Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 220 Will attack Liaozhou (9)

On the second day, the weather suddenly turned warm, and the entire sky was overcast, with no blue sky at all.

People in this era were almost all farmers, and they still had the ability to read the sky and understand the weather. Many people looked at the gloomy sky and couldn't help but murmured: "It looks like it's going to snow. The auspicious snow heralds a good year. Look." It looks like next year will be a good year!”

"A good year? A good year has nothing to do with you! Do you have land?" someone laughed.

"That's right, let's talk about next year, let's get through this year first!" Some older people shook their heads and sighed helplessly.

When the weather is about to change, not only "Purple Golden Liang" and Zhang Shunbu can tell, but "King of Troubled Times" and "Armor-breaking Cone" can also tell. Therefore, these two people did not care about "hunting for food" outside, and quickly led their team back to the rebel camp before the rain and snow came.

Therefore, "Purple Golden Liang" made a big splash this time and organized a sumptuous dinner to entertain them.

The second master, "Purple Gold Liang", happily delivered a speech at the banquet: "The banquet was held this time, firstly, to welcome the two brothers, 'King of Troubled Times' and 'Broken Armor Cone', and secondly, to celebrate the great victory of 'Optimus Prime' brothers. Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuanda, is powerful in Shanxi!"

The "King of Troubled Times" and "Armor-breaking Cone" had already heard rumors about Zhang Shun's victory on the road. They couldn't believe it at first, but they had no choice but to believe it until "Zijinliang" personally confirmed it today. The two looked at each other and saw each other's shocked expression. Governor Xuanda is so majestic and powerful. If he can gather two or three battalions of soldiers and horses, it will be good to capture him. Zhang Shun only had more than 2,000 men under his command, so how could he defeat the Xuan Da border army?

Afterwards, what surprised them even more was that Zhang Shun stood up quickly, waved his hands modestly, and said: "The second master is too polite, but I don't dare to be the younger brother. In this battle, I can win with less and with weakness." The victory over the powerful and the great defeat of Zhang Zongheng, the Governor-General of Xuanyuan, was all due to the command of the second master, who was able to strategize and win the victory thousands of miles away."

"To be honest, when the second master told me, let's give Zhang Zongheng a big one, I couldn't believe my ears. The officers and soldiers are so powerful and good at fighting, and our rebels can't even get a meal, so they can defeat such a powerful enemy. Really? I have doubts about this!"

"In this regard, I had the mentality of giving it a try and accepted the command of the second master. Unexpectedly, Zhang Zongheng was tricked by the second master. When his soldier teacher got tired, I struck with thunder and it was as powerful as a bamboo."

"To be honest, brothers, 'Optimus Prime', I feel like I'm in a dream right now! You said that I defeated the border army of Xuanda Governor Zhang Zongheng. I can't believe it myself, and I don't dare to take credit for it. These are all two things. What a great achievement as a leader!"

The "King of Chaos" and "Armor-breaking Cone" almost spit out a mouthful of old blood when they heard this. This guy is really shameless. Do you think we are fools when we are strategizing and winning thousands of miles away? Others don’t know what Zuo Cheng’s “Purple Gold Liang” is capable of, but we don’t know it either? What does it mean when you two sing in harmony?

The "Purple Gold Liang" was so happy after hearing Zhang Shun's bragging that he smiled at Qixu Taoist and said, "This guy is really a talent. With his clever mouth, he blew up to the sky. I thought I was the one who commanded him." This battle!"

The Qixu Taoist looked at his nose and heart and said, "This is what you commanded!"

"Ah? Ah! Yes, I was the one who directed it. The old Taoist priest was right!" "Purple Gold Liang" was so happy that his eyes almost went out.

Not to mention what the "King of Chaos" and "Armor-breaking Cone" were murmuring in their hearts, the banquet was actually a lively one, and everyone had something to gain.

Zhang Shun didn't care about the intrigues of others. After he praised the second master's "Purple Gold Liang", he led his subordinates to eat and drink without any intention of saving for "Purple Gold Liang".

In order to "eat the rich", Zhang Shun did not care about the chaos at the rebel banquet and brought his mother-in-law Li Sanniang and Zhuer over to eat and drink for free.

When the banquet was about to end, "Zijinliang" discovered that Zhang Shun had family members, which was not convenient for the "program" after the banquet. He burped and walked over, drank a glass of wine with Zhang Shun, and said, "It's been a hard day, little brother. I have several beauties here. You can choose as you like!"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Shun quickly waved his hand and refused. Not to mention that his mother-in-law was right in front of him. Even if she wasn't in front of him, he had no interest in these crooked things.

At this time, "Purple Gold Liang" was also a little drunk. When this person drinks too much, he will inevitably talk too much. He glanced at Li Sanniang and Zhu'er, and whispered: "Little brother, you are so discerning! What do you think? The thieves are all playing with the pretty aunt, how come you are guarding two ugly aunts?"

When Zhang Shun heard this, he was stunned: Although Li Sanniang and Zhu'er do not meet his aesthetic taste, they are still beauties. Is it your aesthetic that has a problem?

After hearing this, Zhang Shun looked at the eyes of "Purple Gold Liang" for a long time and found that there seemed to be nothing wrong with his eyes. He couldn't help but wonder: Could it be that the aesthetics of ancient and modern times are not the same?

Seeing the rude look in his eyes, "Zijinliang" didn't know what he was thinking, so she couldn't help but feel a little angry and said: "You baby, you are still not convinced! You have only passed a few women, how can you recognize the beauty and ugliness? Brother, I haven’t received any “good stuff” recently. One day I will, let me open my eyes and see what a real beauty is!”

Zhang Shun is too lazy to pay attention to him. He has a well-developed future consultancy, and celebrities and Internet celebrities are everywhere. What kind of beauty has he never seen before, and he still uses you to show off? So he responded: "What the second master said is that I am short-sighted. One day I will have to ask the second master to broaden my horizons!"

This was just one of the small episodes. Zhang Shun knew that it was inappropriate for his family members to be present for what was going to happen next, so he led Li Sanniang, Zhu'er and others to go back.

Not knowing what the generals under his command were thinking, Zhang asked in passing: "Do you want to leave or stay?"

When everyone saw that the lord had left, and they and others stayed here, they all hated the lord for nothing, so they all responded: "We will follow the lord. Since the lord has gone back, we will also go back to the camp to rest!"

Zhang Shun knew that some people might be a little reluctant, but after thinking about it, there was nothing glorious about this kind of behavior, so he promised: "There are some poor people on the left and right. They are ruined for nothing and have a bad conscience. I know that there are many bachelors among our brothers. , if I get a chance in the future, I will definitely find some good matches for my brothers!"

These people were not worried about Zhang Shun deceiving them. They all smiled happily when they heard this and responded in a confused manner: "That's a good relationship. I want to find a virtuous mother-in-law!"

"What's the use of being virtuous? I think a beautiful mother-in-law is better!"

"I'm looking for someone with a big butt to give birth to!"

This group of bachelors were usually so depressed that they ignored the presence of Li Sanniang and Zhu'er and instead told Zhang Shun their requests one by one. As soon as Zhang Shun heard that this was a serious matter, he turned around and arranged for Li Xin: "You will find a pen and paper in a while and write down everyone's preferences one by one. If you meet the right one in the future, you can tell everyone!"

Li Xin was stunned when he heard this, and thought to himself: Isn't this what everyone says, and you just listen to it like this? Why do you treat it like a serious matter?

He thought about it carefully and found that Zhang Shun's methods were indeed clever. This is what everyone needs. If Zhang Shun takes this opportunity to mediate with everyone.

Firstly, being a Yuelao has brought everyone closer; secondly, these people have families and cares, so it is not easy for them to betray and leave; thirdly, these matchmakers are all told by Zhang Shun, who is the woman, not Zhang Shun? Keep it smooth and balanced!

Li Xin couldn't help but admire Zhang Shun again, thinking: I'm afraid only such a person can bear the title of True Dragon Emperor!

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