Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 221 Will attack Liaozhou (10)

By the next morning, light snowflakes had begun to fall. Zhang Shun and others packed up their things, leaving only some ironware, bronzeware and some food in the camp. I took all the other urgently needed supplies and set off all the way north.

Due to the weather in the morning, "King of Chaos" and "Armor-breaking Cone" were a little reluctant to take action, but they were scolded by the second boss "Purple Gold Liang" before they behaved.

Marching in heavy snow is indeed difficult and affects the marching speed. However, despite the heavy military orders, the "Eight Kings" and "Sweeping King" have arrived in Qinzhou, and the "Chuang King" and "Guo Tianxing" have arrived in Wuxiang. Everyone is preparing to march to Liaozhou as planned. If the schedule is delayed, wouldn't it put the other two armies in danger?

As the saying goes, "if it snows, it will turn into cold snow." When the rebels were trekking on the rugged mountain road, they did not find the cold wind and snow unbearable, but the road was slippery and difficult to travel. Some accidentally slipped and fell to the cliff. Went down below. He fell to pieces and saw that he could not survive!

Zhang Shun had no choice but to dismount his horse and walk with the soldiers. He was afraid that if his horse stumbled, he would die in the valley. That would be called a coward.

After the army set up camp that night, Zhang Shuncai felt that the snowy night was particularly difficult after all his physical strength was exhausted. Whether in his previous life or in this life, he had never walked for so long under such difficult conditions, and had to tremble while holding Li Sanniang and Zhu'er to keep each other warm.

The next morning, Zhang Shun got up and heard a noise from other rebels. Zhang Shun strangely asked Chen Changzhen to go and inquire about it, only to find out that the rebel army was not as well-fed and clothed as his own. Many people who lacked food and clothing froze to death in the tents last night.

Zhang Shun lamented for a long time and had no other solution. He just asked the soldiers to boil an extra pot of hot soup for everyone to drink to warm themselves up.

At this time, it had snowed all day and night, and it had turned from light snow to heavy snow. Anyone with experience knows that the snow starts with heavy snow and generally does not last long. If the light snow keeps falling, it is normal for the light snow to turn to heavy snow for several days and nights.

Zhang Shun sat there, drinking hot soup, looking at the snowflakes, and inexplicably remembered the woman Red Lady. What a beautiful sight it would be if she wore that red dress and danced in the snow.

It's just that she was born in Mizhi, a bitter and cold place outside the Great Wall. I'm afraid I'm tired of seeing such beautiful scenery with heavy snow, and I've lost the interest of a Central Plains native like me.

I don’t know if the snow has not reached Shunwangping, and what the situation is like in their camp. Are they living well in the camp?

Thinking of this, he suddenly wanted to write something, so he broke off a branch and scratched in the snow:

Message to Arrow and Matchmaker, there is heavy snowfall and melancholy!

I don’t know where my thoughts arose, but they were blown away by the wind to King Shun.

Where is Queen E's daughter Ying now? Later generations talked about Xiaoxiang everywhere!

After finishing writing, Zhang Shun suddenly remembered something. He looked around and found that Li Sanniang and Zhu'er were not in front of him. He quickly waved his hand to disturb the snow to prevent them from seeing the clues.

After breakfast, "Zijinliang" sent someone to tell Zhang Shun that the messengers from "General Chuang" and "Eight Kings" arrived last night, and the other two groups marched as scheduled, and everything was normal. So, the team set off again with difficulty.

It wasn't until the evening of the third day that the team arrived in Liaozhou. It was night, and candles were lit in the "Purple Golden Liang" tent, which was brightly illuminated. Everyone knew it was the "Purple Gold Liang" tent promotion, so they rushed over and sat down together.

"Purple Golden Liang" sat in the coach's seat and said: "Brothers, we have now received the news that the 'Eight Kings', 'Sweeping King', 'Jiang Jiang' and 'Guo Tianxing' are all in place, and we have arrived as scheduled."

"It's snowing heavily now. The city of Liaozhou is quite far away from Zezhou, so it must be unprepared. I want our army to rest early today, get up at midnight to bury the pots and make rice, set off at the ugly hour, and arrive at the gate of Liaozhou City at the Yin hour!"

Zhang Shun and others knew that this was the right way to use troops and had no objections, so they went back to their camps to make preparations.

It was midnight, Zhang Shun climbed out of the warm bed with difficulty, and at the same time woke up Li Sanniang and Zhu'er who were sleeping heavily. The two women were also a little unhappy and muttered: "What kind of battle are you fighting? It's just a torment!"

After all, Zhang Shun understood the matter of war, so he persuaded him: "That's what war is like. You either bleed or sweat. It's better to be tired and miserable than to lose your life."

As a result, Li Sanniang exposed him and said: "Hey, what our master said is better than what he sang. Zhu'er, you didn't know that he was too lazy before. He slept in the sun every day and didn't want to get up!"

"Ah? Then you peeked at our father's butt?" Zhu'er asked in surprise.

"You damn girl, why are you trying to make fun of me!" Before the two of them got up, they started to quarrel again.

Zhang Shun quickly stopped and said, "We have something serious to do, so stop making trouble!"

After everyone got up and braved the severe cold, wind and snow, they buried the pots and cooked rice before they put on their clothes and armor. , with the title of Mei, Ma Lekou, and rushed all the way to Liaozhou.

It is not easy to attack tens of thousands of people at night. In order to avoid getting lost in the dark night, everyone had to hold them with ropes and fumble forward.

After walking for about an hour, everyone saw Liaozhou City from a distance. The city in this era was not like later generations. It was brightly lit and it was already late at night. The whole city was a huge black thing lying on the ground.

Everyone followed the plan and approached the city, hoping that Zhang Shun's artillery would come forward and use it to break down the city gate.

Li Shian ordered the "golden cannon" to be pushed up, loaded with gunpowder, and was about to ask for orders.

Suddenly, I heard a commotion in Liaozhou City, and there was chaos in the city. Seeing this situation, Zhang Shun immediately ordered Li Shi'an to fire the cannon regardless of the situation.

After a loud noise, Li Shian's artillery broke the latch of Liaozhou City Gate. Everyone rushed forward and saw that all the defenders had run away.

How can anyone let go of such a great opportunity? Immediately, they swarmed up and invaded Liaozhou City. As a result, it was revealed that "Chuang Jiang" and "Guo Tianxing" had captured Liaozhou Prefecture.

It turned out that "Chuangjiang" and "Guo Tianxing" arrived early and made a tentative attack. Unexpectedly, Liaozhou City was careless and had no personnel stationed in the snowy night, so they easily entered the city.

While "Zijin Liang", Zhang Shun and others were still cautiously approaching the gate of Liaozhou, the rebel army was already attacking the capital of Liaozhou. Poor Liaozhou Zhizhou was still in his dream, so he was pulled out of the bed by "Chuang Jiang" and others, and ended his sinful life with a knife.

Zhang Shun and others were dumbfounded and welcomed the other rebels into the city. After waiting for another half an hour, the "Eight Kings" and the "Sweeping King" also arrived. Everyone was in place, and the "Purple Golden Liang" was promoted to the capital of Liaozhou. Everyone couldn't help but look at each other: they had been struggling emotionally for about twenty days, and they were expecting a fierce battle and a hard-fought victory. Unexpectedly, a massive campaign to attack Liaozhou ended in such an anticlimactic manner.

Fortunately, there were no casualties, which can be considered a blessing among misfortunes.

The battle to attack Liaozhou came to an end. Zijin Liang and the others have now poked a hornet's nest in the Ming Dynasty. We can predict what will happen next. Please listen to the breakdown next time!

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