Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 212 Will attack Liaozhou (1)

It was said that Zhang Shun had captured the war horse of Xuanda's border army, and he immediately beamed with joy. The war horses of Xuanda are all tall and handsome, and they are carefully selected and the best horses. With a vest on his body, Zhang Shun's strength suddenly increased greatly.

It's a pity that in the haste, only more than a thousand war horses were captured, and the remaining half were scattered in shock. It was a pity.

However, Zhang Zongheng lost his horse and tried hard to gather it, but it wasted a lot of time and could no longer chase the rebels around. What's more, the officers and soldiers lost their horses and their strength was greatly reduced, so they did not dare to push the rebels too hard. This allowed the rebels to easily cross Laomaling and reach Changzi County in Lu'an Prefecture.

When we arrived at Changzi County, "Purple Golden Liang" suddenly became more prestigious again. It turned out that two leaders of the rebel army were looting here at this time.

"Purple Golden Liang" quickly called these two people over. When Zhang Shun saw them, one was the "King of Chaos" whom he had seen at the rebel camp before, and the other was a strange general.

"Zijinliang" saw that everyone was not familiar with each other, so he introduced them to everyone. Only then did Zhang Shun learn that the other person was nicknamed "Breaking Cone". This man was good at using a sharp armor-piercing awl that was two feet tall, so he got this name.

After the two sides sat down in order, "Purple Golden Liang" proposed that everyone work together to deal with the officers and soldiers. "The King of Chaos" and "The Armor-Breaking Cone" had no objections to this, but they had different views on the next step for the rebels to gather their forces and march north to attack Liaozhou. These two people felt that taking advantage of the rising strength of the rebel army, it was the right thing to take the opportunity to defeat Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuanda.

However, Zhang Shun, "Xing Honglang" and "Nine Dragons" had lingering fears about the Xuanda border army and did not think that they could deal with Zhang Zongheng if they gathered together. All three supported the strategy of heading north to attack Liaozhou. The other two were not afraid of tigers, and insisted that Zhang Zongheng's arrival would threaten the safety of the camp in Licheng County, and it was better to deal with Zhang Zongheng first.

Several people quarreled endlessly and could not convince each other. "Purple Golden Liang" originally had poor coordination skills, and its prestige was lower than that of the previous leader Wang Jiayin, so there was nothing they could do for a while.

"Zijinliang" had no choice, and Zhang Shun couldn't deal with the opponent for a while. Originally, Zhang Shun proposed that everyone vote to resolve the issue, with the minority obeying the majority. In the end, how could the "King of Troubled Times" and "Armor-Breaking Cone" agree?

They objected loudly: "You have more people than us, so you want to vote with us, do you think we are fools?"

No matter what Zhang Shun said, these two men were determined to bring everyone into a fight with the Xuanda border troops. Although it is hard to persuade the damn ghost with good words, when I and others need to rely on the power of this "damned ghost", things will be difficult to solve.

When everyone was at a loss what to do, Zhang Shun caught a glimpse of the pragmatic Taoist standing idle next to the "Purple Golden Liang". Zhang Shun had an idea and said: "Everyone has been arguing until dawn and can't tell right from wrong. After a long delay, I'm afraid the officers and soldiers will gather together and our strategy will not be implemented. I have an idea. I don't know what everyone thinks. ?”

"Okay, you are the most cunning guy! You don't need to say anything, we don't agree!" "The King of Chaos" and "The Armor-breaking Cone" were very dissatisfied with the "democratic voting system" proposed by Zhang Shun, and even let him speak Don't even want him to talk.

Zhang Shun was speechless to these two people. Fortunately, "Purple Gold Liang" knew that he had many ideas, so he took the opportunity to defend him: "It's not an option for everyone to argue and argue. It doesn't matter if you listen. Whether you agree or not is still there. Between the two."

Zhang Shun didn't wait for the two people to speak, and hurriedly sang in harmony: "The second master's words are reasonable, but I, the younger brother, are disrespectful."

"As the saying goes, when you are in doubt, ask the ghosts and gods. We happen to have a Taoist priest here. Can we ask him to divine for us and test the bad luck?"

"No, no!" they objected firmly, "You brought this bull's nose, and it must speak to you."

Seeing that he was being pulled into the water by Zhang Shun, the Qixu Taoist could no longer continue "paddling". He had no choice but to answer: "You two are wrong. Although I have likes and dislikes, old Taoist priest, God does not have likes and dislikes. If God really has likes and dislikes, how dare we go against God?"

"In the opinion of the old Taoist priests, it is not as good as this. You two hand a small object like the old Taoist priests to me. I will hide it in my hands. If you two can guess it, you will act according to your plan. If you two If he guesses wrong, he will act according to the second master’s plan. What do you think?”

"Zijinliang" and others thought about it for a long time and thought it was a solution, so they nodded in agreement. Zhang Shun also laughed when he heard this. With many years of experience as an old Taoist priest, he could kill these two idiots without much effort.

Sure enough, the two discussed it for a long time before handing Taoist Qixu an old copper plate and letting him hold it in his hand. The old Taoist priest easily exchanged hands several times, then stretched out his two fists for the two men to guess.

How can this be guessed correctly? The old Taoist priest played with them for a few times, and the two had no choice but to accept the proposal of the second master "Purple Gold Liang" in despair.

The second leader, "Purple Gold Liang", was overjoyed when he heard this and said: "Since you are all working together, I, the leader of the alliance, will issue the order. It should be noted that military orders are like mountains. Don't blame me for not being brotherly. If there is any violation in the future, military law will be followed."

"I heard the news last time that the 'Eight Kings' and 'Sweeper King' are in Huozhou, and 'Chuang Jiang' and 'Guo Tianxing' are in Taihang Shandong. I ordered that in seven days, the 'Eight Kings' and 'Sweeper King' will march to Near Qinzhou; 'Chuang Jiang' and 'Guo Tianxing' marched to the vicinity of Wuxiang, and we marched to the vicinity of Licheng."

"In three days, the three armies will gather in Liaozhou and attack the city of Liaozhou. If we miss the deadline, don't blame our ruthless military law for destroying the brotherhood!"

Zhang Shun received the order and returned to the camp. At first he heard the order "Purple Golden Liang" was unremarkable, but when he unfolded the map and took a look, he couldn't help but be surprised.

The eldest son is more than two hundred miles away from Huozhou, and it is estimated that it is no less than two hundred miles away from the east of Taihang Mountain. The courier worked hard and estimated that it would take three days to deliver the order.

Huozhou is one hundred and fifty sixty miles away from Qinzhou, and it is estimated that the distance from Taihang Mountain to the east of Wu'an County is more than one hundred miles. If there were any further delays on the way, it would probably take seven days to reach the agreed upon location.

Qinzhou, Licheng and Wu'an are all only more than a hundred miles away from Liaozhou, and the distance between the three is only more than a hundred miles away.

If the officers and soldiers did not discover the rebels' intentions, just go over there; if the officers and soldiers discovered the rebels' intentions, they tried to "come any way you want, I will only go one way." Then the rebels will defend one side for two days, and then they will be able to get support from the other side.

It turns out that this is the essence of multi-path advance and separate attack. The three-way march to Qinzhou, Licheng and Wu'an is actually the attack-stop line concept of later generations.

The purpose is to deploy multiple troops to a predetermined location, press the enemy's turning space, and then launch an attack to eliminate the enemy in one fell swoop. In the Battle of Saarhu, the Ming army used this typical strategy of dividing the troops and attacking together. As a result, the four armies either advanced rashly or were slow, and the Hou Jin’s strength was misjudged. Instead, Lao Nu was defeated. Every opportunity to defeat.

Zhang Shun had never been exposed to this kind of tactic before. He suddenly got the map and calculated it for a long time, and suddenly found that this fighting method was very clever. They can not only cover and support each other, but also concentrate their forces to attack the smaller ones with more troops. I can't help but admire them in my heart.

Little did the "Purple Golden Liang" know that Zhang Shun had a map of Shanxi drawn by Xu Ziyuan in his hand. Although it was crude, he actually discovered his knack for commanding battles. While everyone was still confused, Zhang Shun had already felt the pulse of launching a campaign.

Sorry, it’s still one chapter today. I have been having a hard time writing recently. I have cleared all the outlines, but I just can’t write the story in a lively and interesting way. The author re-adjusts

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