Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 204 Determination

Zhang Shun's analysis confirmed the "Purple Gold Liang's" rebellion. He couldn't help but agree: "What Optimus Prime said is true. Since the government doesn't give us a way to survive, we will rebel against his mother and turn the world upside down. This life is not in vain! Is it just a plan?"

Zhang Shun did not expect that this "Purple Gold Liang" would ask him for advice, so he thought about it for a while and replied: "I have two strategies, one to leave and one to stay. I wonder which strategy the second master would like to choose?"

"Why stay and leave?"

"As soon as we leave, we will fight if we can beat them, and if we can't beat them, we will leave. We have no fixed place, just like the herdsmen in Saibei. It's just that the herdsmen herd on the grassland, and we herd all over the world!"

"As soon as you stay, you find a place to settle down and establish a foundation. Rule the people internally and control the officers and soldiers externally. If you advance, you will seize the world, if you retreat, you will separate one area."

"Zijinliang" couldn't help but smile after hearing this: "I think this is a very clever move. We are originally from a borderland and are very familiar with the wandering and plundering of herdsmen outside the Great Wall. It suits my liking!"

"This policy is just what a scholar says. The head of the family, Wang Jiayin, is known as the 'One-word King of Hengtian'. He gathered the rebels from all over the world and attacked the border counties such as Gufu, Qingshui, and Hequ. They refused, but they still could not defend. Liu Wu, Ke Tian Fei once guarded Tiejiao City, and Shen Yikui once guarded Ningsai, but they all died badly. Now that the officers and soldiers are in great difficulty, how can we accomplish anything?"

Based on the theory of a certain librarian, Zhang Shun finally summed up "team building", "base area construction" and "united front" based on the situation at the end of Ming Dynasty. The result was that the start was unfavorable and the most basic base area construction could not be applied.

It turns out that the situation in the late Ming Dynasty was completely different from that in the Republic of China. At this time, the Ming court was still functioning normally and the frontier troops were quite powerful. Although the opponent's Northeastern back-up gold is not strong enough, it is easy to deal with individual peasant armies.

Not everyone among these revolting peasant armies thought of occupying a place and establishing a solid base. As a result, they all changed from "roving bandits" to "sitting bandits". They were killed on the spot by the Ming army and turned into military merits.

Zhang Shun thought about it carefully and found that what "Zijin Liang" said was true. Even if the Ming army's combat effectiveness is low, if they are surrounded from all sides, no matter how hard you fight, it will be a dead end.

So, Zhang Shun flattered "Purple Gold Liang" by the way and praised: "Second Master, you are smart! But where to go, I am not familiar with the terrain, so I need you to make a decision."

"Purple Golden Liang" is not an incompetent person. Hearing this, he smiled and said: "That's ridiculous, that's ridiculous! Brother Optimus Prime is quick in mind and uses troops like a god. I also admire him very much."

"As for where to go, I have an idea, and I will discuss it with everyone in detail. I said before that if you want to go left, go right, and if you want right, go left. I had this idea before attacking Yuanqu City this time. Now that we can break it Zezhou City, why can't we attack Liaozhou City? It's only right that the south and the north are equally affected by rain and dew."

"Now that Liaozhou is defeated, we can take advantage of the situation and seize nearby Heshun, Yushe, Taigu and other counties to threaten Taiyuan. Then we can combine the efforts of all parties to capture Taiyuan City, open up the passage between Luliang Mountain and Taihang Mountain, and disrupt Shanxi!"

No matter how smart Ren Zhangshun is, he is not like "Zijin Liang" and others who have basically traveled all over Shanxi and are very familiar with the terrain of the place. Zhang Shun, who didn't know much about Shanxi's terrain, could only praise a few words. Seeing that no one had any objections, "Zijin Liang" ordered to collect supplies and prepare to lead troops north to attack Liaozhou.

Zhang Shun returned to the camp and quickly called Zhang Shenyan, Xu Ziyuan, and Li Xin to discuss the "Purple Golden Liang" plan.

Zhang Shenyan was born in the local area and was most familiar with the situation here. Hearing this, he couldn't help but said in surprise: "The situation in Shanxi is very bad! This 'Zijinliang' is just a rogue bandit leader, but he has such a level. It is really admirable and admirable!"

Zhang Shun didn't understand what he meant and quickly asked why. Zhang Shenyan asked Xu Ziyuan to draw a sketch of Shanxi and let Zhang Shun take a look.

Zhang Shun and Li Xin were both shocked when they saw it. Even people who don't understand military affairs will understand the power of "Purple Gold Liang" after seeing this picture.

It turns out that Liaozhou is nowhere else, but in the north of what was called Shangdang in ancient times. The land of Shangdang includes the four states of Ze, Luqin and Liao. The northernmost one is Liaozhou. Its prefecture was later known as Zuoquan County. It was named after the Eighth Route Army general Zuo Quan died fighting the Japanese army here. From this, we know that its terrain is dangerous.

Not only is the terrain difficult, but it is also bordered by Taiyuan on the left, Shunde Prefecture and Zhending Prefecture on the right. If the rebels can occupy this place, they can take Taiyuan in the west to connect the rebels in Luliang Mountain and Taihang Mountain, and then occupy Shanxi; in the east, they can capture Shunde and Zhending, and go north to threaten the capital.

Zhang Shun's previous battles were all in battle formations, and he thought he had mastered the art of using troops. Now that I see the arrangement of "Purple Golden Liang", I can't help but be amazed and feel that I am really a frog in the well.

In fact, this is the difference between tactics, campaigns and strategy.

Zhang Shun came from a later generation and knew that the Ming Dynasty would surely perish and the Qing army would be difficult to defeat, so he was able to maintain a high position and constantly explore countermeasures from top to bottom. This is a strategic category. For people of this era, no matter how emperors, generals or ministers you are, it is extremely difficult to feel the pulse of this content. Zhang Shun had the advantage of foresight among travelers, so it was easy for him.

However, Zhang Shun trained his soldiers to lead troops and form formations to win and lose a city and a place, which was just a tactic. As far as the Ming Dynasty was concerned at this time, it was just the responsibility of a general soldier. As long as Zhang Shun doesn't miss the day and the year ends, Zhang Shun can figure it out with time and due to the good education level of later generations.

Only this battle method is most likely to be confused if there is no professional officer to teach it and one is not familiar with the terrain. If Zhang Shun cannot master this battle method and his tactical ability and strategic ability are out of touch, I am afraid that he will only be a general soldier or an aide to a feudal official until he is old.

Now "Purple Golden Liang" showed off his commanding ability in front of Zhang Shun, which actually reduced Zhang Shun's arrogance. Zhang Shun learned the method of fighting from it, and it was as if a door to a new world had opened in his heart.

Suddenly, Zhang Shun's sleepiness due to not having a good rest last night disappeared, and his spirits became high.

Zhang Shun took the sketch drawn by Xu Ziyuan. The more he thought about it, the more wonderful he felt. This "Purple Golden Liang" first captured Yuanqu and mobilized Shanxi troops to go south; then it went north to raid Liaozhou, using it as a foundation to threaten Beizhili from the east and Taiyuan from the west.

What's even more amazing is that after "Purple Gold Liang"'s command, Zhang Shun realized the subtleties of his hard study of "The Art of War". Zhang Shun read "Sun Tzu's Art of War" with only 6,000 words, and knew it by heart. I just thought it was good, but I didn't know how to use it in war.

Now that you have the concept of battle in your mind, you can understand everything. It turns out that "Sun Tzu's Art of War" teaches only methods of organizing battles. No wonder Zhang Shun found it difficult to use any strategy when he was marching and setting up his formation.

Zhang Shun understood another form of war and felt happy. He simply became a primary school student and followed "Purple Gold Liang" to figure out how this person used troops, and he lost his previous arrogance.

This chapter may be a bit long-winded, but it is crucial. The protagonist finally realizes his inadequacy in using troops and carefully studies how Zijin Liang organizes battles. And the second boss Zijin Liang is finally about to complete his mission.

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