Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 250 Crisis in Xishan Camp (Part 1)

Zhang Shun, "Chuang Jiang" and others were busy working around Daomaguan, but they didn't know that the camp they stayed in Xishan was currently in crisis.

It turned out that after Zhang Shun and others left the Xishan camp, Chen Changzhen did not dare to neglect, intensified training of soldiers day and night, and supervised the construction of camp facilities at all times, for fear that Lu Xiangsheng would come to attack.

Unexpectedly, Lu Xiangsheng was deceived by Zhang Shun's rumors, so he had to stay in the house and watch the "thief" sigh. Although Lu Xiangsheng could not personally lead the siege, but in a responsible attitude, he still reported to the court and told them that there were about ten thousand rogue bandits gathering in Xiaoxisan in Lincheng County. I hope the court will make plans early to prevent the bandits from becoming bigger and disturbing the capital.

It happened that because of the second leader's "Zijinliang" strategy, most of the rebels left Zelu and Huaiqing Prefecture and went north to gather near Liaozhou. For a time, a rare quiet situation occurred in southern Shanxi and northern Henan.

After discussion, the imperial military department believed that the general of Changping, Zuo Liangyu, was idle and there were no thieves to suppress. In line with the mentality of beating children on rainy days, even if they are idle, the imperial court mobilized Zuo Liangyu from the south to lead the Changping army to encircle and suppress Western Hills.

So Zuo Liangyu left Zhangde Prefecture north and came to Guangping Prefecture, Zhili. When Lu Xiangsheng heard that Zuo Liangyu was sent by the imperial court to exterminate the bandits in the Western Mountains, he ignored the punishment of "suspension" and came all the way from Daming Mansion. On the one hand, he wanted to inform this person of some information about the bandits, and on the other hand, he wanted to inform his general Liang Fu. Bing and counselor Kou Conghua recommended him to join forces to destroy the thieves.

Unexpectedly, Zuo Liangyu's military discipline was lax. When Lu Xiangsheng arrived, he saw the Changping army looting Guangping Mansion. How could there be room for sand in Lu Xiangsheng's eyes? He brandished his sword and beheaded several of the leaders of the rebellion, and then brought their heads to meet Zuo Liangyu.

Zuo Liangyu was not considered domineering at this time, but he couldn't help but feel a little angry after being refuted by Lu Xiangsheng in this way.

Lu Xiangsheng's inspectorate and Zuo Liangyu's general army belonged to different systems. By the end of the Ming Dynasty, the civilized and the military were inferior, and the civilized and military were dominated. Generally speaking, the governor-general can command the generals and deputy generals under his command, while the military commander can command the generals and military attachés below.

Although Lu Xiangsheng's status was higher than that of Zuo Liangyu, unfortunately, his position as an inspector was lower than that of a governor, and his position in military preparation was not high enough to command the commander-in-chief.

In the previous episode, Lu Xiangsheng led the commander-in-chief Liang Fu and the counselor Kou Conghua to fight. They relied more on their personal charm and personal friendship to cooperate in the name of cooperating to suppress bandits.

Now Lu Xiangsheng met Zuo Liangyu, but Zuo Liangyu didn't buy his fault, and the two of them had a bad time. Lu Xiangsheng had no choice but to rush back to Daming Mansion in despair.

Zuo Liangyu also became angry for no reason and was not in the mood to stay in Guangping Mansion any longer, so he had to lead two to three thousand Changping troops to Lincheng County to suppress the bandits.

Not long after Zuo Liangyu set off, Chen Changzhen quickly got the news. As the saying goes, "rats have their own ways, and snakes have their own ways." Chen Changzhen's career as a escort in the past few years was not in vain.

This Huaiqing Mansion was originally connected to Zelu and went north to the capital. It also had many martial arts masters and many escorts. Chen Changzhen was a native of Huaiqing Prefecture and had extensive connections. Therefore, after Chen Changzhen took over the Xishan Camp, the first thing he did was to send his rural party members to Zhending Prefecture, Shunde Prefecture and other places to meet with these escorts in order to inquire about the officers and soldiers. information.

This Zuo Liangyu came from Huaiqing Mansion. Many bodyguards saw it with their own eyes, but they could not hide it from Chen Changzhen. So soon, information about Zuo Liangyu's marching route, flags of his troops, and other information were gathered at Chen Changzhen's.

Chen Changzhen was originally a martial artist. Although he had outstanding martial arts skills and was preparing for martial arts examinations, he had not read much about the art of war.

Fortunately, since following Zhang Shun, Zhang Shun has learned the art of war by himself while also explaining and discussing it with his generals. Chen Changzhen has benefited a lot from this.

This method of detecting news benefited from Zhang Shun's words. At that time, Zhang Shun said to everyone: "The most important thing in using military force is intelligence. Sun Tzu said: There is only one thing in using time. There is no doubt that the method of using military force is to fight with people. The changes in battle formations are like martial arts, so intelligence is the eyes and ears of people." If you are deaf and blind, even though you have great strength, you cannot use it; if you are deaf and blind, even though your strength is not as good as others, you can avoid its sharp energy and beat it back to laziness."

After Chen Changzhen got the news about Zuo Liangyu, he thought about it, but he couldn't break his military point, which was quite uncomfortable.

Unexpectedly, within two days, Chen Changzhen got the news that Zuo Liangyu had a conflict with Lu Xiang due to lack of military discipline. His eyes lit up and he thought of an idea.

After four or five people passed by, Zuo Liangyu led his army to the vicinity of Xishan Mountain and sent people to call for formation. Chen Changzhen did not deceive him, so he led three to four thousand people out of the camp gate and formed a formation to face the Changping army.

Chen Changzhen had not been training in vain these days. Although these people still had crude weapons, they managed to put up a decent formation and frightened Zuo Liangyu for a while.

Zuo Liangyu did not dare to attack immediately, so he kept changing his formation in an attempt to confuse Chen Changzhen. It turned out that Chen Changzhen's own family knew his own affairs and knew that although these three or four thousand people looked neat to the eye, they were actually just ordinary people. If he followed Zuo Liangyu to change formations, he would be in chaos before the other party came over.

So Zuo Liangyu worked hard for a long time with his belly flat, and found that the thieves on the opposite side remained unchanged in response to all changes, and Zuo Liangyu had the intention to retreat.

As a result, Zuo Liangyu's deputy general said to him: "The imperial court is worried that the thieves are powerful. Now we have not achieved much success. If we retreat after seeing the thieves, I am afraid it will be difficult to explain. It is better to try a fight to see whether we win or lose." Let me give you an explanation to the court."

When Zuo Liangyu heard this, he thought the same thing and ordered his Changping army to attack. As a result, just a quarter of an hour after the two sides fought, Chen Changzhi's entire formation was shaken, then collapsed, turned around and fled back to the camp.

Zuo Liangyu was stunned and couldn't help being overjoyed. He quickly got on his horse and led the entire Changping Army in pursuit.

Seeing that they could not escape, the rebels under Chen Changzhi immediately threw some small objects at the Changping army. At first, these officers and soldiers thought it was the rebels' "useless weapon" and fled one after another.

As a result, I later discovered that even if I was hit by these things, there would be no harm, so I didn’t care much about it. But when he looked down attentively, he found that the "thief" on the other side threw some gold and silver jewelry and other objects. Without any fighting spirit, he quickly bent down to pick up the jewelry.

But some found it, some didn't, some picked it up, and some didn't pick it up. Suddenly the Changping army was in chaos. Some people even find out too late that in order to seize the jewelry in other people's hands, they kill the other person with a knife to seize the property in the other person's hand.

Chen Changzhen was overjoyed when he saw that Changping's army had fallen into the trap. He quickly led his five hundred elite cavalry to charge into the formation. Changping's army was caught off guard and was immediately killed and defeated.

Thanks to the fan "Book Friends 20171214012906808" for the reward

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