of their prisoners or belongings.

When Wei Congyi and Zhang Sanbai saw this, they felt very ashamed, ashamed that they had "judged the heart of a gentleman with a villain's heart." So they learned their shame and became brave, and worked harder to capture the officers and soldiers. Later, they even saw that the officers and soldiers had low eyebrows and were so honest that they couldn't bear to let them idle.

So Wei Congyi and Zhang Sanbai simply ordered them to hold their mounts and go to the prisoner's location to gather, while they and others gathered the weapons in their hands. As a result, these people were very obedient, greatly speeding up the rebel army's cleanup of the battlefield.

Although Xing Honglang did not participate in "cleaning the battlefield," the "Purple Gold Liang" department was not idle. As a result, after the two sides met, the battlefield was basically "cleaned up."

Both sides counted the number of people, and Zhang Shun captured more than 400 people, 500 horses, and countless weapons and armors in addition to the 200 cavalry originally captured. And the "Purple Golden Liang" also captured more than 600 riders, which greatly increased his strength, and he was suddenly happy from ear to ear.

But when Xing Honglang saw that both of them had benefited greatly, and that only he had lost his troops and lost his generals, his work was in vain, so he quit.

Thank you to fan "Infantry Xiao Ye" for the large reward and fan "10:49" for multiple consecutive large rewards. Thank you all for your full support!

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