Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 229 The fisherman gets a profit

It is said that "Chuang Jiang" was not far from Liaozhou City. He was trapped by the officer You Shilu and could not escape, so he had a death wish and fought desperately. The officers and soldiers suffered too many casualties, and for a while they couldn't take him down. You Shilu couldn't help but be anxious, fearing that the sound of fighting would alert the rebels in Liaozhou City and attract other rebels to go out of the city to meet the "general".

But they never thought that Zhang Shun was going to play another trick of stealing the camp under the suggestion of the "old and cunning" Zhang Shenyan. It's just that Zhang Shun's preparations were completed, but he still didn't hear the news of the defeat of "Chuang Jiang", and he was not sure how to make a decision for a while.

At this time, Zhang Shun consulted Zhang Shenyan for his opinion. It turned out that although Zhang Shenyan was thoughtful, he was worried and unable to make a decision.

At this time, Li Xin, an aide beside Zhang Shun, remonstrated: "'Chuang Jiang' is famous for being good at attacking. Although he is not as good as the master, he is not far behind. Now that he is leading a crowd to attack the camp, his subordinates must be the elite of the camp. No matter whether this matter is successful or not, he is not far behind." If not, the entire army will not be wiped out in an instant."

"In my opinion, the officers and soldiers must be well prepared, and the 'general' is not in a good position to engage in the battle. He is entangled by the enemy and cannot escape. If the lord sends troops at this time, it is the time when the snipe and the clam fight for the fisherman's profit. This is the time In one fell swoop, the chance of the officers and soldiers was defeated!"

Zhang Shun was quite surprised when he heard this and asked, "What would happen if the whole army of 'General Chuang' was wiped out?"

Li Xin was stunned when he heard this, and after thinking for a moment, he replied: "The 'general' leaving the city has three consequences: death, victory, and defeat. If the 'general' wins, I will only have to wait in vain, and there will be no harm." ; If 'Chuangjiang' is defeated in one battle, it must be that the officers and soldiers are too powerful, and they are beyond the capabilities of the officers and soldiers during the day. There must be reinforcements from officers and soldiers here, so there is no safe place inside or outside the city. We have no foundation and can defend alone. What good is an empty city?”

"If 'General Chuang' is defeated, it is the time when the Lord needs to march for rescue. How can we just sit back and watch the rebels besieged and refuse to save them?"

Zhang Shun couldn't help but be kind when he heard the words, and praised: "What a talented man with both civil and military skills, I didn't expect you to have such vision! However, what you just said is still insufficient!"

"If the 'Chuang Jiang' is defeated in one battle, there will be changes among the officers and soldiers. If we are deaf and blind, sitting empty in the city is the way to death! Our top priority is to sort out the true and false of the officers and soldiers. I order you to Lead one hundred of my personal guards to investigate the enemy's situation. I wonder if you dare or not?"

Upon hearing this, Li Xin bowed his hands and said, "I accept my order!" Then he led more than a hundred cavalry selected by Li You and his elite out of the city. Meanwhile, Zhang was arranging his soldiers in the city, preparing to leave the city at any time.

As a result, as soon as Zhang Shung finished rectifying the situation, Li Xin ran back with a few cavalrymen. Zhang Shun couldn't help but frown when he saw this, thinking: I know this person has some abilities, and I want to have the opportunity to practice him. Why is he so unusable?

Unexpectedly, as soon as Li Xin arrived, he quickly dismounted from his horse and shouted: "My lord, urgent military situation! We had only been out of the city for more than a mile when we found that officers and soldiers were surrounding the rebels and fighting, and it was suspected that 'General Chuang' and others were among them!" "

When Zhang Shun heard this, he was afraid that the officers and soldiers would escape, so he quickly sent Chen Changzhen and Liu Cheng to lead the cavalry to bite the enemy general, while he led his personal guards and infantry to suppress the formation behind.

You Shilu was so alert. He suddenly learned that there were scouts coming out of Liaozhou City, and he immediately raised his vigilance. When Li Xin and others saw how quickly the officers and soldiers returned to the city, You Shilu secretly said: It's broken!

In ancient military operations, due to limitations in technology and means, intelligence was relatively scarce. How long does it take for the general to guess the opponent's actions based on clues?

Now from You Shilu's point of view, it is said that the officers and soldiers had surrounded the "bandit" leader, but they just came out of the city to conduct a reconnaissance and discovered the whereabouts of himself and others.

If the Liaozhou city is unprepared, he can take advantage of the gathering of his army to destroy the current bandits and then leave. If the Liaozhou city had been prepared, they would have attacked at the critical moment when they were encircling and suppressing the bandits. If the officers and soldiers were exhausted, they would have been defeated by the bandits inside and outside.

You Shilu knew the benefits in his heart, but after thinking about it, he had to block it, betting that the rebel army was too disorganized and would not have time to gather a large army to go out of the city to fight with him.

It turned out that You Shilu was also a veteran general, although the rebels took turns taking turns and did so more covertly. However, during the siege during the day, he had doubts about the fact that the rebels' physical strength and energy far exceeded that of the officers and soldiers. He had long thought that the rebels might be more powerful than him and others.

But he was just a small warrior and a small general soldier, and he could not afford to offend Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuanda, and Xu Dingchen, the governor of Shanxi.

Although the Ming Dynasty attached great importance to military commanders, it was stipulated that titles other than military merit could not be awarded. But by this time, civilian officials had already usurped the military power of pure generals, and military generals generally ended up serving as commander-in-chief. The higher level of command has already fallen into the hands of military governors, governors and governors.

Now the city of Liaozhou is lost, and neither the governor nor the governor is here. If Shanxi cannot regain the lost land in time, the consequences of these two people can be imagined.

Now the two of them have urgently ordered themselves to recapture Liaozhou City at all costs. If they can capture this city, they will definitely be appreciated by these two officials. It is not impossible to be promoted to an official position; if the city cannot be recaptured, these two people will definitely take revenge before they are punished, and it is not impossible to be killed unjustly.

You Shilu already felt that if he did not take unconventional measures, it would be impossible for him to capture the city. For the sake of his wealth, life and his family, You Shilu had no choice but to take this gamble. What's more, he was quite doubtful whether the chaotic "rogue bandits" could organize reinforcements in time.

But despite all his calculations, he failed to realize that there was already a well-prepared rebel army in Liaozhou City, ready to attack the officers and soldiers at any time.

While You Shilu and "Chuang Jiang" were fighting desperately, Chen Changzhen and Liu Cheng led more than a thousand cavalry, regardless of the darkness of the night, to kill the general. You Shilu missed a move and was caught off guard. He was attacked from inside and outside by "Chuang Jiang", Chen Changzhen, and Liu Cheng, and was defeated on the spot.

You Shilu quickly fled to the camp, but Liu Cheng and Chen Changzhen were in hot pursuit. Until both sides arrived at the officers and soldiers camp, You Shilu's son You Renlong still led the officers and soldiers to fight with the remaining rebels.

Although You Renlong was close to wiping out all the rebels near the camp, his success fell short. The officers and soldiers fought fiercely for a day and a half and were already exhausted. I was encouraged by the hope of victory before, but now I see the rebels arriving, how can I still have the strength to continue fighting?

Chen Changzhen and Liu Cheng took the opportunity to attack the chaotic officers and soldiers camp, causing chaos in an instant. You Shilu and You Renlong saw that there was nothing they could do, so they had to lead the remaining soldiers and fled in panic.

Chen Changzhen and Liu Cheng chased him north for more than ten miles before reluctantly withdrawing their troops and returning.

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