Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 203 Yuanqu (Part 2)

With the Nanbao head destroyed, Yuanqu County is like a weak woman who has taken off her armor, with basically no power to resist.

At this time, Xing Honglang and Jiu Tiaolong also became excited, and quickly asked "Purple Gold Liang": "'Optimus Prime' has done a great job in breaking through the South Fort Head. Can you allow his troops to rest for a while? I am willing to do it for you." The leaders share their worries and work together to defeat this county!"

Although "Purple Golden Liang" did not have Zhang Shun's power-playing methods, at least he instinctively felt that Zhang Shun's reputation had recently risen, and he showed his sharpness and aggressiveness. This made him feel quite fearful, so he took the opportunity to agree to their request.

Zhang Shun's subordinates were quite dissatisfied when they saw that he and others had chewed the bones and let others eat the meat. In particular, Wei Congyi scolded: "What kind of thief dares to call him the leader of the Thirty-sixth Battalion? We respect him as a leader, but he himself has no shame. In my opinion, if we find an opportunity to kill him, our lord will also sit down Take the position of leader!"

Seeing this, Li Xin quickly tried to persuade him: "Be careful what you say, be careful what you say! I'll wait."

"You young man, what do you mean by calling Mr. Zhang's name? How can you be so disrespectful of the old and the young!" Wukong interjected after hearing this.

Li Xin almost choked to death at his words. It turns out that at this time of year, people are usually addressed by their names but not by their names. Even the elders are given honorific titles such as "Gong" and "Lao".

Not only was Zhang Shenyan older, but he was also the right minister of the Ministry of Punishment of the third rank, and Zhang Shun also called him "Yafu". The two even had an "unknown relationship". How could Li Xin dare to offend this person?

Li Xin quickly bowed to Zhang Shenyan and said, "Yan Rui made a mistake and made a mistake for Mr. Zhang!"

Zhang Shenyan, on the other hand, was cool and unrestrained, and did not care about this unintentional mistake. He just smiled and said: "Why is it like this? I am an old man and I am not an emperor or a general. How can I avoid such a taboo?"

"I think what you said is true. General Wei, now that the general is living under someone else's roof, he must not speak rudely, lest he bring undue disaster to his lord!"

Originally, Zhang Shenyan didn't want to get involved in the bad things happening under Zhang Shun, but he was dragged into it by Wukong's words. In order to appease Li Xin, I had to echo a few words.

How could Wei Congyi be convinced? He was about to argue with Zhang Shenyan. Zhang Shun saw that it would be unreasonable to continue making trouble. Then he said: "It's just a trivial matter, why bother to go online! It's just a county. Who is fighting or not fighting, what's the big deal?"

"What's more, everyone got up early in the middle of the night and worked hard to capture the South Fort. It's a great achievement, but it's also quite exhausting. Why not let the rebel brothers do the work for you?"

Zhang Shun spoke righteously, but he smiled in his heart: "Wei Congyi is cunning and repetitious, only following profit, but he is indeed a man without any scheming, and he refuses to suffer even the slightest loss. If his power is inferior to others, and his mouth refuses to be soft, sooner or later something will happen. "

"I have the right to write down all the previous actions of this 'Purple Gold Liang'. If you don't find a chance for me, that's all. If it falls into my hands someday, I will pay you back in full!"

Not to mention how Zhang Shun recorded the "Purple Gold Liang" black record in his mind, Xing Honglang and Jiu Tiaolong led the team and entered the unsuspecting city with ease. As a result, some troubles occurred during the attack on the government office.

The county magistrate here turned out to be somewhat capable. In his panic, he worried the government officials and servants, but he actually resisted for a moment, causing some losses to Xing Honglang and Jiutiaolong. But in a hurry and with a weak force, Xing Honglang and Jiu Tiaolong quickly killed the government servants and slaves and captured the Yuanqu County magistrate alive.

After Zhang Shun entered the city, he was surprised to find that the county magistrate was not killed.

In fact, Zhang Shun used himself to save others. Every time Zhang Shun conquered a city, he liked to punish corrupt officials, landlords and bullies, etc., to frighten the young people. And by the way, they collected their property and materials for military use.

On the other hand, "Purple Gold Liang" is the opposite. Whenever he enters a city, he often likes to harm the local people, but he is quite polite to the officials in power. Firstly, it will make it easier for him to recruit people in the future, and secondly, subconsciously, he still thinks that these people are Wenqu stars who have descended to earth, and they feel inferior to others.

When "Purple Gold Liang" entered the county government, the magistrate of Yuanqu County was so frightened that he was shaking like chaff. "Zijin Liang" only had to signal his men to clamp their necks with swords and axes, and the man peed his pants in fear, knelt down and shouted loudly, "I surrender, I surrender!"

"Purple Gold Liang" quickly helped him up and said with a smile: "You should be punished with death for disturbing the old man! Now we are all a family, there is no need to panic, old man!"

After finishing speaking, they arranged for someone to take the county magistrate to rest and change his clothes. It turned out that this person was as timid as a mouse and had already peed his pants in fear. Zhang Shunli smelled the smell of urine from afar, but in order to save this person's face, no one mentioned it to his face.

Everyone worked for a long time before clearing out the resistance forces in the city and arranging soldiers to garrison them. When everyone finished their work, it was dawn. At this time, "Zijin Liang" remembered the county magistrate, and sent someone to invite him to have breakfast with him.

As a result, "Zi Jinliang", Zhang Shun and others waited for a while, and suddenly saw the soldiers running back to ask for help, shouting in panic: "Second Master, it's not good, the county magistrate here hanged himself!"

Zhang Shun was also shocked when he heard this. As expected, the "Purple Gold Liang" couldn't believe it when he heard this and said: "This person is as timid as a mouse. He has already surrendered. How dare he do such a thing?"

The soldier hesitated after hearing this, and then reported: "Actually, this man has a suicide note here!"

"Zijinliang" heard this and quickly took it and took a look. After looking at it for a long time, he sighed: "I won't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me!"

Zhang incidentally took it from "Zijinliang" and took a look, only to see the letter written:

After ten years of hardship, one can rise to the top in one day. I have never been a parent official, but I only wish to die and show my true heart! I really don’t want to die, I really want to die! Fame, wealth and wealth are all in the dust, and the elders and elders in their hometown have forgotten their return.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but smile after reading it. He felt that this letter was very tragic. A timid and cowardly scholar finally got into the imperial examination and served as an official for one term. It cannot benefit one party, but becomes a corrupt official.

After the rebels came, he surrendered in fear of death. Unexpectedly, when he returned to his residence, he thought about it and realized that if he didn't die, his family and relatives would probably end badly. So, he mustered up the last bit of courage and hanged himself in the bedroom.

Zhang Shun could not comment on the rights and wrongs of it. He just suggested to "Purple Gold Liang": "Since this person is dead, let's bury him!"

After "Zijinliang" agreed, he suddenly asked: "This Ming Dynasty refuses to surrender even a single corrupt official to us, how can we get along in the future?"

Xing Honglang and Jiu Tiaolong, two rough guys, couldn't make any sense. Zhang Shun knew that "Purple Gold Liang" was asking himself, so he smiled and said: "There are only three strategies: surrender, death, and counterattack. Now we want to surrender but can't, so we can only sit back and wait for death and counterattack to the end. The second master thinks how?"

Thank you to fans "151226215053030" and fan "10:49" for their tips, especially "10:49" for tipping the author many times. I feel a bit ashamed and undeserved.

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