Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 219 Will attack Liaozhou (8)

At the end of the battle of Changzi County, Zhang Shun's troops suffered considerable losses and gains. Zhang Shun also took the opportunity to test the quality of the Ming Dynasty's frontier army's combat effectiveness.

After several days of intrusion, he first made them tired, deprived of food, drink, and sleep, and then took advantage of the opportunity to attack, but it was still so difficult to defeat, which shows how big the gap in combat power between the peasant army and the officers and soldiers was.

What's more, because the frontier troops rarely carried heavy artillery and other items in order to go into battle lightly. If the artillery and baggage are all available, the two sides can open up their positions and beat gongs and drums face to face to have a fair contest. I'm afraid he was killed long ago and his ashes were scattered.

Zhang Shun originally planned to disperse these newly captured border army elites and place them under the command of Zhang Sanbai, Jiang He, and Li Jiyu, but Zhang Shenyan stopped him.

Zhang Shenyan said: "General, I know that you love Cai Cai very much. It's just that the elite troops here are different from ordinary guards. The mainland has been peaceful for a long time, and the guards have long been ruined. Many of the so-called guards are not rogues who were hired to replace them. , they are unemployed vagrants, or they may be tenant farmers or slaves of guards officers."

"So once the war is defeated and you have no worries, you can join our army at will. Even if you are really an officer and soldier of the guard station in time, because the system has long been corrupted, you can still settle things with some money at home."

"It's just that the guards here are different from those in the mainland, especially the Xuanda Second Division. Because they are always facing threats from the northern Tartars, they are usually real guards. They actually occupy the land of the guards, and all the family members, young and old, Depend on this place for survival.”

"The number of places in the border area is limited. Once they are found to have taken refuge with us, the whole family will be implicated. Therefore, if these people are out of supervision, they must be acting as undercover agents for the government, or fleeing secretly, so they cannot be used!"

When Zhang Shun heard this, he thought: Is there such a thing? I thought that our officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty were all weak in the knees, and it didn’t matter who we followed to eat food.

So Zhang Shun followed Shan Ruliu and simply stripped the more than 300 captured people of their armor and weapons and kept them in the transport camp to work as coolies.

After this battle, Zhang Shun counted the days and found that the date agreed with "Zijinliang" was getting closer and closer, so he left Changzi County and went all the way north to Licheng County.

Zhang Shun finally reached Licheng County and went straight to the rebel camp without going anywhere else. The other rebels have not returned yet, and Zhang Shun has also missed a lot of entertainment.

They first quarreled with Zhang Zongheng, harassed and entangled them for several days, and then fought hard all night long. The soldiers were already exhausted. Therefore, Zhang Shun arranged a warning and asked everyone to take the opportunity to repair and repair.

The rebel camp was simple and crude, and it was actually very uncomfortable to stay there in the middle of winter. At any rate, the soldiers under Zhang Shun captured a lot of cotton armor, some of which were damaged or unusable. Zhang Shun ordered the soldiers to dismantle them and make cotton coats for the soldiers who did not have winter clothes.

As for the soldiers who had cotton-padded armor, they simply made do with it and used their cotton-padded armor as cotton-padded clothes. It was much better than freezing to death. The soldiers of this era were also quite hard-working and just made do.

This surprised Zhang Shun. He thought the conditions were difficult and the soldiers would protest. In fact, Zhang Shun didn't know that these soldiers were at the lowest level even in the Ming army. In previous years, when winter came, not only did they have no cotton-padded clothes to keep out the cold, but they even had trouble eating and drinking, so they could only suffer.

Now that I am following Zhang Shun, I can still see hope of surviving the cold winter.

On the second day, "Purple Golden Liang" was the first to return to the camp. This fellow was also a well-informed person. When he arrived at the camp, he saw that Zhang Shun had already arrived, and he quickly came over and praised: "Brother Optimus Prime is really a god with his troops. A few days ago, Zhang Zongheng's thief bird man also relied on two thousand cavalry. , and drove tens of thousands of our troops into a desperate situation. Now I never thought that you, my little brother, could break it with the same force and greatly increase the prestige of our rebel army."

Zhang Shun understood the principle of everyone carrying the sedan chair, and he quickly said humbly: "Where, where! It's just the officers and soldiers' carelessness, I was lucky enough to win! It all depends on the second master's command and the use of troops like a god!"

The second master "Purple Gold Liang" couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he heard this, and he said with a smile: "'Optimus Prime' is indeed a man of general knowledge. When we look back, everyone has gathered together. I hope my little brother will not forget what he said today!"

Nani? Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this and thought: I am just being polite, why are you going to beat the snake and follow the stick? I think I am shameless enough. Compared with you, I am really like a white lotus!

"Purple Golden Liang" saw Zhang Shun looking at him and stopped talking. He also knew that Zhang Shun would not act according to his "strategy" if there was no blood. He stretched out a finger, then hesitated, added another finger, and said to Zhang Shun: "If the little brother can act according to the plan, I am willing to give you two thousand dan of food! I know that the little brother joined the gang before. When we were young, we hauled a hundred carts of grain, but now that people eat horse chews, I’m afraid there won’t be much left, right?”

Zhang Shun's eyes turned green when he heard this. Due to the inconvenience of transportation, his hundred carts could only transport less than a thousand stones of grain. After many twists and turns in the past few months, I have already finished eating. At present, military rations mainly rely on private donations and caravan purchases. By the way, the dried fish from Shengwangping can also be used as part of the military rations, that's all.

Now that "Purple Gold Liang" sent two thousand shi of grain at one mouth, Zhang Shun almost agreed. However, as a shrewd Chinese, Zhang Shun hesitated, stretched out three fingers, and bargained: "Three thousand stones!"

"Zijinliang" frowned and said unhappily: "Little brother, my brother's food is not brought by the strong wind. What is the most important thing among the rebels? If you ask carefully, it is neither war horses nor weapons and armor. The most important thing is this food."

"As the saying goes, 'People are as good as iron rice. If you don't eat even one meal, you will be starving.' If you are a heroic hero, but if you are hungry, a three-year-old child on the roadside can kill you. I, 'Purple Gold Liang', have always treated you badly." Bo, let's do this, I'll give my little brother two thousand five hundred dan, one price! If you succeed, you can succeed, if you can't pull it down!"

Zhang Shun couldn't help but smile when he heard this, thinking: I guess you have been planning for a long time, why are you pretending to be a big-tailed wolf now?

However, after all, this guy is also the leader of the rebel alliance. I am more or less his confidant, so I can't offend him too much. But Zhang Shun didn't want to be looked down upon, so he replied: "Thank you so much, Second Master. It's just a few facts. Don't worry, I will arrange for my subordinates to publicize it more, and there will be no omissions."

"I know that you, the second master, must make arrangements for this. The affairs of the second master are my 'Optimus Prime' affairs. I dare not sit down and raise the price to embarrass the second master. The second master, just rest assured. If there is anything to do, someone will be sent to you." I will fight to the death!"

After hearing Zhang Shun's promise, the second master "Purple Gold Liang" returned to the camp happily and said to Taoist Qi Xu: "The old Taoist master really has a clever plan. This 'Optimus Prime' thought of his old love and agreed to me. So and so. , in the future, the contribution of 'Optimus Prime' will be the contribution of my 'Purple Golden Beam'. It is really a plan to kill two birds with one stone, and I will definitely be able to subdue the 'King of Chaos' and the 'Armor-breaking Cone'."

It turns out that when "Purple Gold Liang" saw the "King of Troubled Times" and "Broken Armor Cone" in the previous episode, he was quite dissatisfied with his orders, and felt worried, so he asked Taoist Qi Xu for advice, and the Taoist gave him a suggestion. It happened that Zhang Shun had just defeated Xuanda Governor Zhang Zongheng, which shocked Shanxi, and "Purple Gold Liang" took the opportunity to make this request.

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