Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 202 Yuanqu (Part 1)

Zhang Shun and others followed the second master "Purple Gold Liang" and worshiped the first master Wang Jiayin honestly.

It was late winter, the cold wind was howling, and the vegetation was withered, adding to the desolate scene. Zhang Shun looked at a simple little earthen bun in front of him, and inexplicably remembered a poem: "Even if there is a thousand-year iron threshold, there must be a earthen bun in the end!"

No matter how majestic you were, how wealthy you were, how arrogant and domineering you were during your lifetime, wouldn't you still have to be a "steamed bun trap" here in the end?

After experiencing the previous desperate fight, and experiencing many life and death, separation and reunification, Zhang Shun suddenly became less afraid of death.

When people die, they must die eventually. Even if they love it, hate it, fear it, and fear it, it will still be ruthless. In this case, why should we care about it anymore?

Zhang Shun finished his emotion, but did not forget the business. Taking advantage of everyone's unpreparedness, Zhang Shun secretly left an old pawn behind and asked him to contact Liu Yinggui of Sheng Wang Ping and ask Liu Yinggui to inform Shun Wang Ping of preparations as soon as possible. To avoid turning back and bumping into the "Purple Golden Beam" and exposing the camp.

On the second day, "Zijinliang" and others indeed followed the path to Shun Wangping, which gave Zhang Shun a bad premonition.

As a result, at night, "Zijinliang" and others happened to arrive at a three-way intersection heading to Shunwangping. This place is surprisingly only more than ten miles away from Shunwangping. If everyone in Shunwangping is interested, they can see the rebel team at the bottom of the mountain if they look down the mountain.

In fact, Zhang Shun thought that he was right. When they were camping on the bank of Xiyang River at the foot of the mountain, the red lady was looking down the mountain to where Zhang Shun was.

When Ma Yingniang saw her and several people looking around on the mountain, she pretended to be curious and ran up to look down the mountain. As a result, all we could see at the bottom of the mountain were ant-like soldiers and tents the size of copper coins. How could we tell where Zhang Shun was?

Ma Yingniang couldn't help but asked strangely: "What are you doing here, sister? You can't see anything at the foot of the mountain!"

The red lady knew what she was thinking, so she smiled and said: "I got the news overnight yesterday, and I made all the arrangements in vain. I was not allowed to rest. I never thought that this heartless person would pass through the door without entering. I really think that I am Dayu who controls floods!"

As the saying goes, "If the name is not right, the words will not go well." Ma Yingniang was speechless and had to retreat.

In the afternoon of the next day, "Zijin Liang", Zhang Shun and others rushed to Lishan Town. Lishan Town is located on the bank of Xiyun River and at the foot of Lishan Mountain. The local area is a small basin and is relatively wealthy. "Zijinliang" and Xing Honglang originally planned to plunder this place.

Zhang Shun quickly stopped them and said: "Yuanqu County is not far from here. If we stay here for one night, I'm afraid someone will report to the county magistrate. Then it will be difficult for us to attack the city again! It's not like that" To catch the enemy unawares and attack them unprepared', march all night to capture this city and then rest without hesitation!"

This "Purple Golden Liang" was also well versed in the art of war, and immediately felt that Zhang Shun's proposal was very good, so he gave up his plan to rest in Lishan Town, but subconsciously ignored the question of why Zhang Shun knew the route here.

The old Taoist priest Qi Xu was moved in his heart, and he had some speculations about Zhang Shun's move. However, there was too little information, and this copy of the book was his own "owner", so how could he try to undermine Zhang Shun?

Therefore, the rebels simply abandoned Lishan Town and went directly down the Xiyun River to attack Yuanqu County.

This Yuanqu County seat was not the seat of Yuanqu County in later generations, but near the ancient town of Yuanqu County in later generations.

The city is located on a highland at the intersection of three rivers, with the Boqing River on the left, the Xiyun River on the right, and the Yellow River in the south. Only the north can be passed, but it is a hilly terrain.

There is an important place in the north, guarding the main road and guarding the Yuanqu, called South Fort Head. The South Fort Head is also located on a high wall with steep terrain and a fortress. If the rebels want to attack Yuanqu County in one fell swoop, they must first capture the South Fort Head.

The rebel detective's understanding was reported to "Purple Gold Liang", Zhang Shun, Xing Honglang and Jiutiaolong. It's just that among these four people, the Nine Dragons were defeated and suffered heavy losses; and Xing Honglang and "Purple Gold Liang" were not good at infantry and siege, so everyone had to look at Zhang Shun.

It stands to reason that Zhang Shun had contributed a lot in the previous campaign, so it was not Zhang Shun's turn to attack the city. However, the other infantry were worse. For a night attack like this, non-elite troops would not be able to do it, so they had to trouble Zhang Shun's team again.

In fact, others have overlooked one point. Compared with others, Zhang Shun's team is better at night fighting.

It turns out that in this era, many people suffered from night blindness and were unable to fight at night. The main reason is too little meat product intake and serious lack of vitamin A. It happened that Zhang Shun's team caught a lot of fish in Shengwangping last time, which not only supplemented protein, but also cured many people's night blindness, killing two birds with one stone.

However, Zhang Shun himself was too confused to notice this matter. He just arranged for everyone to rest for half the night, and then led the team to steal the city at midnight.

The main force in stealing the city this time is Zhang Sanbai. Zhang Sanbai has fought bravely and performed brilliantly in these few battles. He is also a lonely minister who has no heel, so he is suitable for vigorous training.

As for the assistance of other troops, once the siege fails, Li Shian's artillery will assist. After everything was arranged, Zhang ordered Zhang Sanbai to go steal the city.

Although the terrain of Yuanqu County is good, it has been slack since it has not been exposed to war for a long time. In the previous episode, the "Zijinliang" and other rebels were raging in Zezhou, and Yuanqu County, which was across the mountain, was also on tight alert for a while. However, seeing that the rebels had no intention of coming, they relaxed again.

As a result, no one was keeping vigil at an important place like Nanbaotou. Even Zhang Sanbai who climbed up the high wall was surprised. Feeling that I and others have been working in vain for half the night, it would be better to attack through the main entrance quickly.

Zhang Sanbai was a brave man and he simply led his soldiers to climb over the city wall and open the gate without notifying Zhang Shun. Then he sent someone to notify Zhang Shun to bring the main force up, while he led his troops to fight in.

By the time Zhang Shun personally led the cavalry and galloped over to support, the battle in the fort was already over.

Zhang Shun was afraid of losing Zhang Sanbai, a promising general. As a result, the guards in the fort were just some strong men recruited by the county magistrate. They were not equipped with swords, guns, swords and halberds. How could they deal with such wolves and tigers? Zhang Sanbai and others?

Seeing Zhang Sanbai's ferocious attitude, they quickly abandoned their weapons and surrendered in order to prevent the other party's ferocity from being aroused. As a result, Zhang Sanbai won without a fight and captured the entire fort.

Although Zhang Shun gave a false alarm, he couldn't help but lectured Zhang Sanbai a few words: "Soldiers are dangerous, but they can win absolutely, so why take risks? The way to be a general is to underestimate the enemy. Once you predict it, If you make a mistake, won’t you risk your own death?”

Zhang Shun killed the officers and soldiers in two formations, greatly defeating the officers and soldiers, and his reputation was booming. Although Zhang Sanbai was not convinced, he did not dare to offend Zhang Shun, so he could only listen to the reprimand honestly.

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