Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 214 Will attack Liaozhou (3)

After Zhang Zongheng, the Governor of Xuanda, heard the report of the Second Tiger General, a mouthful of old blood was stuck in his throat, and he could neither vomit nor vomit. He had no choice but to take the opportunity to reprimand the fierce and powerful tiger before he let out a bad breath.

It turns out that Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuanda, was a Jinshi during the Wanli period. Now, as the right minister of the military department of Datong, he is the governor of Shanxi's military affairs. He is a high-ranking official in the border area, how can this two tiger generals dare to argue with him?

These two men were as brave as tigers on the battlefield, but now they were as docile as sheep in front of Xuanda Governor Zhang Zongheng, obediently listening to instructions.

It's just that Zong Heng has finished his training and is a little angry, but he still has to find a way to get things done.

As the governor of Xuanda, he has jurisdiction over the three towns of Xuanfu, Datong and Shanxi. No matter what happens, he should naturally bear the responsibility.

Zhang Zongheng had no choice but to order the fierce tigers and tigers Dawei to lead the cavalry behind Zhang Shun, while he led the infantry to suppress the formation. At the same time, he ordered Yanghe Wei Li Bi to lead the remaining troops to quickly enter Lu'an Mansion to join him.

He hated Zhang Shun for taking away his horse, but he only saw Zhang Shun hanging a huge flag with no other signs, so he didn't realize it was "Optimus Prime" in front of him. He just felt cruel in his heart and vowed to catch the "horse thief" and cut his body into thousands of pieces before he could rest.

Not to mention that Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuanda, was tortured by Zhang Shun, but Zhang Shun himself was also uncomfortable being pursued by Zhang Zongheng.

Things like fighting are inherently the ultimate showdown of perseverance and endurance. Zhang Shun had many horses under his command, which improved his mobility to a higher level. However, this does not mean that Zhang Shun can play guerrilla tactics at will.

After Zhang Shun established the Shunwangping camp, most of the heavy food and baggage were placed in the camp. It was easy to go out to fight, but it was also a big deal for more than two thousand people to eat horse chews.

So every time before "seduce" Zhang Zongheng's cavalry scouts, Zhang Shun had to arrange the marching route for food, grass and baggage. It is necessary not only to avoid being discovered by the enemy, but also to make it convenient for your team to arrive at any time and obtain it in time.

In addition, due to the high combat effectiveness of the border troops, especially the scouts who have fought with Mongolian horsemen on the border for many years, they are even more elite. In order to prevent the scouts from falling behind, resulting in poor intelligence and unclear vision and hearing. Zhang Shun had no choice but to send out the most capable martial artist from the Huaiqing Prefecture among his personal guards, and ordered his personal guard Li You to lead and fight with the scouts of the Xuanda border army.

Li You took more than a hundred people with him. They were all relatives and friends of the Chen and Li families recruited by Chen Changzhen from Huaiqing Mansion. They were all skilled in martial arts.

At the beginning, I had never been on the battlefield, and some people suffered a lot of losses. Now after several baptisms in the battle formation, it has been practiced. Under the leadership of Li You, they chased each other with the scouts of the border army, shooting at each other with bows, arrows and firecrackers, which was quite impressive.

But as time passed, Li You's martial arts masters could no longer hold on. It turns out that these people's martial arts are not bad, but they have no long-term combat experience, and their endurance is a bit worse.

Fortunately, Li You was also a bit quick-witted. He secretly ordered to gather his scouts, but on the surface he pretended to be defeated and retreated.

When the border army's scouts were lured to the ambush site, they rushed out from all directions and directly strangled a border army's scout team.

This caused the officers and soldiers to be unsure of the situation for a while and retreated temporarily. Li Youcai took this opportunity and led his cavalry back.

As soon as Zhang Shun saw that they were one on one, his own scouts could not resist the officers and soldiers, so he simply ordered Liu Cheng and Chen Changzhen to take turns leading their cavalry to inquire about the officers and soldiers' military situation.

Zhang Shun's "violent scout" method of winning by quantity made Zhang Zongheng very passive.

In line with the principle that no one should suffer a loss in a scout fight, the two sides increased each other's cavalry to suppress their opponents. As a result, all the cavalry under Zhang Shun's command totaled more than 1,500, but Zhang Zongheng's command had no cavalry, so he could only send out more than a thousand cavalry.

So Zhang Shun divided his cavalry into three groups of five hundred. Liu Cheng, Chen Changzhen and Wei Congyi were ordered to take turns leading the troops to harass. Zhang Zongheng had no choice but to let Mengruhu and Hu Dawei lead five hundred cavalry to fight against them.

As a result, Zhang Shun's cavalry did not attack, they just stuck to it like "dog skin plaster". After tossing back and forth, the officers and soldiers were exhausted. In less than two days, many of the horses fell down and died. The infantry under his command were even more confused about their clothes and armor, could not sleep day and night, and were a little nervous after being harassed by Zhang Shun.

Zhang Zongheng had to send out more envoys to urge Yang and Wei Li Bi to join him quickly, but still received no response.

It turns out that Yang Hewei Zhang Wenheng had fought a battle with the rebel army before, and many of his subordinates suffered casualties. Zhang Wenheng was originally an officer of the Yanghe Guards. Since he had already won a battle and had achievements, how could he be willing to gnaw on the "hard bones" again?

Zhang Zongheng happened to be in a hurry to pursue the rebels before, so he simply ordered: "Continue to search, encircle and suppress the scattered bandits!" and then pursued them all the way north. Zhang Wenheng happened to be "taking chicken feathers as command arrows", so he arranged for his soldiers to be divided into several groups and went to various counties to "fight the autumn wind".

When Zhang Zongheng ordered him to lead his troops northward, he slowly and leisurely ordered his soldiers to gather and prepare to go northward to support Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuanda. But the military situation is urgent, how can we do this in time?

Poor Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuanda, was tortured for two or three days, and the two thousand elite border troops were on the verge of collapse due to Zhang Shun's torture.

That night, Zhang Zongheng ordered General Tiger II to lead the cavalry on guard and let the infantry quickly bury pots and make rice. At this time, Zhang Zongheng finally understood that the "thief" was going to tire himself and others out and eat them in one bite.

Now the soldiers under his command are exhausted to the limit. If Zhang Wenheng does not lead the infantry to come, I am afraid that he and others will collapse without a fight. And the "bandits" didn't know when Yang Hewei Zhang Wenheng would arrive, so they probably didn't dare to delay it any longer. The decisive battle is tonight.

Although Zhang Zongheng was a scholar, he knew how to fight. After letting the infantry eat, he cut down trees, chose a high place, and built a simple camp.

He was confident that the combat effectiveness of his soldiers far exceeded that of the "hungry bandits", not to mention the more than ten artillery pieces captured from the "rogue bandits". He felt that even if he could not fight with the "rogue bandits" in the field, it would be enough to defend the camp.

After struggling with Zhang Zongheng's Xuanda border troops for many days, Zhang Shun was already exhausted. His whole body ached when he moved even a little bit, and his buttocks were sore from being rubbed by the saddle. Not to mention that he was confused for a few hours in two or three days, and his eyes were so sleepy that he could hardly open them.

But Zhang Shun's eyes became brighter. At first he just acquired many new horses, which greatly increased the team's mobility. According to the theory of a certain librarian, we played the tactic of "when the enemy advances, we retreat; when the enemy is stationed, we harass; when the enemy is tired, we attack; when the enemy retreats, we pursue".

The result was unimaginable, and the two thousand soldiers and horses of Governor Xuanda were torn to the point of collapse. As the saying goes, "Take advantage of someone's illness to kill someone." Seeing that such a good opportunity suddenly appeared, Zhang Shun couldn't help but want to make a big splash.

Zhang Shun's thoughts were exactly as Zhang Zongheng expected, and he actually wanted to take advantage of the fact that the border army Li Bi did not arrive in time to launch a decisive battle.

It's just that Zhang Shun has a more delicate mind. After he came to the land of Zelu, he participated in many wars, and he had a deep understanding of the "night blindness" among people in this era.

For some reason, he found that few of his soldiers were "night blind", so he began to think about fighting in the field. Anyway, Yang Hewei Zhang Wenheng cannot meet up with Zhang Zongheng on time tonight. No matter how fast he marches, he will definitely not arrive until tomorrow morning at the fastest. In this case, why not make more fuss at night?

Zhang Zongheng made preparations in the evening, but he waited and waited, but did not wait for Zhang Shun to attack. Zhang Zongheng couldn't help but feel a little in his heart. Is this guy going to fight at night?

Even though the Xuanda border army was exhausted, it was not a big deal to Zhang Zongheng. Fighting against the nomads on the grasslands and running for hundreds of miles is common, and it is not impossible to persevere even if you grit your teeth.

Only in this night battle, the variables were too great, and Zhang Zongheng was not completely sure. He had no choice but to order his soldiers to take out the cannon captured from Zhang Shun and wipe it clean over and over again, preparing to surprise the "bandits" and frustrate the opponent's spirit.

But how could Zhang Shun satisfy him? He just delayed the attack until midnight. Poor Zong Heng's subordinate soldiers were already very sleepy, so they had to stay up half the night.

At midnight, many people insisted on not being enough and fell down to sleep. Zhang Zongheng was wearing armor and holding a sharp knife. When he saw anyone lying down, he stepped forward and kicked them awake, for fear that Zhang Shun would take the opportunity to attack the camp.

Some soldiers couldn't bear it so much that they even fell asleep while standing. Zhang Zongheng rubbed his eyes that could barely open and felt like crying without tears. But he didn't dare to cry out loud, for fear of waking up the "thieves" who didn't know where they were, and letting them seize the opportunity to launch an attack.

As a result, "Speak of Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here." When Zhang Zongheng was feeling uneasy, he suddenly heard several screams near the camp, and then there were sounds of killing one after another all around.

It turned out that Zhang Shun specially selected 500 infantry in view of the characteristics of "night blindness" in this era and asked Zhang Sanbai to lead the attack on the camp.

The officers, soldiers, scouts, and sentries were all in dire straits. How could they detect Zhang Sanbai's team in time? After being on guard for half a night, Zhang Sanbai was still caught off guard.

Zhang Zongheng couldn't help being frightened and frightened. He quickly asked his soldiers to light torches and fight at night. At the same time, he asked his soldiers to lift the captured cannons and prepare to give the rebels a good time.

The cannon used by the Ming army is different from the cannon used by Zhang Shun. It is generally divided into two ways: normal method and double method.

The usual method is that the big bullet weighs five kilograms, so the shotshell also weighs five kilograms, and the gunpowder is used to shoot it. Shoot it.

In other words, when the Ming army fired artillery, it either used double gunpowder and double shells, or triple gunpowder and triple shells. It is completely different from Zhang Shun's understanding that the normal method uses five kilograms of gunpowder and five kilograms of cannonballs, and the double method uses ten kilograms of gunpowder and ten kilograms of cannonballs.

The Xuanda frontier army always liked to double the charge. Seeing that Zhang Shun's infantry was in a hurry to attack, he quickly put in the maximum amount of gunpowder and cannonballs, carried them forward, aimed at Zhang Sanbai and others, and lit the line of fire.

Zhang Sanbai was just about to kill him. When he saw more than ten artillery pieces being carried out in front of him, sparks arose from all of them. How could he not know that these were the cannons of the officers and soldiers?

However, if you dodge now, how can you still dodge? Zhang Sanbai remembered Zhang Shun's previous warning to himself and others, if they encountered artillery, they would just "lie down" and then resign themselves to fate. He shouted "Lie down" and took the lead in lying on the ground.

The rest of the officers, soldiers, and rebels were only focused on fighting. How could they know that their lives were hanging by a thread? Only a dozen loud noises were heard, and the familiar screams and wails sounded across the battlefield again.

Thanks to fans "Dong Yiyao", "Three Thousand Wings Angel" and "Ten Forty-nine" for their rewards, the author has recovered a little today and has updated more than 3,000 words this time. The author will continue to work hard and strive to regain his status as soon as possible and resume normal updates!

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