The first day of the Lunar New Year is the first day of the sixth year of Chongzhen. It was supposed to be a joyful day, but before Zhang Shun had time to be happy, he got bad news early in the morning. His boss, the second-in-command "Zijinliang", was defeated in Liaozhou City and fled north for his life.

Zhang Shun didn't care much whether "Purple Golden Liang" died or not, but if the officers and soldiers occupied Liaozhou City, Zhang Shun, who lived in Huangyuguan, would face a huge threat.

What to do about this matter? We still have to hug each other for warmth! Zhang Shun had no choice but to send a messenger to contact "General Chuang" and exchange news. As a result, Zhang Shuncai sent the messenger out for half a day, and at noon Zhang Shun's camp received the messenger from "General Chuang".

One of the "Chuang Jiang" messengers also informed Zhang Shun about the defeat and retreat of "Purple Gold Liang", and the second one also proposed the joint venture between the two sides. These things are what Zhang Shun thought, how could he not follow them?

So Zhang Shun abandoned Huangyuguan, and "Chuang Jiang" abandoned the Eighteen Pans. The two sides met in Xingtai County, Shunde Prefecture, east of the Taihang Mountains.

After the two were polite, they discussed how to act in the future. At this time, "Chuang Jiang" made two suggestions:

First, Zhang Shun and others followed "Chuang Jiang" south and led his troops into Wu'an County. There was King Chuang's camp there, which could be used as a basis. It would be cheaper to wait for an opportunity to go north or south.

The second is that the two battalions work together to go north, first turning him upside down, and then finding the second leader "Purple Gold Liang" to go south.

Zhang Shun actually disagreed with these two suggestions. As for officers and soldiers, isn't that all? Zhang Shun has also seen a lot, and the world's most powerful troops are nothing more than a large frontier army. If the two of them join forces, they may not be able to do great things in the land of Zhili.

At this time, Chen Changzhen, who had gone out to investigate the news, came back. He reported to Zhang Shun: "My lord, Changzhen has been searching for information everywhere and heard that there are a large number of rebels in Lincheng County. The leader calls himself 'King of Hell'."

Zhang Shun thought for a moment and asked "General Chuang": "Brother Huang, you joined the rebel army earlier, have you ever heard who this 'King of Hell' is?"

"General Chuang" was a little embarrassed after hearing this and said: "Little brother, Brother Yu did join the rebel army earlier. However, the government forced the people to rebel, and the people from all over the world were living in dire straits. Today we raise troops to call this name, and tomorrow we raise troops to call that number, the flags are as chaotic as cow hair, Brother Yu It’s also impossible to know everything.”

Zhang Shun thought for a while and then said to "General": "Brother Huang, I have an idea. My brother suggested that we either go back to the camp or go north to join the second master. I think it is not advisable for the time being. If the rebels return south to the camp for the sake of stability, , Why didn’t we just die at home and commit such a rebellious act?”

"If we go north to join the second master, firstly, the enemy's situation is unknown, and secondly, the rebels are better than the officers and soldiers because they are running around. If we go head-to-head with the officers and soldiers, the rebels will suffer too much loss. I am afraid that it is in line with the officers and soldiers, but it will harm the second master. .”

"I have seen that when troops are divided, they are weak, but when they are united, they are strong. Although we have many soldiers and horses, there are not many people waiting to resist the officers and soldiers. Now I have arrived in Zhili, and I am not familiar with the place. As the saying goes, 'Strength is strong' A dragon cannot overwhelm a local snake, not to mention that we are not considered strong dragons?"

"In this case, why don't we pay a visit to that 'King of Hell' Lu? If this person is trustworthy, the three of us will work together to plan the rescue of the second master; if this person is not trustworthy, we will leave before thinking about him again." It’s never too late.”

After hearing this, "Chang Jiang" pondered for a long time and couldn't help but praise: "Although brother Optimus Prime is young, he is a mature and prudent man! This is very good. Brother Yu is convinced. Let's work together to find the 'Lord of Hell' .”

Not to mention how Zhang Shun and "Chuang Jiang" planned to act, there was a man in Daming Mansion in Zhili who was not living well in the New Year.

This person was none other than Lu Xiangsheng, the envoy to Lu Jiutai who was in charge of organizing the military equipment of the three prefectures of Daming, Guangping and Shunde.

Lu Xiangsheng went through many hardships and finally trained two thousand people on horseback. However, now that natural and man-made disasters are compounding, thieves and bandits are like weeds in the field, popping up everywhere without knowing when or where, Lu Xiangsheng also has a headache.

Now on the first day of the Lunar New Year, Lu Xiangsheng received the news that a group of bandits were invading the Linming Inspection Department and Handan County of Guangping Prefecture. He ignored the New Year holiday and had to summon troops to encircle and suppress them.

Lu Xiangsheng has always liked to share weal and woe with his subordinates, and he can see the suffering of the people more clearly than other officials. He knew that thieves and bandits were everywhere, not because the people were willing to become thieves and bandits, but because the poor had no place to stand and had to become thieves.

But now he is just an inspector, and there is nothing he can do. Not only did he have no way to solve the people's problems, he also had to lead his soldiers to encircle and suppress such bandits. If he did not encircle and suppress this group of bandits, I am afraid more people would suffer, eventually leading to chaos in the capital.

Daming Prefecture and Guangping Prefecture are both the Eight Prefectures in Jinan and are important towns in the north. In particular, Guangping Mansion has the reputation of "Three Assistants".

During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the route from Henan to the capital was mainly along the line east of the Taihang Mountains. Guangping Prefecture just blocks the main traffic route from Weihui Prefecture and Zhangde Prefecture in northern Henan. This is also an important reason why the imperial court specially appointed Lu Xiangsheng to be responsible for rectifying the military equipment of the three prefectures of Daming, Guangping and Shunde.

Lu Xiangsheng also knew this very well, so he did not care about the New Year's celebration, but had to forcefully send troops to annihilate the bandits west of Guangping Mansion.

This Guangping Prefecture is near Handan in later generations. To the east is Wu'an County where the camp of the rebel army "Chuang Jiang" and others is located. The north gate is Shunde Prefecture. This Shunde Prefecture is the Xingtai area in later generations.

Lu Xiangsheng made a lot of troubles, and on the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, he personally led 1,600 cavalry and rushed to Huang'an, Guangping Prefecture. He adopted the strategy of courtesy first and then fighting to appease the rogue bandits coming from the west.

As a result, since these people have become thieves and bandits, they have already become uncontrollable. They are used to plundering other people's property and taking control of other people's lives. It is difficult for them to accept the obedience and plowing the fields with their backs to the sky as before.

Lu Xiangsheng had no choice but to lead his team to suppress these bandits. At the beginning, dozens of horse thieves came head-on. A few hundred, a few thousand. Suddenly, thieves and bandits all arrived.

The mountains and valleys are full of thieves, and the "Tianxiong Army" that Lu Xiangsheng has trained so hard can't help but fight. How can they dare to fight? There was a commotion in the team, and some people even abandoned their weapons and turned around and ran away.

Seeing this, Lu Xiangsheng was furious. He came with the Qinglong Yanyue Sword in advance and chopped the person who was leading the escape to death on the spot with just one blow. Then he ordered someone to hang him up to boost the power of the army.

Lu Xiangsheng was indeed a talented man in both civil and military affairs. Not only did he become a Jinshi at the age of twenty-two, he was also highly skilled in martial arts and archery. At this time, the thief had already rushed up, and Lu Xiangsheng shot him with an arrow first. Within fifty steps, he can hit hundreds of shots, which is very powerful.

Thank you to fans "Three Thousand Wings Angel", "Yuan Chuanjiang Haozi" and "Wei Wuwei" for their rewards. Thank you. I came back too late today and still have one update. I’m really sorry for everyone.

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