The second leader "Purple Golden Liang" managed to get through the operation easily, and Zhang Shunchao's superb performance defeated Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuanda, and finally occupied Liaozhou, creating a few days of fighting opportunities. As a result, all was consumed in the fighting and enjoyment of the rebel leader.

Finally, everyone agreed that the "Eight Kings" and "Sweeper King" would attack Yushe County in the west, and the "Chaos King" and "Peer Armor Cone" would attack Heshun County in the north gate. Zhang Shun and "Chuang Jiang" respectively attacked the Huangyuguan Inspection Department and Shibapan Inspection Department in the west of Liaozhou to threaten Shunde Prefecture in the east of Taihang Mountain.

The rebels were dilly-dallying, but the officers and soldiers were certainly not idle. At this time, neither Zhang Zongheng nor Xu Dingchen had time to recapture Liaozhou City, but there was one person who was just right.

This person is You Shilu, one of the three heroes of the You family. You Shilu is a very typical general in the late Ming Dynasty. He was born in the border area, started his military career, fought fiercely and bravely, and was a veteran general.

When he received dual orders from the Governor of Xuanda and the Governor of Shanxi, he immediately led his son You Renlong, ordered his troops and horses, and went straight to Liaozhou City.

Generals like You Shilu are brave but reckless in battle, powerful in battle but arrogant. As the commander-in-chief, he had only two to three thousand troops under his command, but he did not pay attention to the tens of thousands of rebels at all.

According to their thinking, the so-called "roving bandits" are actually just hungry people who are unwilling to starve to death and specially send military heads and generals to them. To them, suppressing bandits was a first-class shortcut to promotion and wealth, and he was still afraid that the cooked duck would fly away.

The rebel army captured Liaozhou on December 24th. It took only three days for You Shilu, his son and his men to arrive at Heshun County on December 27th. As a result, they happened to meet the "King of Troubled Times", "Armor-breaking cone".

The "King of Troubled Times" and "Armor-breaking Cone" relied on their large number of troops, so they surrounded You Shilu, trying to copy Zhang Shun's achievements.

Na You Shilu didn't panic at all. He first arranged his soldiers into a circular formation to resist the rebel attack. After repelling three rebel attacks in a row, You Shilu consciously figured out the strength of the rebel army, and then he personally led his troops to counterattack, defeating the "King of Chaos" army in one fell swoop, and pursued them for dozens of miles until they reached the gates of Liaozhou City. .

"Purple Golden Liang" stood on the Liaozhou City and saw that although there were few officers and soldiers, they were chasing after the "King of Troubled Times" and "Armor-breaking Cone" like hungry wolves chasing sheep. They were frightened and did not dare to open the door to fight with the officers and soldiers. .

The "King of Troubled Times" and "Breaking Armor Cone" were shouting for a long time under the Liaozhou City. When "Purple Gold Liang" didn't open the city gate, they couldn't help but cursed: "'Purple Gold Liang', you are a villain! The public avenges private enemies. I harmed Lao Huihui the previous time." ', and now you are trying to harm us again, you will definitely die from random arrows one day!"

But no matter how insulted these two people were, the old god "Purple Golden Liang" still refused to open the door. The two men had no choice but to give up, go around the city, and go straight to Yushe to look for the "Eight Great Kings" and the "Sweeper King".

When Nayou Shilu saw that the rebels were guarding Liaozhou City, he neither dared to take the opportunity to attack the city nor pursue the "King of Chaos" and "Breaking Cone". For fear of being deceived, the two places merged into one, and they took advantage of their unpreparedness to attack the officers and soldiers from a flank.

Therefore, You Shilu simply ordered the officers and soldiers to camp in the small town of Liaozhou, preparing to wait for the opportunity. When the "Purple Gold Liang" saw that You Shilu and other officers and soldiers refused to leave, they couldn't help but have a headache. He quickly sent messengers to deliver messages to the "Eight Kings", "Sweeper King", "Chuang Jiang" and Zhang Shun, summoning them to quickly return to Liaozhou City to defend Liaozhou City and work together to deal with You Shilu.

At that time, Zhang Shun was already attacking Huangyuguan. Due to the difficult terrain and the officers and soldiers clinging to the city wall, they had not achieved much results yet. After getting the news about "Purple Golden Liang", Zhang Shun had to abandon Huangyuguan and rushed back to Liaozhou City.

The "general" Huang Lai'er also didn't make much progress in the 18th game. After receiving the news, he rushed back to Liaozhou City without stopping.

As a result, when the two returned to the city, they learned that the "Eight Kings" and "Sweeping King" did not return to defense as ordered. Zhang Shun was surprised and asked why, and "Purple Golden Liang" embarrassedly told them that he did not let "King of Chaos" and "Breaking Cone" into the city.

When Zhang Shun heard this, he understood what was going on. These two people must have told the "Eight Kings" and "Sweeping King" about this matter in a garbled way, which caused confusion in their hearts and prevented them from working together.

Zhang Shun secretly cursed "cheating", but had to discuss ways to deal with the enemy with "Purple Gold Liang" and "Chuang Jiang".

At this time, "Purple Jinliang", "Chuang Jiang" and Zhang Shun did not know that the officers and soldiers under the city were the general You Shilu's department, but looking at their clothes and flags, they confirmed that they were the northern frontier troops.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the military system was chaotic, with different uniforms, flags, and equipment. Among them, the characteristics of the frontier troops in the late Ming Dynasty were various cotton armors, lightning rod helmets and military uniforms that were quite similar to the later Manchu and Qing Dynasty costumes.

If it weren't for the explanation from "Zijin Liang" and others, Zhang Shun almost thought that he and others were facing the Qing army.

It turns out that the Manchus in later generations originated from tribes, and their cultural clothing was quite backward. Apart from the "money rat tail" and "flower pot shoes", they did not have their own distinctive clothing. Most of the so-called Manchu servers are actually replicas of the military uniforms of the Ming Dynasty's border troops.

When Zhang Shun and Zhang Zongheng fought against each other last time, Zhang Shun didn't pay attention to the other party's clothes because they were not distinctive enough. It wasn't until I carefully observed You Shilu's department today that I discovered this kind of thing.

No matter whether they are "little Manchus" or Ming frontier troops, there will always be wars. It's just that everyone already knows the combat effectiveness of the frontier army, and how to deal with two to three thousand enemies, but the three of them have some differences.

According to Zhang Shun's wishes, the anti-justice soldiers had more officers and fewer soldiers. They harassed them day and night. They first exhausted their soldiers. When the opponent was exhausted, they then joined forces and strangled them.

But "Purple Golden Liang" thought that they should be lured to attack the city. When they were tired, the rebels rushed out of the city and defeated the officers and soldiers in one fell swoop.

The "crossing general" believed that the officers and soldiers had arrived and the fighting opportunity had been lost, so he should not stick to one city or one place, abandoned Liaozhou City, and then looked for opportunities to attack elsewhere.

The three of them argued for a while. Both Zhang Shun and "Purple Gold Liang" felt that the "rushing general" method overestimated the combat power of the officers and soldiers, destroyed their own prestige and boosted the ambition of others, so they eliminated this method of hasty escape first.

As a result, "Chuang Jiang" believed that Zhang Shun underestimated the combat power of the officers and soldiers, and in turn supported the "Purple Gold Liang" strategy. Zhang Shun had no choice but to obey the majority and adopt the strategy of defending first and then attacking.

On the next morning, after both sides buried pots and made rice, You Shilu led his men to attack Liaozhou City.

This You Shilu was also a fool. He actually led the officers and soldiers to attack the city in the first wave. He was so brave and unstoppable that he immediately caught the rebels by surprise.

Zhang Shun was also surprised by this style of attacking with all his strength on the simple ladder head.

It turned out that because You Shilu was on both sides of the road, he had no time to carry artillery, and he was originally preparing to catch the rebels by surprise. The rebel army was also delayed for some time due to internal disputes. They still followed the plan and prepared to capture nearby prefectures and counties first, and then move the army west to attack Taiyuan. Therefore, the defense of Liaozhou City was not done well.

This confrontation between the two sides was a test of their respective strengths.

The author originally planned to update three chapters today, but ended up writing only two chapters. I'm sorry. I'll fill in the chapter I missed yesterday next time.

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