Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 236 Lu Xiangsheng

Lu Xiangsheng waited until the bandits rushed up and approached the formation, then gave up his bow and arrows. He waved the Yanyue Sword in his hand and took the lead in rushing forward.

This man was born with supernatural powers and was a prodigy in martial arts. During his daily martial arts practice, he could wield a sword weighing one hundred and forty kilograms, which was twenty kilograms heavier than the sword he used to practice daily with Liu Wei, the fierce general of the late Ming Dynasty. As for the number one scholar in the palace examination, Wang Laixin, who participated in the martial arts examination in the same class as Chen Changzhen, he could only wield a hundred-jin sword.

As for the highest standard for later Manchu and Qing martial arts, the sword dance was only 120 kilograms. Based on this alone, Liu Wei was already close to the limit of flesh and blood at that time, and Lu Xiangsheng could basically be classified as non-human category.

This guy waved the big sword in his hand like a feather, lightly and without much effort. The thieves thought that this was a rotten scholar who came from nowhere. He had read too many scripts in the past, and came over with a wooden sword to pay for his head.

As a result, these people waited until the sword reached their bodies and their bodies grew into two sections. This Lu Xiang Shengshang is extremely ferocious. There is no general under his command. These bandits have no decent leaders to begin with. In the past, they relied on their bravery to fight. Now, how can they dare to fight when they encounter more ferocious people?

They all fled immediately, and were chased by Lu Xiangsheng with a machete for more than ten miles before finally resting. After this battle, Lu Xiangsheng beheaded fourteen levels and shot and wounded countless others. The officers and soldiers won a complete victory and eliminated the threat to Guangping Mansion from bandits infiltrated from Wu'an County.

Since Lu Xiangsheng had defeated the rogue bandits, he led his army back to Guangping Mansion for repairs. At that time, Lu Xiangsheng's clothes and armor were still on and the blood stains on his body were not yet dry. When the officials and people of Guangping Mansion saw this, they couldn't help but be greatly shocked. They all praised him: "This man is really a martial arts star who descended to earth, and Prince Yue was reborn! With this man here, thieves and bandits have nothing to fear."

It is said that "Martial Arts Star" Lu Xiangsheng has just arrived at Guangping Mansion and washed himself before accepting the "acceptance" of local officials and gentry.

Lu Xiangsheng was an honest man and often shared the joys and sorrows with his subordinates. In addition, he was diligent and his daily working hours even exceeded those of the officials under his command. I often stay up late at night and work overtime. After the rooster crows in the morning, I get up, change clothes, wash up, and start working. If there is a military situation in the middle of the night, put on your clothes and deal with it immediately. In fact, he didn't care much about food, clothing and housing.

Just to win over the local gentry so that he could suppress the bandits and bring peace to the people, he reluctantly entertained himself. After the stamping was completed, the gentry was afraid of being plundered by Lu Xiangsheng's soldiers, so he specially offered more than two thousand taels of silver. Lu Xiangsheng did not refuse anyone who came, and used all of it as military expenses.

After the matter was over, Lu Xiangsheng spent a day repairing in Guangping Mansion, preparing to lead his army to leave the next day and return to Daming Mansion. As a result, early the next morning, the prefect of Guangping Prefecture came to the door in a hurry.

At that time, Lu Xiangsheng had already gotten up early. He had already finished processing the merits, rewards and punishments of the soldiers who participated in the battle yesterday. He just had to return to Daming Mansion to implement them together and report them to the court in time.

When Lu Xiangsheng saw the panic on the face of the prefect of Guangping Prefecture, he asked: "Why are you so anxious? Tell me slowly! I, Mr. Lu, do not believe in ghosts or evil. If a thief comes, I will kill him. Why should I be afraid?" Is there any?"

After hearing this, the prefect of Guangping Prefecture quickly reported: "How can you sit here in Taiwan? I just got the news that there are bandits "Optimus Prime" and "Chuang Jiang" coming from Shanxi over the mountains and ridges, and they have broken through Huangyu Pass and Shiba Pan, I am afraid that he is planning on us in Guangping. And there is a giant bandit who calls himself "Lu Yan Wang" and leads a hundred thousand people. He is based in Xishan, Lincheng County, Zhaozhou. He has the power of the thieves in the late Han Dynasty. Therefore, Extremely anxious!”

This is the honorific title given to the inspector by the people at that time. The "Zhentai" Lu Xiangsheng frowned when he heard this and asked: "Who is this person, so bold? Dare to call himself 'Lu Yan Wang', I'm afraid it will not be what he wants in the future." Give this nickname to Lu!"

In his anxiety, the prefect of Guangping had no intention of teasing him, so he couldn't help but plead: "Grandpa, I know you have always been brave. But these many thieves and bandits have turned Shanxi upside down. We, Shunde, Guangping, How can you, the only two thousand elite soldiers in the three daimyo mansions, resist so many bandits? You are not in a hurry!"

Lu Xiangsheng actually had a headache, but in order to appease the prefect of Guangping, he smiled and said: "You think highly of me. I am so courageous. How dare I hit an egg against a stone and fight with two thousand weak troops against a hundred thousand thieves?" ? I will summon Commander Liang and Councilor Kou to work together to exterminate these three groups of thieves, and bring a bright future to the world!"

Lu Xiangsheng here is still struggling to hold on, thinking that he can wipe out the three groups of thieves. But I never thought that these three groups of thieves and bandits had actually joined forces and merged into one.

It turned out that Zhang Shun had discussed with "General Chuang" that day and led his army north to Xishan, Lincheng County. Lincheng County is not very famous, but the Zhending Mansion to which it belongs is famous. It is Changshan County, the hometown of Zhao Zilong in the Three Kingdoms.

Lincheng County is originally a mountainous county, located at the eastern foot of Taihang Mountain, with a terrain that is higher in the west and lower in the east. The Western Mountain where "Lord of Hell" was based was in a dangerous terrain, which was perfect for the rebels to set up camp.

When Zhang Shun and "Chuang Jiang" arrived, "Lu Yanwang" was overjoyed and quickly led the team to welcome them in person. He welcomed Zhang Shun and "Chuang Jiang" into the camp and said: "I have known the names of 'Optimus Prime' and 'Chuang Jiang' for a long time, and they are like thunder to my ears. There are few people in this village, the land is narrow, and the knowledge is shallow. Now there are two of them." If you come here, you will definitely be able to destroy the prefectures and counties and strengthen the reputation of our rebel army!"

"Chuang Jiang" was not good at words, so he could only say a few dry polite words. But Zhang Shun was much more powerful, so he cupped his hands and said: "What do you mean by 'Lord of Hell'? Whoever the Lord of Hell tells to die at the third watch will dare to stay until the fifth watch. The name of 'Lord of Hell' is known to all women and children in the world, and he can do it." Stop crying at night! 'Chuang Jiang' and I are just a little famous, so we are not worthy of everyone's attention!"

"We, a small number of generals, can't compare to 'King Lu Yan', who supported hundreds of thousands of people and shocked the capital. If we hadn't come a few days earlier, 'King Lu Yan' would have conquered the eight prefectures in the south of Ji, threatening the capital, and the whole world was terrified. Got it!"

When "Lu Yanwang" heard this, he said, "Hey, this is an expert!" He didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly asked people to set up a banquet to catch up with the two of them.

There was a lot of drinking and drinking, three rounds of wine, and five flavors of food. Zhang asked him about it by the way: "I am new to your place and am not familiar with it. I wonder if there are any prominent figures in your place who are worthy of my introduction?"

"King Lu Yan" heard this and said with a smile: "Among the rebels, the 'Chuang Jiang' of Wu'an and I, the 'King of Lu Yan' in Lincheng, the rest are insignificant! Among the officials, only Zuo Liangyu who is stationed in Henan is quite powerful. Daming Mansion Lu Xiangsheng is so famous, but he is just a scholar, not a hero!"

When Zhang Shun heard this, his scalp immediately went numb. Although he didn't know much about the history of the late Ming Dynasty in his previous life, he didn't know where he had heard of these two names. He had heard Zuo Liangyu once before and felt familiar. Later, I thought about it for a long time, and I remember that this person seemed to have become a warlord in the end. Although I don't know what his record was, he was definitely a difficult lord to deal with.

Although I don't know who Lu Xiangsheng is, he is indeed very famous. Just hearing his name, I feel that he is very domineering and does not look like an ordinary person.

When Zhang Shun heard this, he raised his head and looked at the "King of Hell" carefully for a long time, thinking: This man is not very capable and has a lot of bullshit. I don’t know how I can be so blind after living half my life in vain?

Thanks to fan "lovesunbird" for the large reward, thank you for your support. The author has just finished updating this chapter and is working hard to update the second chapter, but he is not sure how long it will take to finish it. Readers who took a break earlier, please don't wait any longer, thank you.

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