Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 213 Will attack Liaozhou (2)

It is said that Xu Dingchen, the new governor of Shanxi, said goodbye to Emperor Chongzhen and left the capital, and then he traveled without stopping and under the stars.

This was not because Xu Dingchen was greedy for power, but because after briefly understanding the situation in Shanxi, he had to bite the bullet and take up his post as soon as possible.

It turns out that at this time, the rebel army was mainly active in three areas in Shanxi: one was Pingyang Prefecture, which was later known as the Linfen area in southern Shanxi; the other was Ze and Luzhou, where "Zijin Liang", Zhang Shun and others were active, that is, In later generations, there were the Jincheng and Changzhi areas in southeastern Shanxi; one was Fen, Tai, Qin, and Liao, namely Fenzhou, Taiyuan, Qinzhou, and Liaozhou, which was also the central Shanxi area in later generations.

Now, at a cursory glance, it turns out that most of Shanxi is "rogue bandits". This was when Hong Chengchou of Shaanxi commanded Cao Wenzhao, Ai Wannian and others to clear Shilou, Yonghe and other places east of the Yellow River, and the situation was still so serious.

The trustworthy governor Xu Dingchen suddenly felt on pins and needles and could not sleep all night, fearing that he would lose his official position and the favor of Emperor Chongzhen before he could take office.

Fortunately, after communicating with the Ministry of War and the Cabinet, the imperial court decided on a strategy of dividing the area for defense, encirclement and suppression. The specific content is: Order Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuanda, to station in Pingyang, and command 8,000 soldiers including Bai An, Hu Dawei, Li Bei, He Renlong, and Zuo Liangyu to take charge of the 41 prefectures and counties in southern and southeastern Shanxi today. Xu Dingchen, the governor of Shanxi, stationed in Fenzhou, later known as Fenyang, and commanded 7,000 soldiers from Zhang Yingchang, Gou Fuwei, Shi Ji, Po Ximu, and Ai Wannian to suppress the rebels in the present-day central Shanxi area.

After Xu Dingchen hurriedly took office, he summoned the generals and staff to inquire about the current situation. Only then did he learn that the overall situation in the four areas of Fen, Tai, Qin and Liao he was responsible for was good. Only the northwest county of Fenzhou was occupied by the bandit chieftain "Bao Wu".

This Lin County is located to the east of Luliang Mountain, surrounded by mountains on all sides, and adjacent to the Yellow River in the west. Except for the waterway, there is no place to go in and out of Shimen Temple, and the terrain is more dangerous than the Yuanqu.

As an official of the imperial court, he has the responsibility to protect the land. Since Xu Dingchen took office as a new official, he must burn "three fires". He thought for a long time and found that this "roving bandit" had become a "sitting bandit". Anyway, the officers and soldiers were powerful, so it would not be difficult to destroy them.

No matter how bad it is, conquering the "lost soil" is still a political achievement. Thinking of this, the new governor Xu Dingchen's other garrison and defensive measures remained unchanged. He only ordered his generals to move to Fenzhou and personally supervise the generals to destroy the Linxian bandits "Leopard Five".

It was more than 200 miles from Taiyuan to Fenzhou, and the officers and soldiers were not running for their lives like the rebels, so naturally they were not marching very fast. In addition to the collection of grain and grass, the payment of military pay and other matters, after a lot of troubles, it was slowly freed up.

More than ten days had passed when Xu Dingchen led his team to Fenzhou. At this time, he heard that Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuanda, was following the "bandits" in Zezhou and was in a good mood.

Fighting against "sitting bandits" by himself is much better than Zhang Zongheng's non-stop pursuit of "rogue bandits" without rest.

Fenzhou is more than 300 miles away from Linxian County, and Xu Dingchen has no choice. After the army rested for a day in Fenzhou, they had no choice but to lead the army to Linxian to fight.

Xu Dingchen struggled for several days and rushed to Yongning Prefecture, which was more than 150 miles away. He sat down here and commanded his generals to attack the entrance of Shimen Temple in Linxian County.

Unexpectedly, the "Leopard Five" was not easy to deal with. He sent people to directly block the road with stones and other objects, and sent people to stand high up, which made Xu Dingchen's generals miserable.

Not to mention how Xu Dingchen confronted the "Leopard Five" in Yongning Prefecture, and how you dug the road and I buried it and blocked it. Just say that the rebel Zhang Shun and others were not in a hurry to go north because they were closest to Liaozhou and did not have to cross mountains and ridges like the other two routes.

Just "Zijin Liang", Zhang Shun, Xing Honglang, Jiu Tiao Long plus the newly joint battalions of King of Chaos and Po Jiazui, a total of six battalions, totaling about 50,000 people. This man ate horse chews, but it was not enough.

Even if they looted along the way, they couldn't afford to supply so many soldiers and horses for a while. "Zijinliang" gave the order, and the rebels simply separated temporarily and went to look for food. All the camps need to do is remember the date and meet on time.

After Zhang Shunbu separated from other rebels, he felt much more comfortable. In the previous episode, he captured more than a thousand horses from Zhang Zongheng, and the rebels were all jealous. "Purple Golden Liang", Xing Honglang and the King of Chaos all came to discuss the sale of war horses with him, but Zhang Shun declined them all.

There were only more than 2,000 field soldiers under Zhang Shun's command. In the previous campaign, Zhang Shun had more than 1,000 cavalrymen alone, and the remaining infantry were only more than 1,000 people. Zhang Shun took the opportunity to assign these horses to the cavalry, and assigned the original horses to the infantry.

He did not ask these infantrymen to become cavalry, but Zhang Shun was very satisfied when they finally turned into mounted infantry. After removing the broken horses and some spare horses, Zhang Shun finally turned all his soldiers into mules and horses.

"roving bandits", "roving bandits" can only be called "roving bandits" when they move around. At this moment, Zhang Shun finally grew into an important "roving bandit". However, not all of the infantry under his command could ride a horse. Zhang Shun had no choice but to forcefully lift these people onto horses, tie them with ropes, and just follow them reluctantly.

Since he had become a "roving bandit", Zhang Shun was not polite and took the opportunity to practice infantry and horse riding in Changzi County while collecting bronzes here. The "golden cannon" was cast from the bronzes collected by Zhang Shun here and in Licheng last time, and Zhang Shun was very satisfied with its power.

In addition, the original cast iron cannon was lost to the officers and soldiers. Zhang Shun always felt that the solitary "golden cannon" on hand was not enough to cope with most battle situations.

Zhang Shun stayed in Changzi County for two or three days. His infantry and riding skills were barely good enough to travel, and he was preparing to go north to join other rebels. As a result, he suddenly heard that the spies had come to report that Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuanda, came out of Danzhu Ridge and killed generals all the way towards him.

Zhang Shun believed that everyone under his command had horses. He would fight if he could win, and leave if he couldn't, so he stayed here to see what Zhang Zongheng was up to.

After the two sides discovered each other, they lined up and completed the formation. Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuanda, looked up and almost vomited out a mouthful of old blood.

He shouted: "Horse thief, where can you escape! Leave your life and give me back my horse!"

It turns out that Zhang Zongheng knew his own war horses. When he saw that the other party's cavalry were all frontier army's war horses, they didn't even change their vests. Is this really unbearable?

At this time, Li Bi, the officer and soldier of Yanghe Guards, had not arrived yet. What caught up was the two thousand cavalry led by Zhang Zongheng. Oh, it was wrong, it was one thousand cavalry and one thousand infantry who had lost their horses.

Zhang Shun currently has a thousand cavalry and a thousand horse infantry. At a glance, the two sides have about the same number, and it seems that they can fight. However, Zhang Shun had fought against Xuanda's frontier army before and knew that he was no match.

Zhang Shun gave the order, and all his infantrymen got on their horses and galloped away. When Zhang Zongheng saw that Zhang Shun was about to run away, he quickly ordered the fierce tiger and Hu Dawei to lead more than a thousand cavalry under his command to pursue him. However, he was easily entangled by the cavalry led by Zhang Shun's Chen Changzhen and Liu Cheng.

This time, Zhang Shun's cavalry also "switched shotguns for cannons." The horses were no longer inferior to the officers and soldiers on the opposite side. Although the weapons and armor were still inferior, at least they were not at a much disadvantage when they were entangled.

Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuanda, had no choice but to lead more than a thousand infantry under his command to advance forward. As a result, Chen Changzhen and Liu Cheng saw that the infantry had gone far away, so how could they continue to struggle with him? I patted my butt and went all the way north.

Seeing this, the tiger was as fierce and powerful as a tiger and quickly pursued it. As a result, after chasing for twenty or thirty miles, there was a sound of cannon, and a group of soldiers came out to kill them. The second tiger general looked up and saw that it was none other than Zhang Shun leading more than 2,000 infantry and cavalry men to kill him.

Seeing that this place was not suitable for cavalry fighting, Hu Dawei, who was as fierce as a tiger, had to order a retreat. He was chased by Zhang Shun and others for several miles before he could escape. After counting the number of people, more than a hundred riders were lost. I don’t know if he was shot down by the rebels during the pursuit, or if he got separated while escaping.

As fierce as a tiger and as powerful as a tiger, he had no choice but to lead his team back and report to Zhang Zongheng.

Thanks to fan "Dao-Lian" for the tip, thank you! Today is a chapter as usual. The author finally realized the pain of Kavin. After spending three hours, he just wrote this much. There is really nothing he can do about it.

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