Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 247 Raid on the Capital (Part 2)

The terrain of Pingshan County is much more complex than that of Huolu County. As its name suggests, the terrain gradually becomes gentle from northwest to east, with sub-alpine, mid-mountain, low mountains, hills and plains as the main terrain.

It is precisely because of this complex terrain that Pingshan County, whose peaks are not high enough, is very suitable for the rebels to rest and recuperate temporarily.

In order to prevent alerting Zhending Mansion, they traveled a certain distance to the central part of Pingshan County.

They arrived near a small mountain village near the Hutuo River. This small mountain village was located in a sunny, horseshoe-shaped mountain depression. Surrounded by mountains on three sides and water on one side, with the Taihang Mountains in the west and the Zhili Plain in the east, it is only a hundred miles away from Zhending Mansion, so it is a good place.

If it weren't for the Ming court's powerful power in the Zhili area, Zhang Shun would have wanted to use this place as his base.

The crowd then led the crowd to capture this small mountain village. Zhang Shun asked the locals to ask, and they found out that the village was named "Baibu Village" because of the lush green cypress trees growing in the back mountain. Since the rebels' operation was quite confidential, they did not excessively harass this small village.

The rebel army repaired here for a day, then left this small village with a strategic location and continued northward. In fact, if everyone adopted a rescue strategy, they should have crossed the Taihang Mountains from Pingshan County to the west at this time, and it would be Wutai County where the second leader "Zijin Liang" was besieged.

However, after marching for several more days and passing through the three counties of Lingshou, Xingtang and Quyang, they were supposed to break into Tang County of Baoding Prefecture according to the plan. But Zhang Shun suddenly changed his mind and tried to persuade Huang Lai'er, the "traveler", to go to Fuping County northwest of Quyang.

Zhang Shun said to Huang Lai'er: "Since ancient times, when using troops, victory has not been considered, but defeat has been considered first. When our lone army penetrates deep into the capital, if there is even a slight difference, the whole army will be annihilated."

"I think the land between Xingtang and Quyang is quite flat, which is not conducive to defense. Fuping is northwest of Quyang in Xingtang, closer to the Taihang Mountains, and is said to be more dangerous. This place is bordered by Wutai to the east, Zijing and Daoyang to the north. Ma'er Pass, adjacent to Baoding Prefecture in the west, is a battleground for military strategists."

"If I live here, I will be facing the west to form a horn with the second master; I will be facing Baoding Mansion to the east, and I can see the capital to the north. Only there are officers and soldiers stationed at Daomaguan in the north of this place, which is not good for us. It is better for us to surprise them and attack them unprepared, and take advantage of them. After descending this pass, we will then use Fuping as our base to harass the capital from the north."

After hearing Zhang Shun's words, "Chuang Jiang" was stunned for a long time and thought to himself: I, Huang Lai'er, pride himself on having great military skills, why do I always get the upper hand with this person? Is this person really a genius?

In fact, this was a gap caused by the limited geographical knowledge of "Champang General". It turned out that Zhang Shun often consulted Zhang Shenyan about the surrounding geography and learned that the nearby areas were dangerous and narrow, so he was able to formulate reasonable policies based on changes in the terrain.

"The General" turned a blind eye to the nearby terrain and had no choice but to follow Zhang Shun's plan.

Daomaguan is located more than a hundred miles northwest of Tang County, close to the junction of Fuping County, Quyang County and Tang County.

In order to hit the target with one hit, Zhang Shun specially arranged for Li Jiyu to turn into a commoner and go to investigate the military situation at Daomaguan. However, the army was hiding day and night, gradually approaching Daomaguan.

Originally, Chen Changzhen was the most suitable person to spy on military intelligence. He has been traveling as a escort all year round, he is like a fish in water, and he can eat everywhere. However, Chen Changzhen was still at the Xishan camp at this time and had not followed him. Zhang Shun had no choice but to give it a try and let Li Jiyu practice.

Although this Li Jiyu was from a lowly background, he was quite good at making friends with powerful dealers in the past, and he was also the most concerned about exploration.

Since he joined Zhang Shun, he has never performed well and feels quite depressed. Now that he finally got an opportunity, Li Jiyu led a few smart and reliable dealers to the northwest.

Although Li Jiyu was ambitious, he was really worried when thinking about the task and felt that he had no idea how to start. At night, everyone had nowhere to stay, so they had to find a ruined temple to stay.

As a result, at night, I heard someone knocking on the door. Li Jiyu felt strange, so he ordered the other dealers to put their weapons within reach, and then asked one of them to open the door.

The man just opened the door and saw an old man, two strong men and three people pushing a wheelbarrow in. When they saw the crowd, they were quite wary. When they saw that Li Jiyu looked like a leader, they nodded and bowed and said, "The three of us are traveling businessmen selling wine. We missed the place to stay because we were greedy for the itinerary. I hope you won't be offended."

When Li Ji met anyone who was an ordinary passer-by, he ignored him and said, "It's not easy for anyone to be away from home. This old mountain temple is not run by my family. We can just stay here for one night. You're welcome!" "

So, everyone was speechless and lit bonfires to rest. For some reason, after coming here for a long time, no one felt sleepy.

The old man smiled and said: "Everyone is in good spirits. It's midnight, so everyone is probably hungry. I have some peanuts here. If you don't mind it, why don't you just take these peanuts and drink some wine to help you?" Just to add to the fun, I don’t know what to do?”

As soon as the old man said this, everyone felt hungry and thirsty. But Li Jiyu felt strange, so he said: "We are all people who do hard work, how can we have money for you? If you are hungry, just eat and drink on your own, don't worry about me!"

The old man smiled when he heard this and said: "Meeting each other is fate, what money do you need? Since I started doing business, I just have a way to be different. If the business fails, make friends. If you have more friends, the mountain road will be easier to walk! Please Don’t worry, everyone, I’ll treat you to this meal!”

As he spoke, the old man sold a few bowls of wine and asked the two young men to give them to Li Jiyu and others. Li Jiyu felt very happy after hearing this, so he stretched out his hand to take it and said, "I will also try my father's good wine. If the wine is not strong enough, I will say no."

After finishing speaking, Li Jiyu picked up the wine and put it in his mouth. As soon as the wine reached his mouth, Li Jiyu suddenly threw the bowl, drew out his waist knife and stabbed a young man next to him to death.

When the dealers saw Li Jiyu, they took action. Without asking why, they also drew their swords and chopped down the other young man on the spot.

The old man was frightened and frightened, and asked in horror: "You are just a group of robbers. I kindly invited you to drink. Why did you kill my two children?"

Li Jiyu laughed when he heard this and said: "Old man, your wine is good, but you have put too much Mongolian sweat medicine. Li has made friends with heroes from all over the world, and is quite familiar with similar methods. As long as I have the tip of my tongue, I will know how this wine is!" Now that you have listened, I will send you on your way, just be a sensible person."

After saying this, Li Ji met and chopped the old thief to death with a knife. Then he smiled and said: "I didn't know how to get through it at first, but I didn't expect that I would be so sleepy that someone brought me pillows." The next day, they dressed up as traveling merchants and pushed the wheelbarrow on the road.

There is only one chapter today, so please don’t wait.

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