Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 205 Zhang Shun accepted the soil

The sketch drawn by Xu Ziyuan made Zhang Shun's plan for the "Purple Golden Liang" campaign clear at a glance, making Zhang Shun more aware of the importance of maps.

While the rebels were preparing supplies, Zhang Shun simply sent a team of cavalry to protect Xu Ziyuan as he inspected the terrain and mountains of Yuanqu, and by the way made a map of Yuanqu County.

In the past two days, Xu Ziyuan made a simple diagram and handed it to Zhang Shun. Zhang Shun couldn't help but sigh after looking at it. It turned out that the terrain of Yuanqu County was the most ideal small base area.

This place is surrounded by mountains on three sides and faces a river on one side. The Boqing River Valley in the middle is suitable for farming. The county seat is located on a high wall guarded by three rivers, making it even easier to defend and difficult to attack. Not far from the county seat, there is Nanbaotou to the north, Ningjiapo to the northwest, and Zhaili Village to the west. All three places have high terrain, suitable for building fortresses to defend the county seat.

With the county seat as the center, two solid defense lines of mountains and fortresses were formed, blocking the road into Yuanqu.

It's a pity that the Ming Dynasty was so powerful that even with such excellent terrain, it was not enough to resist the imperial court's encirclement and suppression. Zhang Shun felt extremely depressed.

Fortunately, the rebels collected a lot of food and supplies in Yuanqu, which improved Zhang Shun's mood. Especially the grain, more than a hundred kilograms of copperware, and thousands of kilograms of salt made Zhang Shun extremely happy.

The food was divided among everyone, and the bronzes were of little use to others, so Zhang Shun bought them at a price. As for the salt, it was too heavy and not too rare, so others only took a small amount. I wanted to abandon it, but after Zhang Shun learned about it, he took it from the rebels.

Zhang Shun falsely claimed that he would send people to hide in the mountains and sell them slowly. He was also secretly ridiculed by "Zijinliang" and Xing Honglang as "miser", "mosquito's legs to chop sperm" and so on.

In fact, Zhang Shun planned to send the salt to Shunwangping Mountain first, and then slowly transport it to Shengwangping, so that Liu Yinggui, who fished for white fish, could take the opportunity to pickle a batch of salted fish, which was both beneficial to preservation and convenient. It will be used for military ration transportation in the future.

After a few days of delay, and under repeated urging from "Zijinliang", the rebels reluctantly left Yuanqu County.

There are three routes back to the north from Yuanqu County. The first is to return the same way; the second is to go east to Jiyuan after passing Nanbaotou; the third is to go northwest along the Boqing River, detouring through Jiangxian, Quwo and Yicheng, and then return eastward. Qinshui, Yangcheng.

Both "Zijinliang" and Xing Honglang felt that it was most convenient to return to the original route, and without thinking about it carefully, they led the team northward along the Xiyun River.

Setting off here was not an early move in the morning. As a result, after arriving at Lishan Town, the sun was already setting in the west, so the rebels simply settled in Lishan Town.

Although Zhang Shun spent a lot of money, there was a mixed crowd among the rebels. It was inevitable that there were young people who were not well-behaved and made the people of Lishan so angry that they all dared to be angry but did not dare to speak.

Fortunately, under Zhang Shun, Zhang Shun was able to restrain him well, so there was no trouble. After everything was arranged and it was still early in the morning, Zhang took Wukong, Li Xin, Zhang Shenyan, Xu Ziyuan and four other young disciples out to check things out.

Firstly, he came to understand the customs and customs of Lishan. After all, this place would be his "home" from now on, so that he could have some contacts in the future. Secondly, he took the opportunity to check out the terrain. Zhang Shun had been obsessed with using troops to fight since he raised his army. This It’s much more fun than playing games like “Rome Total War” in my previous life.

It's just that the "game" is too difficult, not only does it have the fog of war, but the field of view is also very limited. In order to improve the winning rate and prevent this game that cannot be saved from GG early, Zhang Shun had to do everything possible to understand things related to his own use of troops.

For example, the terrain everywhere. As Zhang Shun walked, he discussed with his subordinates where to camp, where to set up formations, where to ambush, and so on.

The people who followed Zhang Shun were not particularly good at using troops, so they couldn't help but be fascinated by what they heard, saying that Zhang Shun was invincible in every battle, and it was not without reason.

Zhang Shun quickly said politely: "Where, where?"

When Zhang Shun was feeling proud, he never thought that he would be so happy that he would feel sad, but something hit him in the head. Fortunately, the flying items were not very big, so there was no great danger.

However, this also annoyed Zhang Shun. He turned around and saw a beggar in rags not far away, holding a larger clod of soil in his hand, making a throwing gesture.

When the beggar saw Zhang Shun looking over, he immediately hid the clod of soil behind his back with a rather embarrassed look on his face.

Zhang Shun didn't know that it was this guy who was throwing him. Feeling that he had lost his face, he couldn't help but be annoyed with him for being rude and wanted to teach him a lesson.

As a result, Zhang Shun lost his composure, and his four young disciples immediately pulled out the daggers at their waists, intending to kill the beggar on the spot.

His four disciples are all adopted sons of the "Eight Great Kings". These "Eight Great Kings" already like to kill, and they will rely on three points unreasonably, let alone being bullied by others.

Seeing this, Zhang Shenyan quickly stopped the four children and walked forward to scold the tattered beggar. It turned out that the beggar was babbling, crying and laughing, and turned out to be a fool and a madman.

Zhang Shun also walked over at this time and shouted: "You guy, I have never had any enmity with you, how can you insult me?"

As a result, the madman didn't know whether he understood or not. He handed the clod of soil to Zhang Shun and said, "Here you go, here you go! Take it, take it all!"

Zhang Shun was stuffed with a piece of garbage for no apparent reason, and he didn't know whether to cry or laugh. Seeing that this man seemed mentally abnormal, he was ready to order him to be let go.

The result was unimaginable. When Zhang Shenyan saw this, he actually raised his hand to the beggar, then bowed to Zhang Shun and said: "Congratulations, general, congratulations to the general!"

Zhang Shun was confused when he heard this and asked: "What do you mean, Yafu? Where does this joy come from? Where does this congratulation come from?"

"This happiness comes from the soil, and congratulations also come from the soil!" Zhang Shenyan said with a smile, "This town of Lishan is the hometown of Emperor Shun. The general inherited the virtues of the soil. Now someone is offering soil to the general. Isn't this the heaven and the general? "

"What's more, Mingzu was born a beggar and has been sitting on his land for more than two hundred years. Isn't it reasonable to offer it to the general now?"

Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing when he heard this and said: "Father, you are so kind-hearted and eloquent! This man is just a crazy beggar. How can I argue with him? I can't kill someone for the sake of a little discord."

"That's all. Since Yafu has said that you should donate soil to me, I have the right to accept it!"

After speaking, Zhang ordered Li Xin to find a piece of cloth to wrap the soil and store it.

This matter was originally a joke. Zhang Shun and Zhang Shenyan talked about it and it was over. I never thought that the world was ignorant, let alone that these words came from the mouth of Zhang Shenyan, a high-ranking official of the third rank.

Thank you to the fans for the tip "Start moving in the opposite direction", and thank you to the fans for the large tip "10:49". Thank you very much! However, fans of "Ten Forty-nine" really rewarded a lot, and I really deserve it!

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