Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 239 It’s hard to tell the truth from the false

This Lincheng County injured the county magistrate, and morale suddenly plummeted. What's more, he is a small official in the city, but he is a high official in the city. None of the strong men in the city had any intention of resisting. They only waited for Zhang Shun and others to attack for a while before they invaded Lincheng County.

Now that the county town has been destroyed, "Chuang Jiang" and others are also preparing to swarm up like Zhang Shun and enter the city. Zhang Shun quickly stopped "Chuang Jiang" and others, and said to them: "You brothers also saw what we called the city just now. When you get to the city, you must not claim your original name and treat yourself and others as officers and soldiers."

When the "Jixuan" heard this, he couldn't help but sneered: "We are here to be thieves, not to be officials. Shouldn't we go into the city to help them try unjust cases?"

When Zhang Shun heard this, he couldn't help laughing and said: "What you said makes sense. Since acting requires a complete performance, I will also arrange the trial of unjust cases. What's more, 'Thieves are like combs, soldiers are like combs. Ruqi', how do you know that the official is not more cruel than us?"

"Jixuan" was speechless, so "Chuang Jiang" responded to Zhang Shun, wanting to see what this guy was up to.

After everyone entered Lincheng County, Chen Changzhen captured the injured county magistrate and took them directly to the county government office in the city.

When he arrived at the yamen, Chen Changzhen sat high in the hall, lined up the gavel trees, and shouted: "Well, you, Lincheng County Magistrate, since you dare to offend Huwei, do you know how powerful I, Lu Jiutai, am now? I can wield a sword of one hundred and forty. With a big sword, I can shoot hundreds of hits, how dare you look down on me? Someone, drag this guy down and show his head to everyone!"

Upon hearing this, the county's Zhongdian Shi, his master, and a group of officials immediately knelt down and begged the Lincheng County Magistrate for mercy. The Lincheng County Magistrate was already seriously injured. He was shot in the chest by an arrow from Chen Changzhen. It was not known which organ was injured, but more air came out and less air came in.

Chen Changzhen felt a little merciful, so he answered: "In this case, everyone begs for mercy on your behalf, and I will spare you this. However, death penalty can be avoided, but living crime is difficult to forgive. If I beat you thirty times, you may not die. On the spot, someone said that Lu was being petty behind his back!"

"You will take him down for treatment first. Remember these thirty pieces of information. I will talk to you again after the injury is healed!"

Everyone in the county was grateful for their kindness, and then they carried the county magistrate down. At this time, there was no one else in the county government office, and Zhang came with Zhang Shenyan, Xu Ziyuan, Wukong, Li Xin and others.

Chen Changzhen quickly got down from his seat and went to see Zhang Shun. Zhang Shun said with a smile: "My sworn brother is so impressive today, a bit like Lu Jiutai. Fortunately, 'Yafu' is well-informed and has heard about this person's appearance, so my sworn brother is suitable to pretend to be this person."

It turns out that Lu Xiang was promoted to Jinshi in the second year of Tianqi's reign. He was famous for his ability in both civil and military affairs. At that time, Zhang Shenyan came to supervise Jifu's farming. He happened to hear about it and was quite impressed by this person. When Zhang Shun asked him, Zhang Shenyan told Zhang Shun what he knew.

When Zhang Shun heard Zhang Shenyan's description, he couldn't help laughing: This man is endowed with divine power and is good at using and closing swords. Moreover, his arrow skills are as good as those of a god, and he can hit hundreds of shots. If I were not familiar with him, I might have thought that these words were describing my sworn brother Chen Changzhen.

As soon as he thought about this, Zhang Bian came up with the idea of ​​asking his sworn brother Chen Changzhen to pretend to be Lu Xiangsheng and deceive Lincheng County. Even if the plan failed, he would be able to disgust Lu Xiangsheng. I never thought that this small county town would be deceived without being deceived.

At this time, Chen Changzhen only said that he had completed the task, and asked Zhang Shundao: "My lord, what should we do next?"

Zhang Shunle said: "'Lu Jiutai', you continue to be 'Lu Jiutai', now that you have conquered Lincheng County and dealt with the county magistrate who offended you, the next step is of course to recruit grain and grass from the city in order to 'suppress the bandits'" use."

"Besides, it is always unjustifiable for you to be a minister of the imperial court and conquer your own city without authorization. It just so happens that you are in the position of inspector, responsible for evaluating officials and in charge of criminal law. It is just right to bring out the files of this county and try out the unjust, false and wrong cases in the county. "

"Ah?" Chen Changzhen never expected that this lie would come true, and he quickly reminded him, "I am just a military general. I can fight in battle. If I were asked to try cases and pass sentences, how could I do that?"

Zhang Shun pointed at Zhang Shenyan beside him and said: "As a high-ranking official of the third rank, and also responsible for training troops and suppressing bandits, how can I do everything personally? It is only right to leave it to your staff to handle it."

When Chen Changzheng heard this, he couldn't help but suddenly realized. After the county officials returned, he quickly arranged for them to collect food and grass for military use, and ordered Master Xing to take out the county case files and let his "staff" Zhang Shenyan conduct the trial.

Chen Changzhen acted like this, and this small county town burst into unprecedented efficiency. It only took two or three days to raise the food and grass that Zhang Shun needed. Zhang Shenyan and Zhang Shun even took the opportunity to sort out some major unjust, false and wrong cases, kill them when they should be killed, arrest them when they should be arrested, and deal with them one by one. They just showed off their power and led the team out of Linxian City, saying with a good name: Go to Xishan to suppress the bandits!

The Lincheng County Magistrate went through all kinds of troubles and lost half of his life. Seeing that the inspector "Lu Jiutai" had left and regained some energy, he quickly called the master over and shouted feebly: "This inspector Lu Xiangsheng is so arrogant and does not take the court officials seriously. He still has Wang Fa in his heart." No? Hurry up and write a memorial with me. I will take part in his copy. Attacking Zhili County without permission, trying to shoot an official of the imperial court, attempting to commit rebellion, he shall be punished!"

The master quickly advised: "My arms can't twist my thighs. I am a third-rank official. You are careful about the seventh-rank county magistrate. How can you win this court case?"

The Lincheng County Magistrate feels that he is hanging on for his life by just saying this. How can he be willing to obey? So he forced his master to write the memorial on his behalf, stamped it with his official seal, and sent the post to the capital as quickly as possible.

There are so many things happening in Lincheng County, how did Lu Xiangsheng know about them? After repelling the bandits in Guangping Prefecture, he repaired for a few days and then wrote a letter to mobilize the imperial troops in an attempt to wipe out the Shanxi bandits in Lincheng County in one fell swoop.

However, the efficiency of the Ming Dynasty court was indeed worrying. Lu Xiangsheng had to push hard to gather the general Liang Fu, the counselor Kou Conghua, the guerrilla leader Weikun and others, with a combined force of about four to five thousand. It stands to reason that the number of officers and soldiers is less than that of "King Lu Yan", so everyone has doubts.

However, Lu Xiangsheng himself was highly skilled in martial arts and had always been bold. He said without fear: "Although there are many thieves, most of them are lies. They claim to be one hundred thousand, but in fact there are less than fifty thousand. Excluding the old, weak, women and children, there are only more than ten thousand young and strong. There is no such thing as that generation." Weapons and armor, without training, and surrounded by hungry people and bandits, can be defeated with a single blow!"

After finally boosting his morale, Lu Xiangsheng led his troops all the way north, first to Shunde Prefecture, and then across Neiqiu County to Lincheng. As soon as they arrived in Lincheng, they were shocked to hear the bad news: the county seat of Lincheng County had been captured by the Xishan bandits!

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