Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 215 Will attack Liaozhou (4)

Zhang Sanbai quickly raised his head and saw that although many soldiers around him had been killed, most of them were officers and soldiers who were standing in front of him and others. Although the rebels still suffered many casualties, fortunately the impact was not significant.

On the contrary, there was a large and miserable wailing sound coming from behind the officers and soldiers. Zhang Sanbai looked at it with the torches of the officers and soldiers and couldn't help laughing.

It turned out that the artillery forged by Zhang Shun was experimental in nature, with mediocre quality. It had been used many times by the rebels and was no longer usable.

After the last battle of Lingchuan, Zhang Shun had to order the more than ten iron cannons to be used with caution. For the sake of caution, Li Shi'an always loaded the shotgun with 80% to 90% gunpowder as a last resort. Fortunately, nothing went wrong.

It is for this reason that when Zhang Shun sent Chen Changzhen to "taunt" the officers and soldiers last time, he took the opportunity to abandon these burdens.

As a result, the Xuanda frontier army, which did not carry large and medium-sized artillery, got it as if it were a treasure. At this critical moment, Zhang Zongheng was ready to use it as a trump card.

The border troops saw the rebels firing multiple shots and did not even think of checking the status of the artillery. Under the emergency situation, they actually filled it with three times the gunpowder and three times the ammunition according to their past experience. The results can be imagined.

These artillery pieces suddenly turned into large explosive shells, and only a dozen loud noises were heard in succession. Most of these artillery pieces exploded on the spot. Splattered gun barrel fragments and large amounts of shotshells flew everywhere, instantly wiping out the surrounding artillerymen and elite border troops.

The sudden explosion caused a vacuum of combat power near the artillery, and a period of chaos inevitably occurred in the usually calm Xuanda border army.

Because the officers and soldiers deliberately moved the artillery forward in order to bombard the rebels, the explosion of the artillery directly caused a gap in the officers and soldiers' defense line.

Zhang Sanbai couldn't help but be ecstatic when he saw this. He was the most ruthless person. How could he let go of this golden opportunity? Zhang Sanbai raised the three-pointed two-edged sword in his hand and shouted: "The power of God will help me. If the artillery is on me, the enemy will be injured. If the artillery is on the other side, the enemy will also be injured. Isn't this not God's will?"

"God's will is mine. I will defeat this guy! Come forward and fight with me. If there is any delay, I will kill you immediately!"

Zhang Sanbai took the lead, waving a three-pointed two-edged sword into the gap. Zhang Zongheng couldn't help being shocked and angry when he saw this, and quickly sent Hu Dawei to lead 200 people to block the gap.

But the rebel army is so powerful, how can they resist it? It turned out that the rebels had witnessed Zhang Shun's miracles to some extent and had long been convinced that Zhang Shun, the True Dragon Emperor, was about to replace the Ming Dynasty and create a new empire.

What's more, another miracle appeared in this battle, indicating that the officers and soldiers would be defeated. In this case, the rebel army made great achievements, and the dream of wealthy descendants was out of control.

What's more, Zhang Sanbai is extremely powerful and skilled in martial arts, but he doesn't have a single general under his command. Even if the elite of the border army is wearing double armor, he is wielding a twenty-pound three-pointed two-edged knife. With a small nail at the tip of the knife, he can drive through two layers, and then pull it hard to tear the enemy general's body apart. of armor. Finally, he thrust the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand and stabbed him to death on the spot.

One soldier is raging, and the general is raging in a nest. This three hundred is invincible, so naturally all the soldiers under his command will fight to the death.

If one man fights hard, a thousand people can easily defeat him; if a hundred people fight hard, ten thousand people can't stop him. In cold weapon warfare, the most important thing is momentum. When momentum rises, morale will be high and you will be unstoppable.

After Hu Dawei brought his men up, he was defeated by Zhang Sanbai as soon as they fought. Hu Dawei has been on the battlefield for many years, and he knows that his soldiers did not use their full strength this time, but were just frightened by the enemy.

He has already seen that Zhang Sanbai is the courage of this army. As long as he blocks this person's offensive or kills him, he will definitely turn defeat into victory.

Although Hu Dawei is brave, he is not sure about controlling Zhang Sanbai. Fortunately, there are more than ten guards around him, all of whom are warriors of their own clan, so they can work together to destroy this official.

So, Hu Dawei quickly drew out the sword from his waist and took more than ten guards to challenge the three hundred.

Zhang Sanbai was already red-eyed at this moment. Regardless of the enemy in front of him, he just waved his sword and fought forward. It wasn't until he met Hu Dawei and others that he was finally resisted.

After the two sides exchanged blows for a few times, Zhang Sanbai's soldiers were suppressed by Hu Dawei's guards. For a while, Zhang Sanbai fell into a dangerous situation of one against many.

That Zhang Sanbai was not afraid and laughed loudly: "You dare to compete with the sun and the moon even if you are a clown! The rats with more and less are just the right ones for me to use for my merits!"

After saying that, he went to kill the tiger without hesitation, without dodge or avoidance. Zhang Sanbai's armor was made of silk and iron breastplate. The defense was good enough, and the weapon in his hand was heavy. When he swung it, he struck one sword at a time, one sword at ten steps!

Zhang Sanbai killed four or five people in a row until he reached Hu Dawei. Although Hu Dawei was known for his bravery, he could not help but lose his aura of risking his own life.

Zhang Sanbai was covered in blood, his face was ferocious, and his usual handsomeness could not be seen at all. What's more, behind him was another row of warrior guards who fell to the ground. Some of them had not had time to die, and were still twitching and wailing on the ground.

In this scene, where does Hu Dawei still have the will to fight? After just three rounds of fighting, his liver and gallbladder were broken, and he turned around and ran away.

It turned out that Zhang Sanbai was born with supernatural power, and the three-pointed two-edged sword was extremely heavy. After three rounds of fighting, the mighty tiger's arm was sore. This Hu Dawei is a hero on horseback, but he is not good at fighting on foot. When he encounters a hero like Zhang Sanbai, he cannot resist him.

When Hu Dawei retreated, the gap in the defense of the officers and soldiers was suddenly torn open even wider by Zhang Sanbai. Zhang Zongheng was still unwilling to accept it, and cursed angrily: "The tiger is so powerful, the tiger is so powerful! I think you might as well call it the rat, so powerful!"

After cursing a few words and getting angry, Zhang Zongheng quickly mobilized two to three hundred soldiers to resist Zhang Sanbai. Even if he couldn't resist, it would be better to delay as much time as possible.

Not to mention how Zhang Sanbai charged into the battle, Zhang Shun naturally couldn't let Zhang Sanbai fight alone. When he saw the officers and soldiers lighting torches, his position was exposed.

Li Shi'an took the lead in lighting the artillery, and only heard a sound. A huge artillery shell hit the simple wall made by the border army, punching a big hole in the wall on the spot and breaking several trees.

The shell didn't stop rolling, and rolled into the crowd again, beating several officers and soldiers in iron armor to pieces, or breaking their arms and legs, bloody.

Fortunately, the Xuan Da border troops had long been accustomed to it. Although they were a little surprised by the power of Zhang Shun's artillery, it was not surprising.

Li Shi'an calmly stood in the dark and bombarded the officers and soldiers' camp, which was in flames. After blasting for a while, the fence of the camp was shaken to the point of collapse, and then they gave up.

At this time, there was a sound of fighting in the darkness, and another two hundred infantry rushed forward. The leader was none other than the original pioneer Jiang He.

Jiang He originally had 500 men and horses. Zhang Shun was worried that Jiang He's strength would be too strong during this expedition, so he deliberately left 300 men and horses under his command in the base camp for defense, and only brought out 200 infantry. , in order to fight.

Jiang He's two hundred infantry were also the elite ones he carefully selected, but because he did not select soldiers with "night blindness", they were not used as the main force of the raid.

Now that the officers and soldiers' camp was lit with torches, and with the light of the fire, Jiang He and his two hundred men could barely participate in the battle, so they rushed forward.

Zhang Zongheng's men and horses were in disarray. They had been reluctant to resist Zhang Sanbai all the way, but now Jiang He came out and the troops were suddenly stretched thin. But he couldn't just sit idly by, so he mobilized his troops and asked Meng Ruhu to lead two hundred soldiers to resist.

This fierce tiger is also a cavalryman. Not only is he superb in equestrian skills, but he is also an expert in archery.

After receiving the order, he mounted the golden melon hammer, held the carved bow, and led his troops to fight. As a result, Jiang He had a shield in his left hand and a sword in his right hand. He also had many warriors with swords and shields under his command, making him as fierce as a tiger feel like he had no way to bite a hedgehog.

Fierce as a tiger ordered the soldiers to fire a wave of arrows, but most of them were blocked by the rebel shields in front of them. Occasionally, some fish slipped through the net and were protected by the armor, but they did not achieve much results.

As a last resort, the fierce tiger had no choice but to abandon the carved bow and charge forward with the golden melon hammer. This golden melon hammer is heavy on the front and light on the back. It is not exaggerated to look like a watermelon like in romance novels.

On the contrary, it is no more than two feet long, and a pumpkin in front is no bigger than a fist. Although it is powerful when swung, the huge inertia causes the range of movement to be too large.

As soon as this fierce tiger and Jiang He fought, both sides couldn't help but cursed "straight bitch" at the same time! It turned out that this fierce tiger wanted to smash Jiang He's shield with one strike because of its heavy weight.

But Jiang He's shield had a layer of fine iron protection added, and it was coated with raw lacquer on the outside so that the material could not be seen. When he was fighting with someone, he could use this iron shield to hit him, causing him to stagger, and then take the opportunity to follow up with a knife to kill him.

As a result, the hammer was as fierce as a tiger, not only making a hole in his iron shield, but also causing pain in his left arm, directly interrupting the entire tactical movement.

And the hammer as fierce as a tiger hit the iron shield, which immediately shocked Hukou and almost caused him to lose his grip. Now both of them knew that the other was not someone to be trifled with, and they couldn't help but become wary.

The two tried and attacked each other several times, but there was nothing they could do against each other, and they were in a stalemate for a while.

At the beginning, both sides were calm and fought each other to no avail. As a result, after a while, Li Shian came over with his people and pushed the "golden cannon" forward. It was so frightened that it was as fierce as a tiger and as timid as a cat, and turned around and ran away.

Li Shian hurriedly asked someone to adjust the angle and light the "golden cannon", but was it still too late? Only a single cannon shot was heard, and more than a dozen of the border troops who were unable to escape were killed and countless others were injured.

It's just a pity that the fierce general, who was as fierce as a tiger, escaped and was not killed on the spot.

Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuanda, heard the sound of huge artillery again and knew that something was wrong. When officers and soldiers fight against rogue bandits, they are always afraid of their escape and never worry about combat effectiveness. Therefore, for the sake of portability, it is more or less like to leave the clumsy artillery at the station and go into battle lightly, so as to get more heads and claim credit.

Now he didn't expect that when the cannon was used, Fang Henshao would be given the upper hand in firepower by the rogue bandits. Zhang Zongheng knew very well that no matter how brave the frontier troops were, they were not made of steel. After all, they are all made of flesh and blood. They will be hungry and sleepy, they will be killed and injured, and they will collapse. They cannot withstand the bombardment of cannons.

Thinking of this, Zhang Zongheng had no choice but to order in pain: "You all followed me all the way to suppress the bandits. Instead of expecting to be disadvantaged in the battle, you were besieged by the bandits. Now that things are not harmonious, it is best to avoid their sharp edges and retreat first. !”

Thanks to the fans for the "10:49" tip! The author went to his parents' house during the Dragon Boat Festival today and came back late, so he only has one chapter to write. After these two days of adjustments, the author seems to have regained his status. If there are no accidents, I will try to update more tomorrow to thank everyone for their support! Thanks

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