Zhang Shun didn't know a joke, and it spread throughout the rebel camp by accident.

Early the next morning, before Li Sanniang and Zhu'er woke up from Zhang Shun's arms, they were awakened by shouts outside the door.

There was no other way, so Zhang Shun had no choice but to endure his sleepiness and get up with his clothes on. He almost lost his life the previous time, and recently he was getting more and more obsessed with having a son. He was struggling with it every night, which made Li Sanniang and Zhu'er smile happily.

This is not because Zhang Shun himself favors sons over daughters, he just wants an heir in a very utilitarian way. Even if he himself is no longer in the army in the future, there will still be someone who can succeed him without any controversy, to prevent the situation of the tree falling and the monkeys scattering.

Zhang Shun yawned and pushed open the door. He saw that it was none other than the second boss "Zijin Liang", Xing Honglang and "Nine Dragons".

Zhang Shun was confused, but he said: "Why did the second master come to visit me in person? It makes me really scared!"

"Are you also afraid? I thought you would look down on me and other ordinary people!" "Zijinliang" laughed.

"Ah? Where do you start talking about this!" Zhang Shun said in surprise, "The second master has given me a great favor in taking me in, and I never want to repay the second master!"

"Oh? Why is this different from what we heard?" "Purple Gold Liang" laughed, "We heard that 'Optimus Prime' received his destiny in Lishan Town. He received a soil donation from a beggar surnamed Zhu and received three hundred A single eight-year career!"

"Ah?" Zhang Shun asked in confusion, "Where did this rumor come from? How can this happen!"

"Purple Golden Liang", Xing Honglang, Jiu Tiaolong and others were surprised when they saw that Zhang Shun was not pretending, so they asked: "Isn't this a rumor created by you yourself, little brother Optimus Prime?"

Zhang Shun heard this with a bitter smile and said: "You are killing me unjustly! Second Master, I was playing in the town yesterday, and I never expected to meet a crazy beggar who threw clods at me. I was very angry and went to scare him. As a result, he handed over I was given a clod of soil, and I wanted to throw it away, but the old man under my command told me that this is called 'offering soil to receive orders' and should not be thrown away lightly. I took it as a joke and spared this beggar's life."

"I never thought that three people would become tigers. In the blink of an eye, this matter has spread beyond recognition. What a shame, I was wronged!"

This "Purple Golden Liang" originally heard this rumor and thought that Zhang Shun was plotting another plan for himself and others, so he deliberately spread the rumor and waited for an opportunity to attack him. Now it seems that it was a misunderstanding?

"Zijinliang" saw that Zhang Shun said he had a nose and eyes, so he believed it. But he couldn't save his face, so he asked: "Where is the old man? Can you please come and confirm?"

Zhang Shun had no choice. Before, he had wanted to find an opportunity to simply separate from the camp with "Zijin Liang" and others and go their separate ways. Now I see that "Purple Golden Liang" has a unique way of commanding operations, and I want to learn from it first so that we can get together and disperse easily.

Now was not the time to offend "Zijin Liang", so he had no choice but to send someone to call Zhang Shenyan over and tell "Zijin Liang" and others about the previous incident face to face.

As a result, Zhang Shenyan entered the living room under the guidance of Li Xin. Before he could say anything, he heard a "plop" and someone knelt down.

Zhang Shun and others turned around and saw that the person kneeling down was none other than the "Nine Dragons" who had been following the "Purple Golden Liang" for a long time.

It turns out that these "nine dragons" are from Zezhou, and they have seen Zhang Shenyan's grace from a distance. Now, as a commoner, he suddenly saw a high official of the third rank of the imperial court in person, and his knees weakened and he knelt down.

"Zijinliang" and Xing Honglang asked strangely when they saw this: "What do you mean by 'nine dragons'? This person is a tiger and wolf. You can't be scared like this, right?"

Only then did "Nine Dragons" remember that he was already a "bandit" and no longer needed to be afraid of court officials. But he was afraid of losing face, so he had to explain forcefully: "Although this person is not a tiger or leopard, he still deserves to be worshiped by me. He is none other than Zhang Shenyan and Zhang Jinming, the upright and upright third-rank official of the day!"

"This man is the reincarnation of Wenquxing, who is selfless and arbitrary. I heard that people at that time called him 'a follower in the state and county, a direct admonisher in Taichung, and a famous official among the ministers'. This is Bao Zheng, Hai If I don't worship such an upright official as Rui, who else can I worship?"

Zhang Shenyan was stunned by the words "nine dragons". He looked left and right in confusion for a long time, thinking: Who is this? Such clever words of compliment are not a kind thing! Although I am an upright person, how can I dare to compare with Bao Zheng and Hai Rui?

Zhang Shenyan didn't react, and "Purple Gold Liang" and Xing Honglang were also a little confused. Among the rebels, not to mention high-ranking officials of the third rank of the imperial court, even those who have achieved fame are rare people. How could this "Optimus Prime" He De quietly recruit high-ranking officials of the third rank of the imperial court?

"Purple Golden Liang" slapped his thigh and thought: If I had known that "Optimus Prime" had such a person under his command, why would I eagerly chase after Zhang Daojun to deliver words? If I had followed this person's path, I'm afraid I would be a high-ranking official of the sixth or seventh grade now.

Thinking of this, "Zijinliang" thinks highly of Zhang Shung. He thought to himself: Could it be that the rumors were true, that this man was really ordered by heaven and received the "earth donation" from Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang?

Thinking of this, the "Purple Gold Liang" could not let the "Nine Dragons" be more beautiful than the previous one. He quickly knelt down with a plop and bowed to Zhang Shenyan: "If I had known that the boss was here, my king would have been ordered to be safe by the imperial court." !”

Zhang Shenyan originally had a good face, but when he saw the "Purple Gold Liang" kneeling down and heard the "Purple Gold Liang" yelling "Sir," his face suddenly darkened.

"Purple Gold Liang" secretly raised his head and saw that this man's face was ashen, and he couldn't help but be secretly surprised. I thought to myself: I heard that Bao Zheng was selfless and his face turned green. This person looks fair on the surface, but he actually has a somewhat submissive demeanor.

At this time, there were also some popular operas about Bao Zheng's "Chenzhou Rice", "Butterfly Dream" and "Longtu Gongan", so they were also heard among the rebels.

Seeing that Zhang Shenyan was unwilling to say anything, the "Purple Golden Liang" had to carefully ask about Zhang Shun and the beggar.

At that time, Zhang Shenyan was just sarcastic and admonished Zhang Shun because he saw how pitiful the beggar was. Now when someone asks him about it, he doesn't take it seriously and just tells the truth.

"Purple Golden Liang" and others made trouble for themselves, so they had no choice but to retreat. After "Zijinliang" and the others walked out of the house, the second master shouted sternly to "Xing Honglang" and "Nine Dragons": "You guys come out with me quickly to find that beggar. You want to see him alive, but you want to see his corpse when he dies!"

"Nine Dragons" and "Xing Honglang" didn't know what the two masters meant, so they had no choice but to act according to their orders. After searching for a long time, I couldn't find this person. The two men also asked the people in the town, but they all said they didn't know. I don’t know whether this beggar never existed or whether he entered this place by mistake.

At this time, "Xing Honglang" and "Nine Dragons" also knew that the matter was strange, and hurried back to the camp, and responded to the second master "Zijin Liang" one by one.

After the second master "Purple Gold Liang" heard this, he was silent for a long time and then said with emotion: "We are so blind that we don't know the truth! I used to only know that this 'Optimus Prime' is a person, but I didn't expect him to be such a person!"

"I think he only has two arms, two legs, one head and one mouth. How come he has been given destiny, and we don't have such good things? It's time and destiny!"

After hearing this, "Xing Honglang" and "Nine Dragons" looked fiercely in their eyes and asked: "Second Master, do you want to kill this person? We will never cause further trouble!"

"Zijinliang" was shocked when he heard this: "I never thought that you two are actually related to the Zhu family?"

When the two heard this, they said inexplicably: "What relative? Which Zhu family!"

"Of course he is a relative of the current emperor! That Zhu family of the current emperor!"

"Ah? What are you talking nonsense, the second master? If we are really related to the Zhu family and have enough food, why would we rebel?"

"I think you two are holding on even if you don't have enough to eat!" "Purple Gold Liang" said sarcastically, "'Optimus Prime' has his own destiny. This is the Zhu family's business. Why do you just eat carrots and worry about it! Since you are assisting him Wen Quxing He has already descended to earth, so the Wu Quxing who is assisting him is already in place, so don’t let him get into trouble!"

The two couldn't help laughing when they heard this, and quickly asked: "Second Master, what should we do now?"

"What should we do? Just do what you have to do!" "Purple Gold Liang" frowned and said, "Anyway, 'Optimus Prime' is with us, so let the government have a headache. It has bullied us for so long, It’s fitting that they’re in bad luck!”

"You all keep this in your heart! This Optimus Prime has a destiny. If we go against him, we will suffer harm. If any of you seek refuge with him and get rich, I won't stop you. you."

"It's just that you need to know that few of the founding heroes have had a good ending since ancient times! Be careful, be careful! If you are really serious and help him with a little effort, you will be a rich man in the future!"

"Xing Honglang" and "Nine Dragons" couldn't help but be greatly educated after hearing this. They bowed respectfully to "Purple Gold Liang" and said, "I would like to be taught!"

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