Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 248 Raid on the Capital (Part 2)

Daomaguan is named after the steep mountain road and war horses often fall down here. It was first built during the Warring States Period and was called Hongzhi Fortress. It was called Changshan Pass in the Han Dynasty, Tieguan in the Northern Wei Dynasty, and also named Hongshan Pass. It was generally called Daoma Pass after the Ming Dynasty.

The current Daomaguan City was built in the third year of Jingtai in the Ming Dynasty, and then underwent large-scale repairs in the first year of Chenghua. The entire Guancheng was built according to the terrain. The Tang River flows around Guancheng from the west, north and east. The plane is rectangular from east to west and is divided into upper and lower cities.

Guancheng is three feet high and built with stone and green bricks. It has three gates in the east, west and north. In other words, the only south gate that is not surrounded by Tang River water has no city gate. Among them, the east gate is called "Juren", the west gate is called "Youxi", and the north gate is called "Xuanwei".

There are urn gates outside the east and west gates, and there are two north and south gates in the east urn city. There is only one south gate in Xiweng City. About 100 meters west of the south gate, there is a Shuiguan battle tower on the bank of the Tang River. There is a gate downstairs, which is the only passage from the lower city to the upper city. There is also a battle tower outside the north gate for warning and defense.

When Li Jiyu and several bankers first arrived at this level, they couldn't help but be surprised and shocked by this majestic level.

Li Jiyu was born in Dengfeng, and the only major checkpoints he had seen were Sheyuan Pass near Songshan Mountain and Tianjing Pass on the way to Shanxi. These two passes were also said to be dangerous. It's just that the Central Plains has been in peace for a long time, and it has long been in disrepair and is not very majestic.

Daomaguan is one of the four passes in the west of Beijing. It shoulders the important task of guarding the capital and is quite heavily defended.

Li Jiyu and Zhuangke pushed the wheelbarrow carrying wine to the outside of the city. They saw a lot of people queuing at the city gate, and officers and soldiers were checking them one by one in front.

Li Jiyu observed from a distance for a long time and found that it was called an interrogation, but in fact it was just extortion for benefits. If you bribe him to satisfy him, then everything will be easy; if you don't benefit him, you will make things difficult for him and deny him access.

When Li Ji saw this, he came up with a plan and asked the banker to wait for half a day to contact Zhang Shun and others. It was not until evening that Li Jiyu contacted Liu Cheng, who was acting as the vanguard.

Liu Cheng had 500 cavalry in his hands. The two negotiated for a long time and felt that it was enough. So Li Jiyu took people to the city to clear the customs.

When Li Jiyu and others arrived at the gate, they were stopped by the officer and soldier. Li Jiyu quickly took out more than ten copper coins from his pocket and gave them to the leader of the level.

The leader weighed it in his hand, but frowned and said, "I see you are a sensible person, why are you acting so absurdly? There are more than a dozen of us brothers, don't you want each of us to share a penny?" ? What’s more, even one for each person may not be enough!”

Hearing this, Li Jiyu hurriedly smiled and said: "Master Jun, we are all small-time businessmen. We have few customers along the way, so we only earn these. If the business is good next time, I will make up for it with Master Jun." !”

"You are good at talking. Grandpa, I won't embarrass you. You don't need to be worth a lot of money as soon as you sell it. Why don't you pay homage to grandpa and we will save you the trouble of buying and selling."

After speaking, the leader winked and ordered someone to move the wine barrels on the car. When Li Ji saw this, he quickly stopped him and said, "Master, please forgive me for waiting for this. We are a small business. If we lose these barrels of wine, how will the whole family eat?"

After hearing this, the leader hurriedly stepped forward, kicked the soldiers who were moving the wine barrels, and cursed: "A bunch of brainless people, don't you think it's heavy to carry other people's wine barrels? Just push them away with the cart." , a lot less hard work!”

When Li Jiyu was about to stop him, the man shouted: "You don't know how to behave, either you can pass the customs for me honestly today, or you can stay here and don't leave. There are many jackals, tigers and leopards near Daoma Pass, so many of them were injured." People should do the same!"

Hearing this, Li Jiyu's face turned red and white. He couldn't tell the difference, so he cupped his hands angrily and said goodbye: "Thank you, Master Jun, for being so accommodating. I will pay you back in the future!"

"Hey, you dare to talk back!" The leader seemed to have discovered something rare, and said with a smile: "Then don't leave today, it's just a good time to keep the tiger and leopard company!"

When Li Jiyu heard this, he just said it was not good and ran away quickly. The leader was about to lead people to chase him, but he looked at the ten or twenty people lined up outside the checkpoint, and was reluctant to part with these many benefits, so he cursed: "Bah! I originally thought they were a group of heroes, but they turned out to be a group of cowardly people. !" Then he continued to exploit passers-by.

This Daoma Pass is already remote. By the time the sun goes down, there are no pedestrians coming and going at the pass. The level leader and his ten or so soldiers were already freezing, so they shouted: "Don't stand still, go back to the city and drink to warm yourself up. I made a few barrels of good wine today, so I'll have a good time."

When everyone heard this, they immediately beamed with joy, quickly closed the city gate, and went back to prepare a few meat and vegetable dishes, ready to eat and drink.

Fortunately, the leader knew that his status was low, so he picked another bucket and dedicated it to thousands of households in the city.

It turns out that the guard of Daomaguan has a Qianhu Station, and the largest official in Guanzhong is the Qianhu of this Qianhu Station.

These thousand households were not short of wine, but when they heard that their subordinates presented good wine, they took a few hundred households under their subordinates to have a taste, and also held a banquet to invite other hundreds of households to drink together.

Everyone drank for a while, and Li Jiyu and several bankers came out of nowhere. It turned out that although they passed the checkpoint during the day, they did not leave Guancheng. Instead, he looked for an opportunity and hid in Guancheng.

Although Daomaguan is said to have a thousand households, due to the corruption of the guard system, many military households fled, and the remote terrain, it actually only has seven or eight hundred soldiers.

Most military households lived in villages outside the city. Only the head of a hundred or thousand households and their family members had the right to live in the city.

In this way, there are soldiers and military dependents in the city, so it is quite mixed, which is perfect for Li Jiyu and others to fish in troubled waters.

When Li Jiyu estimated that these people had almost drunk, Li Jiyu led a few farmers to the city gate. He saw only two soldiers warming themselves over the fire and guarding the city gate casually.

So Li Jiyu and several bankers approached and killed the two guards one by one, then opened the city gate and sent a signal to the outside of the city.

Liu Chengcheng was in front of Guancheng. When he saw the signal, he rushed in quickly. When they arrived in the city, the city guards had not yet reacted.

Then Liu Cheng quickly asked: "Where is the general in the city? Take me quickly to kill the general."

Li Jiyu had already figured it out, so he quickly borrowed a soldier's horse, stepped forward, and led Liu Cheng and others to kill Qianhu's residence.

When I arrived, I saw thousands of doors closed. Li Jiyu did not investigate and said directly: "Liu Xianfeng, please order an immediate attack to avoid losing thousands of households and causing excessive losses."

When Liu Cheng heard this, he realized the same thing and quickly had people knock on the gate of the courtyard. After a few hits, it finally broke away. I saw more than a dozen servants inside holding knives and guns, trying to resist. As a result, Liu Cheng's cavalry rushed in, broke up the formation, and hacked him to death.

At this time, Li Jiyu led people into Qianhu's living room, and saw that Qianhu and several generals had passed out from drinking. Li Jiyu was not polite, he stepped forward and cut off the heads one by one, then grabbed his hair and slipped five or six heads out of the house in one hand.

Liu Cheng took a look at what Li Jiyu was holding by the light of the fire, and couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, and couldn't help but said: "Brother is so capable, Brother Yu admires him very much!"

Li Jiyu laughed when he heard this and said: "It's just a few dead things, what are they worth? It's not as good as Brother Liu, among the tens of thousands of troops, charging directly at the banner of the Chinese army and killing the governor of Shanxi in a mighty and domineering manner!"

Liu Cheng didn't know how to answer when he heard this, so he could only smile. Then Li Jiyu continued: "Brother Liu, please send a few cavalrymen, each carrying a head, to the city to shout. Say, 'Qianhu is dead, surrender quickly. If you don't kill those who surrender, you will die if you resist'!"

When Liu Cheng heard this, he couldn't help but glance at this man and thought: "Sure enough, all the generals under my lord are very good. In the past, Li Jiu was unremarkable, but today, when I see him, he is not much inferior to others!"

Liu Cheng acted in accordance with the law. As expected, under the dark night, people were panicked. When they heard that thousands of households guarding the city were dead, they hid in their homes and did not dare to resist. Some were so frightened that they even took out their armor and weapons and came out to surrender.

Liu Cheng and Li Jiyu didn't sleep a wink all night, and finally took control of the city. At dawn, Zhang Shun, "Chuang Jiang" and others were welcomed into the city.

The "general" Huang Lai'er looked around with astonishment and praised: "Sure enough, a strong general has no weak soldiers. My little brother only sent 500 men to capture this dangerous city. Brother Yu is really impressed." tight!"

Zhang Shun couldn't help but feel proud this time, but he quickly said politely: "What the hell! It's just a fluke for a few of my subordinates, not worth mentioning."

The two of them greeted each other politely and then entered the city. At this time, Zhang Shun took the time to summon Li Jiyu, who had made the greatest contribution, and prepared to reward him.

The result was disastrous, Li Jiyu was not in front of him. Zhang Shun asked quickly, but Liu Cheng hesitated to speak and looked strange.

Zhang shouted in passing: "If you have something to say, say it quickly, why are you hesitating!"

Liu Cheng then explained honestly: "Brother Li is young and energetic. When he sneaked into the city, he was insulted by the leader of the guard. After this incident, the more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and now he went to take revenge!"

Zhang Shun was angry and funny when he heard this, and said: "But the words are contradictory, why is this? Even if I want to take revenge, I should have come back long ago. Why did it take so long?"

Liu Cheng didn't know what was going on, so he was speechless. As a result, it was not until the afternoon that Li Jiyu came back with a few people.

Zhang Shun was quite surprised and asked: "How does Brother Li take revenge? Why did it take so long?"

Li Jiyu answered honestly: "This person is extremely vicious. He always likes to kill people and sell goods, and falsely claims that the victims were injured by tigers and leopards. I specially found a hunter today, found a place where tigers and leopards roam, and kidnapped this person." go."

"It's just that the tiger and leopard are lazy today and haven't come out for a long time. So waiting for a long time and keeping the lord waiting for a long time is a crime of fate!"

Zhang Shun was speechless when he heard this. Feelings, you really fed people to jackals and tigers.

Thanks to the fan "Book Friends 20181225161905361" for the large reward, thank you! Today, the author worked hard to write 3,000, but he really couldn't complete the goal of 2,000 to 4,000. I can only apologize.

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