Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 240 The war breaks out again

Lu Xiangsheng had the responsibility to defend the land, but he was afraid of being blamed by the court, so he didn't care much, so he quickly led his troops to Lincheng County.

The magistrate of Lincheng County had just sent out the memorial to Lu Xiangsheng through the inn. He was shocked to hear that Lu Xiangsheng had returned to Lincheng County again. He couldn't help but be shocked and frightened. In addition, he was seriously injured, and he died from a burst wound.

Lu Xiangsheng arrived at Lincheng County and saw that the thieves had retreated, so he summoned the county magistrate, Dianshi and other officials in the city to come and see him.

The officials in Lincheng County were frightened when they heard this. They thought that the matter had nothing to do with them, so they reluctantly plucked up the courage to come to see him.

As a result, when everyone came in and took a look, they were shocked. This Lu Xiangsheng has fair skin and a rather thin body, except for the bones in his arms that are particularly thick. It is different from the Lu Xiangsheng who came to Lincheng County last time. The previous Lu Xiangsheng had red eyes, a red face, and a burly beard.

The county officials immediately looked at each other, looking at each other, at a loss. When Lu Xiangsheng saw that the officials in Lincheng County were acting strangely, he asked, "Where is the county magistrate? Why are you looking around here and there?"

It was Master Xing Ming who reacted faster and responded quickly: "My lord, I don't know. The magistrate of this county was killed by thieves earlier, so I was the only one to receive him. It's just that we are of low status and have never had the chance to meet you. I don't know what the rules are. ?”

Lu Xiangsheng was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect that the thief was so cruel. He actually broke into the county seat quietly and killed the county magistrate. Then he hurriedly asked: "Where are the thieves going? How many people are there? Who is the leader?"

The officials in Linxian County looked at me and I looked at you, but I didn’t know how to respond. When Lu Xiangsheng saw the leader hesitating, he couldn't help but said angrily: "Why don't you answer? Could it be that you have colluded with the bandits!"

When the master and others heard this, they were so frightened that they knelt down and kowtowed. How could they dare to ask about the verification of the seal?

They couldn't tell who was the thief and who was the official. Anyway, they and others were destined to be bullied. He quickly responded: "There are about four to five thousand thieves. After leaving the county, they went all the way west."

After hearing this, Lu Xiangsheng judged: "They must be the thieves from Xishan, the 'King of Hell Lu'! You and I will prepare some food. In the next two days, I will kill the thieves, avenge you and the magistrate, and bring peace to the people of Lincheng." "

this? Everyone in Lincheng looked at each other. The "Lu Xiangsheng" had already collected grain and grass in the previous episode, and they also took the opportunity to close some accounts. Where is the grain and grass with him now?

This time, the master responded quickly: "The thieves were fierce before and had already robbed the food and grass. Lincheng County is a small area and the people are poor. It is difficult to raise money for a while. I hope you will forgive me."

Lu Xiangsheng couldn't help but frowned when he heard this. No matter how the thieves searched, how could they plunder all the food in the county? There is something strange about this matter both inside and out.

But at the moment, suppressing the bandits is his top priority, so he will leave him alone for the time being. After the banditry problem is solved, he will deal with such a villain who talks sweetly and has a sharp sword. Everyone calls themselves "sir" over and over, but they do things like deceiving the superiors and concealing the truth from the inferiors. It's really hateful.

Lu Xiangsheng didn't want to fall out now, fearing that it would affect his suppression of bandits, so he had no choice but to mobilize food and grass from surrounding counties. After waiting for two or three days, the reorganization was completed before marching into Xishan.

Lu Xiangsheng really didn't like this group of people at all, and was worried that they would collude with the "Lu Yanwang" in Xishan, so he specially sent guerrilla general Dong Weikun as the vanguard to inquire about the enemy's situation first. He led the general Liang Fu, the counselor Kou Conghua and other troops to suppress the battle.

That "Lord of Hell" was originally a local snake in Lincheng County. When Lu Xiangsheng took action here, "Lord of Hell" over there got the news.

Hearing this, "King Lu Yan" couldn't help but cursed Zhang Shun and "General Chuang": "Since these two thieves don't want to have anything to do with me, they just left. Why did they go to plunder that Lincheng County? I'm Lu. You treat them badly, but you actually cheated me!"

It's a pity that the intelligence work of "Lu Yan Wang" is not in place. If you know that these two people are so bold and dare to falsely call themselves "Lu Xiangsheng" and stir up trouble in Lincheng County, I am afraid they will be a little wary.

Although "King Lu Yan" does not want to conflict with the government, it does not mean that he is afraid of the officers and soldiers. He was originally a desperado, and when he realized that he had fallen out with the officers and soldiers, he quickly led his troops to ambush Lu Xiangsheng and others on the road that the officers and soldiers must pass, and at the same time sent people to look for Zhang Shun, "Chuang Jiang" and others, trying to invite them to join forces to deal with it. This is Lu Xiangsheng.

However, in such a hurry, where can I find it? He believed that he might not be able to defeat the officers and soldiers, so he had to send people to block Lu Xiangsheng and other large groups, while personally leading the team to prepare to eat the guerrilla Dong Weikun's troops.

The guerrilla general Dong Weikun was a mediocre general. When he led more than a thousand people to Lengshui Village, he did not notice the enemy's situation, so he relaxed his vigilance. While the officers and soldiers were resting, rebel ambushes suddenly appeared and surrounded the guerrilla general Dong Weikun in Lengshui Village.

Although the guerrilla general Dong Weikun was not a talented person, he was at least quite decent. He took advantage of the terrain of Lengshui Village and used firecrackers, bows and arrows and other weapons to shoot and resist step by step.

"King Lu Yan" has no rules in how to use his troops. Although there are many soldiers, they can't be used. He ordered his soldiers to attack several times, but Dong Weikun sent people to repulse them all. For a while, the two sides reached a deadlock.

At this time, Lu Xiangsheng heard that guerrilla general Dong Weikun was trapped, and he quickly led his army to rescue them. Unexpectedly, a group of people blocked their way.

Lu Xiangsheng looked up and saw that the incoming team was in a mess, with incomplete flags and no gongs and drums. He knew that this was a disorderly army. He rushed forward immediately, shooting several people first, and then switched to the Yanyue Sword to slash at them. He was extremely brave.

The troops under Lu Xiangsheng's command were not elite to begin with, but one soldier had a raging army, and the generals were raging in a nest. Now that Lu Xiang has stepped forward to lead the army, the morale of his troops has greatly increased. Originally, the combat effectiveness of the troops under the command of "King Lu Hell" was not as good as that of Lu Xiangsheng and others. Now that the main force has been placed in Lengshui Village to besiege the guerrilla generals, how can these people resist the brave Lu Xiangsheng?

In less than an hour and three, Lu Xiangsheng killed these men and horses and returned to the formation covered in blood. At this time, Commander-in-Chief Liang Fu and Councilor Kou Conghua couldn't help but look at each other and hurriedly boasted: "Although he is a civilian official, he is more brave than a military officer. I heard people say it before, but we didn't believe it. Now that we have seen it with our own eyes, we can't believe it." I am truly convinced. From now on, as long as you give the order from the stage, we will follow you to the death, even through fire and water!"

It turns out that in this era, no matter the rebels or the officers and soldiers, everyone respects heroes the most. Although the officers and soldiers in the late Ming Dynasty were arrogant and arrogant, they still remained in awe and were willing to die when they encountered those who were truly capable.

This Lu Xiangsheng shared the joys and sorrows with the soldiers during training on weekdays. When fighting, he took the lead and was unstoppable. He had the ideal image of a superior among military attachés in the late Ming Dynasty. The commander-in-chief Liang Fu and the counselor Kou Cong were unknown under pseudonyms, but they were also knowledgeable people.

Lu Xiangsheng is a very interesting person. As a civil servant, he is very skilled in martial arts. Many people always feel that he was ranked alongside Hong Chengchou, Sun Chuanting and others in the late Ming Dynasty, and his reputation was a bit undeserved. Actually no, he has a very charming personality and likes to share the joys and sorrows with the soldiers. He is really like Yue Fei.

The most classic battle of this person was when Hong Chengchou commanded Cao Wenzhao, Ai Wannian and others to encircle and suppress the peasant army in Henan. In turn, Li Zicheng killed the two generals Cao Wenzhao and Ai Wannian, and You Shiwei was beaten. Big defeat. At this critical juncture, the imperial court appointed Lu Xiangsheng to replace Hong Chengchou as the supervisor to encircle and suppress the peasant army.

Lu Xiangsheng led his troops to Yunyang. As a result, there was no food in Yunyang, and the army was short of food for three days. Lu Xiang failed to gain water and rice, and shared the joys and sorrows with the soldiers, but he defeated Gao Yingxiang. In the end, the peasant army could no longer stay in Henan and had to move. In the end, Sun Chuanting took the opportunity to capture Gao Yingxiang in Ziwu Valley.

It was just that when the Qing army entered the pass, this man was tricked and had no choice but to die in battle. He was only thirty-nine years old at the time. If he could survive and continue to grow in ability, I am afraid that the Ming Dynasty would not face a situation where no one would be available to him in the end.

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