Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 207 Escape (Part 1)

A farce ended in an anticlimactic manner, at least that's what Zhang Shun thought. It's just that the rebels looked at him with a strange expression along the way, which made him want to say something but he didn't know where to start. There is no other way, Zhang Shun just pretends that he can't see it, goes his own way and lets others talk!

In this way, Zhang Shun marched for three consecutive days in the strange atmosphere of the rebel army, and the team arrived near Shengwangping.

Due to a strange combination of circumstances, the rebels passed by twice, but still found no trace of Zhang Shun's camp. Just when Zhang Shun was rejoicing, he didn't expect Liu Yinggui from Shengwangping to suddenly send someone to Zhang Shun's tent.

Zhang Shun was taken aback and instinctively wanted to reprimand the visitor for his reckless behavior, but he changed his mind. I knew that although Liu Yinggui's talents were not outstanding, he did things fairly safely. Since he took the risk of sending someone here, he must have something important to report.

So Zhang Shun quickly asked Wukong and Ji Dan to guard the camp and asked why. Sure enough, the envoy reported: "General, I have been waiting in Shengwangping for many days. Recently, officers, soldiers and spies have often been around."

"After we reported it to Leader Liu, Leader Liu sent someone to Yangcheng to inquire about it. It is said that Governor Xuanda led his army to wander nearby, seeming to be looking for traces of the rebels. He may also be exploring the location of our army's camp!"

Zhang Shun was shocked when he heard this. He thought that the camp was quite hidden, so how could the news leak out? Although this may not be true, it is more likely that Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuanda, was looking for traces of the rebels.

But it is better to believe that it exists than to believe that it does not exist. Zhang Shun, in line with the idea that the dead Taoist friend should not die the poor Taoist, simply prepared to make this matter a reality.

Therefore, after Zhang Shun dismissed the messenger sent by Liu Yinggui, he immediately took Wukong and Li Xin to the "Purple Gold Liang" camp.

Li Xin, as an aide, saw that after Zhang Shun heard the news, he only said that his lord wanted to recruit everyone for discussion, and he had prepared a draft in advance. Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun behaved unexpectedly this time, so he had to follow Zhang Shun to the "Purple Golden Liang" camp in a strange way.

When he arrived at the camp, Zhang said to "Purple Gold Liang" by the way: "Second Master, I have received some urgent news. I am so anxious that I dare to come and report it to the Second Master!"

"What makes 'Optimus Prime' so anxious?" the second master asked strangely. He remembered that Zhang Shun always seemed to have everything in mind, and he had never lost his composure like this.

When Zhang Shun heard this, he knew that his performance was a bit over the top, but he simply ignored the mistake and said: "I have to be anxious about the life and death of the rebels. I heard that Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuanda, has been searching for the rebels here for many days. Now. If there's any harm, I'm afraid this person will catch up after getting the news!"

"Purple Golden Liang" felt a thump in his heart when he heard it. He knew very well that the combat power of the Xuanda border army was not something that the current rebel army could withstand. Previously, the Yulin general led two thousand cavalry and almost defeated himself and his two to thirty thousand horsemen. If Zhang Zongheng was here, the rebel army would probably be doomed.

"Purple Golden Liang" quickly sent someone to invite Xing Honglang and the Nine Dragons. After the two arrived, the Nine Dragons were ignorant and fearless, and said: "When the soldiers come, they will block the water and cover them with soil. They are very afraid of birds. The governor can kill them. What about the governor?" Can’t kill!”

After hearing this, Xing Honglang shouted quickly: "You have such a loud tone. Did you kill Governor Song Tongyin? When I besieged Gaoping County before, I had a battle with his subordinates who were as fierce as tigers, and ended up being beaten. Completely defeated. This guy is indeed as his name suggests, as brave as a tiger and unstoppable."

"Now I heard that Zhang Zongheng came with the Xuan army. He has two fierce tiger generals under his command. They are as fierce as a tiger and as powerful as a tiger. They are both soldiers who surrendered outside the fortress and are highly skilled in martial arts. Both of these two are excellent horsemen and have perfect shooting skills. They cannot Look down upon!”

The nine dragons were originally bragging, but were scolded by Xing Honglang, who was stronger than themselves, and couldn't help but laugh at them.

The "Purple Golden Liang" frowned when he heard this, and continued Xing Honglang's words: "I have also heard of the name of these 'Two Tiger Generals'. These two men returned from outside the Great Wall and surrendered to our Yansui border army. At that time, Yansui The governor thought their original names were hard to pronounce, so he changed their names to Fierce as a Tiger and Tiger as Powerful. These two men had great military exploits and were indeed not unknown."

"In my opinion, since Xuanda Governor Zhang Zongheng has been waiting here for a long time, he will definitely find out the situation of our rebels soon. I think we need to break camp overnight and leave this place as soon as possible. What do you think?"

This was the first time that Zhang Shun saw the second leader "Purple Gold Liang" being so fearful of the enemy. Although this person usually focused on recruiting troops, he did have some means in terms of military level. Since the second boss said so, Zhang Shun believed it for the time being. It was just a bad night's rest.

What's more, the rebels here have fled. No matter what Zhang Zongheng's intention was to stay near Yangcheng, he had to give up his original plan and pursue the rebels. Otherwise, the local gentry handed him a memorial and told him that "when he sees thieves patrolling, causing harm to the people", he would not be able to eat and walk around.

If this is the case, his camp will be out of danger. Thinking of this, Zhang Shun agreed with the idea of ​​"Purple Golden Liang". Xing Honglang was originally as fearful as a tiger, and he wanted to leave Yangcheng immediately and hide far away. Only nine dragons were left, with no strength or say, so they had to act according to plan.

So everyone hurried back to their respective camps and ordered their soldiers to leave the camp. It was getting late at this time, and the rebel soldiers had just worked hard for a long time to set up a camp. Who was willing to leave?

Zhang Shun knew that the military situation was urgent and had no patience to talk harmoniously with them, so he directly ordered the military judge Zhang Shenyan. Anyone who disobeys military orders will be dealt with according to military law!

Zhang Shenyan was originally from a high-ranking official, and the rebel soldiers were very afraid of him. It was unknown how it came out earlier that this person was the "selfless" Wen Quxing, and seeing him was like a mouse seeing a cat. In addition, Zhang Shun had great trust in him, so the soldiers acted honestly and obeyed orders.

Everyone abandoned the camp and rushed to Zezhou overnight, and then they breathed a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to bury the pot and make rice, a group of men and horses suddenly appeared in front of him, and they came to kill him.

The rebels couldn't help being shocked. "Purple Golden Liang" and Zhang Shun quickly ordered their cavalry to hold on for the time being, and then led the army to retreat.

The retreat of the army is a special test of the quality of the army. Although the soldiers under the command of "Purple Gold Liang" are uneven, they are skillful in their methods and have many backbones under their command. They can basically lead the team to retreat completely.

Zhang Shun can't compare with the "Purple Gold Liang" method, after all, stupid people have stupid methods. On the one hand, he ordered Chen Changzhen and Liu Cheng to use cavalry to cover the left and right sides, while on the other hand, his infantrymen covered each other and retreated crosswise.

That is to say, between the infantry, one step back to ten steps away, and then cover the one step back twenty steps. Repeat this, and the formation will be neatly retreated.

Thanks again to the fans for the "10:49" tip! Brother, don’t be like this. You reward me every day. The author really can’t bear it. Why don’t you take a break first?

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