Don't you think Zhang Shun doesn't want to take the position of leader of the thirty-sixth camp? He had never dreamed of it, but no one recognized him at all, so he had no choice but to follow the trend and quickly discouraged the second-in-command "Purple Gold Liang" from such hot-headed behavior.

Fortunately, Zhang Shun knew very well that even if he was allowed to take the position of leader of the thirty-sixth camp, it would be useless. First, the leader of the Thirty-sixth Battalion could not be commanded. Secondly, he really could not lead the Thirty-sixth Battalion of Rebels to find a way out. Thirdly, he did not benefit from it but suffered from it. His reputation did not match his strength, and he happened to be Officers and soldiers borrowed the heads to gain promotion and fortune. This is what the ancients said about "regarding false reputations to eliminate real disasters." So Zhang Shun resolutely refused to accept the position of leader.

However, there are a few people who are more enthusiastic about this matter than Zhang Shun himself. They are Han Tingxian, "The King of Troubled Times", and "The Armor-breaking Cone". They clung to the death of "Lao Huihui" and once made "Purple Gold Liang" very embarrassed.

The Qixu Taoist watched his nose and heart for a long time, and saw that "Purple Gold Liang" was really at the end of his game, so he approached him and whispered to him: "I should swear an oath to prove my innocence!"

The "Purple Gold Liang" couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he heard this, and he hurriedly said loudly: "Brothers, it's not for me to give up my position as the leader of the alliance, and it's not for me not to give it up. No one will allow me to give up, and even if I don't give up, there are also My brother was not satisfied, and I was in a dilemma. Moreover, I was forced to do so, and I could not defend myself or prove my innocence for a while."

"Whether you brothers believe it or not, I, "Purple Gold Liang", am willing to swear to God: the death of 'Lao Huihui', one of the commanders of the 36th Battalion, has nothing to do with me. If there are lies, I will definitely die from random arrows. !”

When Zhang Shun heard this, he couldn't help but secretly complained: "I am familiar with these words. The person who swore this poisonous oath died in a miserable way!"

It is said that because the ancients were particularly cautious about swearing poison, since the second boss "Purple Gold Liang" had already sworn a poison oath on the spot, other people who supported "Purple Gold Liang" believed it. The supporters just had this excuse, so Han Tingxian and the "King of Chaos" who didn't trust him naturally couldn't push too hard.

For fear that everyone would think that the two of them were deliberately looking for trouble, which would easily arouse public anger, the "King of Troubled Times" and "Armor-breaking Cone" had to give up temporarily. When the "Trespassing General" saw that something was not going well, he stopped saying anything, and the "Purple Gold Liang" finally stabilized its position.

The two sides were so angry that they were so angry that they were only one step away from breaking up. Seeing that everyone had managed to suppress the arrogance of the "King of Chaos" and "The Armor-breaking Cone", Zhang Shun quickly stood up to be a peacemaker and said: "Brothers, when you are a human being and do things, you should deal with the matter and not the person. Now the misunderstanding is resolved, After everyone talked about it, the grudge was gone."

"In this case, I suggest that we all discuss business and ask the second master to arrange the next move. In the previous episode, the second master was like a god with his troops. First, he commanded me to defeat Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuanda, and then everyone took the opportunity to attack Liaozhou City. , in my humble opinion, the second boss should be the main contributor!"

"Now that we have occupied Liaozhou City, I would like to ask the second master and all the brothers to discuss what we should do next!"

Only then did everyone realize that they had something serious to do to raise their accounts today, but they were disrupted by "General", "King of Chaos" and others, and they missed the matter.

Han Tingxian, "King of Chaos" and "Armor-breaking Cone" walked away in a hurry, but when they saw that no one mentioned what happened just now, they had no choice but to pretend to agree with Zhang Shun's proposal and said in agreement: "Yes, yes, yes!" Optimus Prime 'Little brother is right. But this time we misunderstood the second master, and we gave him a wrong answer!"

After speaking, the three of them raised their glasses together to apologize to the second master. Although the second boss wanted to beat these three people to death on the spot, he had no choice but to remain polite and drank their apology wine to show that he could forget the past and that we were still good brothers.

After a few people settled their differences, they looked at each other and smiled. Then, the second leader "Purple Gold Liang" sat on the high position and said: "Brothers, let's work together and meet thousands of miles away to defeat this Liaozhou city easily."

"Liaozhou is surrounded by mountains and has a steep terrain. Based on this, we can threaten Taiyuan from the west and sweep across Shanxi; we can enter Zhili from the east and threaten the capital. This is a battleground for military strategists."

"However, this place is too small to support our nearly 100,000-strong army. In my opinion, we should first divide our troops into four areas and occupy the surrounding prefectures and counties to defend Liaozhou. Then we will march westward with our army to capture Taiyuan City. The army marched all the way eastward, harassing Zhili and threatening the capital. I wonder what everyone thinks?"

After hearing this, everyone's morale suddenly rose. The "Eight Kings" laughed when they heard this and said: "The wealth of Taiyuan is ten times better than that of Liaozhou. If we take it, everyone will have an eye-opening experience in this life. Only the capital has never heard of it, and has never seen it. I wonder if we and others will be able to enjoy it?"

"Chuangjiang" has always been taciturn, but he just thought that his camp was close to the east of Taihang Mountain. This action did not know whether it would be beneficial or harmful to him. Because he had offended the second master "Zijin Liang" just now, he could only reluctantly reply: "Everything will be obeyed by the second master!"

And the "Sweeper King", "Xing Honglang" and others were even more arrogant, shouting one after another: "The Emperor has made us suffer by killing us. In our opinion, it is better to march eastward with the army and directly disrupt the Zhili area." . Then we suddenly sent our troops north, attacked the capital, and beheaded the emperor. It is only right that we all have one empress for fun!"

Zhang Shun couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this, and then said: "The officers and soldiers are strong, but the rebel army is weak. Since we have taken this advantage, we should move our army westward and capture Taiyuan quickly as the best strategy. When the time comes, Shanxi will be frightened, and a large army will be encircled and suppressed. Let’s abandon Taiyuan again and wait for the opportunity. Either go south to Fenzhou or east to Zhili. The initiative lies with me, to benefit others and not to control them!”

"Purple Golden Liang" couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he heard this, and praised: "'Optimus Prime' has a good strategy. If he acts like this, he will definitely beat the officers and soldiers out of reach!"

However, these words made the "Sweeper King" and "Xing Honglang" unhappy. Even the "Chaos King" and "Breaking Cone" were dissatisfied because Zhang Shun had been on the side of "Purple Golden Liang" and opposed Zhang Shun's strategy. .

They claimed: "The city of Taiyuan is strong, and it is also an important place for the vassal, so it must be heavily guarded. If we cannot conquer it in a short period of time, and four reinforcements are gathered, wouldn't we risk our own death?"

Zhang Shun's first battle plan was just on paper. Seeing everyone's opposition, he felt a little guilty and stopped insisting on his own opinion. He then smiled and said: "I'm just making a suggestion. Whether it succeeds or not depends on everyone's opinion first and then the boss makes a decision!"

But Zhang Shun didn't know that Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuanda, had not returned from Zelu, and Xu Dingchen, the governor of Shanxi, was in Linxian to fight against the rebel "Leopard Five". At this time, Taiyuan was empty and the fighting chance was fleeting. If everyone listens to Zhang Shun's plan, I wonder how Shanxi and other places will be turned upside down!

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