Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 230 Shanxi Earthquake

When Zhang Shun arrived at the officers and soldiers camp, Chen Changzhen and Liu Cheng were lighting candles here and trying their best to collect officers and soldiers' armors, weapons and prisoners of war.

Zhang Shun quickly called the two men over and asked how the battle was going. Chen Changzhen and Liu Cheng happily told Zhang Shun that they defeated the officers and soldiers and pursued them for more than ten miles before returning.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but frown when he heard this, thinking: These two people are still inexperienced. If they can hold on to the officers and soldiers, when he arrives with his team, he will be seriously injured.

It's just that although these two men have successfully defeated the officers and soldiers, they have not been able to completely eliminate the opponent's threat. However, Zhang Shun also knew that the rebels' understanding of Shanxi's military situation was in a mess. If they pursue too closely, there's no telling what accident might happen in the process.

So Zhang Shun simply did not dampen the enthusiasm of these two people, praised them, and asked Li Xin to write down the merits of these two people and reward them together later.

Zhang Shun handed over these trivial matters to Chen Changzhen and Liu Cheng. After handing them over to Xu Ziyuan for registration, he took Wukong and Li Xin to see the "traveler" Huang Lai'er.

Huang Lai'er's troops fought bravely and were not inferior to Zhang Shun's troops. However, this attack on the camp was unexpected by the officers and soldiers, and they were ambushed by the officers and soldiers, causing a lot of damage. Even the old men from the eighth team who followed Huang Lai'er to raise troops were folded in a lot, and ordering a fierce battle was quite tiring.

When Huang Lai'er, the "Running General", saw Zhang Shun, he felt grateful beyond words. He bowed deeply to Zhang Shun, and then said quietly: "Huang is a stupid person. I don't know how to thank you for your life-saving grace. I can only bear it in my heart, and I will be rewarded one day!"

Zhang Shun was even more embarrassed when he heard this. He really couldn't take advantage of him and still behave well. His wife is really nice. After all, I owe her a lot.

Zhang Shun quickly said: "We are all brothers in the four seas. When we see injustice on the road, we will draw our swords to help. What's more, now that we are all rebels, we should work together to overcome difficulties and defeat the officers and soldiers!"

The "tiger" covered in blood couldn't help but feel moved after hearing this. He knelt down to Zhang Shun and kowtowed three times. Zhang Shun couldn't hold him back.

The "a tiger" said guiltily: "I have judged a gentleman with a villain's heart many times before, but now I know that only 'Optimus Prime' in the world is a true hero! In the future, if there is an errand, my uncle and I will People will not give up even if they die!"

Zhang Shun himself was tired of these words for a long time. Hearing this "a tiger" is not as good as what he said. Zhang Shun didn't pay much attention, he just waved his hand and said a few polite words as if he was Ling Ran's righteousness. He even got a high look from "The General" Huang Lai'er and "Yi Hu".

So everyone burned down the officers and soldiers' camp before returning to Liaozhou City.

Moreover, since You Shilu had been defeated, he himself was shot by Chen Changzhen with an arrow and was wounded, so he had to lead his troops to retreat to Taiyuan.

He knew that he had a big responsibility this time, and he was afraid of offending his two superiors. You Shilu quickly wrote two letters and sent them to Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuanda, and Xu Dingchen, the governor of Shanxi.

The article says: Now that the bandits have occupied Liaozhou City, I will personally lead three thousand elite troops on a double-duty mission. We will reach Heshun within three days and meet the bandits "King of Chaos", "Broken Armor Cone" and others. Our army defeated the bandits, their corpses lay everywhere in the fields, and the Zhang River stopped flowing.

Our army carried the power of this great victory to the gates of Liaozhou City. The thieves did not dare to fight, so our army attacked the city several times and scaled the city wall many times, but because there were too many thieves, we could not conquer it. By night, our army was exhausted. I predict that the thieves will attack the camp at night and ambush the camp early in the morning.

At midnight, a fierce bandit came out of Liaozhou City and was trapped by me. The two sides fought until the fifth watch, when the thieves were defeated again and almost the entire army was wiped out. Unexpectedly, the thief "Er Guan Gong" led the crowd to come to help in the battle. His fierce general "Optimus Prime" was the most brave and brave. Our army had been fighting fiercely for a day and a night, and was already exhausted and could no longer fight, so we retreated.

Now I am leading my troops to Taiyuan to prevent thieves from running around and disturbing the vassal king. Now that the thief is powerful and our army is isolated and difficult to control, Wanwang Junmen (Fujun) will come with large troops as soon as possible to destroy this thief.

To put it bluntly, he just boasted about his merits and concealed his fault, and then blamed his inexplicable defeat on the "notorious" gangster "Er Guan Gong" as a crime other than war. Then, he pointed out that Taiyuan was an important place for the clan and he did not dare to leave lightly, and asked the governor and governor to quickly gather a large army to exterminate the bandits.

Not to mention that the "Second Guan Gong" Chen Changzhen once again took the blame inexplicably, but that after the Governor of Xuanda Zhang Zongheng and the Governor of Shanxi Xu Dingchen received You Shilu's letter, they couldn't help but curse You Shilu for being useless.

But at this moment, the Jinzhong area is empty. The Datong and Sanguan border troops of Xuanfu in northern Shanxi still had to defend against the invasion of Tartars and did not dare to move without permission. The only troops Shanxi can now use are the 8,000 men under Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuanda, including Hu Dawei, He Renlong, and Zuo Liangyu (in fact, more than a thousand of them have been wiped out by Zhang Shun). The governor of Shanxi Xu Dingchen had 7,000 people under his command including Zhang Yingchang, Po Ximu, and Ai Wannian.

It sounds like there are a lot of officers and soldiers, fifteen thousand elite. However, apart from the fact that the officers and soldiers were on empty pay and scattered across seventy-nine states and counties, how could they mobilize them all in such a hurry? What's more, the Shanxi rebels are not just "Zijin Liang", Zhang Shun, "Chuang Jiang" and others.

Now because "Zijin Liang" and others conquered Liaozhou, the rebels were mobilized one after another. Shang Tianlong occupied Wucheng and peered into Fenzhou; Yan Zhenghu occupied Jiaocheng and Wenshui counties and peered into Taiyuan. In addition, Shanxi rebels are rising from all over, attacking cities and territories one after another, and Shanxi is in a state of chaos.

Under such a severe situation, Xuanda Governor Zhang Zongheng and Shanxi Governor Xu Dingchen had to put aside their old grudges and lead the army back north together.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen, who was far away in the capital, also heard about the military situation in Shanxi. He couldn't help but said angrily: "Thankfully, I thought that Xu Dingchen lived up to his name and could be a great minister of the country. Now it seems that he is an ordinary person like Yuan Chonghuan. Okay. You make big talk, you deceive the emperor and you ignore your superiors!"

The eunuchs in front of me were listening, and who dared to say, "Didn't Your Majesty promote a person like Yuan Chonghuan yourself?" He could only look at his nose and heart, and thought to himself: Come on, the governor of Shanxi is going to be in bad luck again!

Emperor Chongzhen was worried about the world, how could he allow these two people to be so perfunctory. He quickly issued an order to instruct Zhang Zongheng and Xu Dingchen to quickly recover their lost territory, otherwise they would be punished for losing territory; at the same time, he issued an order to mobilize the Qin troops from Shaanxi to enter the Jin Dynasty and prepare to wipe out the Shanxi bandits with all their strength.

At this time, Xu Dingchen, the governor of Shanxi, had already rushed to the vicinity of Taiyuan, regardless of the "Leopard Five" who occupied Linxian County, and expelled the bandit Yan Zhenghu from nearby Jiaocheng and Wenshui. However, Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuanda in the north, did not have such good luck. , directly encountered the four battalions of the "Eight Kings", "Sweeper King", "Chaos King" and "Armor-breaking Cone" who had broken away from the "Purple Golden Liang" in Qinshui and Wuxiang.

Thank you to the fan "Nine Leaf Emperor" for the large reward. The writing is not good and I deserve it!

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