Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 211 Chasing the Bandits

Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuanda, led the two tiger generals who were as fierce as tigers and Hu Dawei and more than 2,000 riders on a difficult trek on the rugged mountain trails. The hard horseshoes collided with the hard stones, making a clear sound of horseshoes.

The defeated thieves had many infantry, more than 30,000 in number. Although the officers and soldiers won a great victory this time and were pursued by cavalry, they still could not behead too many bandits.

As someone in later generations famously said, even if these people were "30,000 pigs", it was impossible for the officers and soldiers to catch them all in a short while. What's more, these people are in a hurry and always like to go deep into the mountains.

In fact, Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuanda, was not interested in catching these bandits. Cutting off their heads was not worth military merit. After capturing the prisoners, he had to find a way to feed them. They estimated that they would be able to behead at least three to four thousand people in this battle. Any more would be meaningless. They might as well save them for next time and continue to gain military merit.

What's more, even if all these 30,000 people are captured and executed, thousands of unruly people will appear soon. I have no choice, and I don’t know what’s going on with these people who are full and holding on. Instead of starving to death at home, they come out and trouble the soldiers for nothing? Don't they know that the left and right will also die?

If you want to capture or cut down, you can only capture the thieves chief and the leader, so that you can earn silver rewards and military merits.

While he was thinking about it, Zhang Zongheng received another report from the spies, and another bandit group was found in front of them. Zhang Zongheng ruthlessly ordered: "Kill without mercy, I only want the head!"

After receiving the order, a group of cavalry raced along the rugged mountain road in pursuit, patting their horses. Zhang Zongheng looked at these war horses and clucked his teeth in distress.

This mountain road hurts the horses' hooves the most. Even though all the horses under his command were shoed, it would be easy to break the horses' hooves in such a fast pursuit. If a horse's hoof is injured, no matter how good the war horse is, it cannot be used.

Zhang Zongheng thought for a while and decided that after this battle, he would report the loss of more horses. Only in this way could he get more money from the court. Soldiers who work hard for their country must be paid more for their hard work.

Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuanda, was thinking about the future "business", but he never thought that another spy would return and report: "Junmen, a group of thieves were discovered last time, and they also carried several flags. They are suspected to be the leader of the thieves!"

"Oh? Have you ever found out who the thief chief is?" Zhang Zongheng was shocked when he heard this.

"I saw the word 'two' written on that flag, but I don't know who it is."

"Nonsense!" Zhang Zongheng said angrily upon hearing this, "There are only a hundred surnames in the world, how can there be anyone with the second surname?"

Zhang Zongheng has little experience and has never heard of anyone with the second surname in the world. It is not surprising. However, the fierce tiger reacted faster and quickly reminded: "In the military sect, among thieves and bandits, most people use nicknames as their nicknames, which may not be their real names."

"Oh?" Zhang Zongheng thought about it after hearing this, and couldn't help but said with great joy, "Could it be that the 'Er Guan Gong' is in front of me? Why don't I use the word 'Guan' as a banner and waste my energy in vain! You can find out what this person looks like. clear?"

"The little detective understands that this man is wearing a green robe, holding a moon-cutting knife, with a long beard under his chin, and sitting on a bay-red horse. But he is quite similar to Guan Gong in the temple!"

Zhang Zongheng was overjoyed when he heard this, and said to the two tiger generals on the left and right: "It is fitting that we have accomplished this great feat! This traitor is in the emperor's heart. If you can capture and kill this person, and be promoted to a noble rank, it is a matter of course!"

Zhang Zongheng quickly sent Meng Ruhu and five hundred cavalry to capture the "Second Guan Gong" Chen Changzhen. Chen Changzhen had already known that the enemy wanted to capture him, so he quickly led two to three thousand soldiers to retreat to higher places, looking for a place with narrow and winding roads. Keep it.

When the fierce tiger led his troops to the front, he saw that the road was rugged and the horses were facing up high, making it difficult for the horses to move forward. He had no choice but to abandon his horse and lead his troops to attack upwards.

Chen Changzhen had already led people to prepare stones and wood on the mountain for defense. Seeing the tiger-like attack, he immediately threw stones and wood down. The officers and soldiers were wearing heavy armor and it was difficult to dodge. Stones and wood rolled down the steep mountain path, killing dozens of people instantly.

The fierce tiger was furious and quickly ordered his soldiers to shoot at the rebels with bows and arrows. As a result, due to the lush vegetation on the mountain and unclear vision, it was almost impossible to see where the rebels were, and many of the arrows they fired were in vain.

As fierce as a tiger, he had no choice but to order a strong attack. Due to the narrow mountain road, it is difficult for the team to spread out, and it is quite the style of one man to be in charge of the barrier and ten thousand others to be unable to open it. Meng Ruhu personally led his men to attack several times, but in the end he didn't even touch anyone. Instead, many people were stoned to death. Meng Ruhu had no choice but to monitor the movements of "Er Guan Gong" while sending people to report to Xuanda. Governor Zhang Zongheng asked for help.

This fierce tiger originally came from outside the Great Wall. Heroism is not popular in this tribe. What they emphasize is that if they are beaten, they will pounce on them like a pack of wolves, but if they are not beaten, they will scatter like a herd of sheep. Therefore, he has no intention of fighting to the end. Using less to fight more is a taboo in survival.

Zhang Zongheng received so many requests for help that he almost cursed his mother. However, fortunately, he also knew the virtues of his two tiger generals. For such a huge achievement, he had to lead a large group of troops to support them.

As a result, Zhang Zongheng had no choice when he got there. The road was narrow and people couldn't get up. How could he attack down?

Fortunately, Zhang Zongheng observed for a long time and had an idea. Since the road is impassable, just don’t take the road.

He found a place on the left side of the road with a gentle slope. Although the grass was lush, it could still be climbed.

Zhang Zongheng immediately ordered Hu Dawei to lead more than a hundred people, along with ropes, swords, axes and other equipment. While cutting down vegetation to clear the way, he also used ropes to string up the soldiers to prevent them from accidentally falling down the mountain.

This method is quite good, but it is much slower. The officers and soldiers climbed to the top of the mountain after struggling until it was getting dark. Hu Dawei took the lead, jumped out, and shouted: "'Er Guan Gong' don't leave! Stay alive!" and rushed forward.

Sure enough, the rebel army was caught off guard and collapsed at the first touch. Hu Dawei quickly led his men in pursuit, but before he could catch a few of them, they all disappeared.

Hu Dawei sent someone back to report the news and immediately pursued him. Chen Changzhen and his chaotic team did not dare to look back, and ran straight to a high ground behind the mountain, once again using the terrain to defend themselves.

The terrain in this area was not as dangerous as before, so Hu Dawei only thought that he could test it and attack. As a result, when Hu Dawei led his team to approach, the rebels remained silent. When Hu Dawei approached, he opened fire with artillery and knocked down dozens of officers and soldiers at once. Even Hu Dawei himself was shot through the arm armor and injured his left arm.

Hu Dawei saw that the rebel army was strong, so he had to wait for Zhang Zongheng to arrive and attack together. However, the mountainous terrain was difficult to travel, so Zhang Zongheng had to abandon his horse and ride over the mountains and ridges.

Fortunately, the terrain in front of the high ground here is open, which is suitable for Zhang Zongheng to expand his team.

Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuanda, finally waited for the moment to show his strength. He quickly waved the military flag, set up a large formation, and repeatedly issued letters of war to "Er Guan Gong": "Rebellious ministers and traitors, come down and die as soon as possible! Otherwise, wait until our army attacks." , it’s too late to regret it!”

Chen Changzhen already knew that he had been "sentenced to death" by the government for no reason, so he laughed and said: "If the whole world surrenders, I will not surrender. Today Guan Gong is also crowned king!"

As a result, Mengruhu and Hu Dawei personally led the troops forward bravely, and only withstood two rounds of artillery fire from the rebels, and then easily attacked the high ground.

Before the tigers and tigers could rejoice, they saw only dozens of black iron artillery pieces left on the high ground, and the rest of the rebels escaped from the trail behind the high ground.

The second tiger general was confused and quickly returned to report to the Grand Governor Zhang Zongheng. Zhang Zongheng had not had time to understand what was going on. Suddenly, he heard a commotion behind him, and it turned out that it was his guard who was left behind to look after the horses and ran over covered with injuries.

Zhang Zongheng's heart skipped a beat when he heard the guard report: "Junmen, after you just left, we were besieged by a large number of bandits. We were too few in number and couldn't resist, and all the horses were lost!"

It turned out that Zhang Shun deliberately used the name of "Second Guan Gong" Chen Changzhen to lead two to three thousand miscellaneous soldiers to lure Zhang Zongheng to attack, and his elite were all hidden in the mountains. When Zhang Zongheng had to abandon his horse and go to set up the formation, Zhang Shun led his men to fight out and captured Zhang Zongheng's horse in one fell swoop.

Poor Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuanda, had a strong army and a large number of generals, but he came all the way to deliver horses to Zhang Shun.

No, the author must have no inspiration today. The plot was written dryly, so I asked everyone to take a break. This is the chapter for today. Organize your thoughts and try to write something worthy of everyone before you can take it out.

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