Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 251 Crisis in Xishan Camp (Part 2)

Chen Changzhen's distinctive characteristics are quite similar to Lu Xiangsheng's. Both of them are highly skilled in martial arts and like to charge into battle personally. In this way, they are quite comfortable in fighting small-scale wars.

Although Chen Changzhen's martial arts skills were inferior to Lu Xiangsheng's, Chen Changzhen had 500 elite cavalry with superb martial arts skills under his command. Their attack was even more powerful and even better than Lu Xiangsheng's.

The Changping Army was the army that guarded the Ming Emperor's Mausoleum. Since it was close to the border, it was quite capable of fighting. It's just that war is about order after all. The Changping army who looted the property thrown by the rebels was in chaos. How could they deal with Chen Changzhen's cavalry surprise attack?

Suddenly, Chen Changzhen led five hundred cavalry, like a sharp knife, cutting into Daochangping's army, and immediately cut this chaotic army in half.

Chen Changzhen defeated the Changping Army. When he looked up, he saw the flag of the Changping Army was standing in front, and Zuo Liangyu and three or four hundred personal guards were commanding the battle under the flag. Although from Chen Changzhen's perspective, did this army now have any The command is all just as chaotic.

Chen Changzhen knew very well that the Changping Army was powerful. Even if they won this time, it would still be difficult to defend the Xishan camp when Zuo Liangyu regrouped. So Chen Changzhen gave a loud shout and shouted: "Zuo Liangyu is in the front line. All the soldiers will follow me to attack and kill the Changping general!"

The cavalry under Zhang Shun were deeply influenced by Liu Cheng's formation that killed Song Tongyin, the governor of Shanxi Province, and they liked to attack the opponent's central army. Now Chen Changzhen once again led them to attack the officers and soldiers, and they all rushed forward like wolves and tigers.

Seeing this, Zuo Liangyu's expression changed drastically. He had never fought a real big battle since he participated in the encirclement and suppression of the peasant army. How much time is just you coming and going, each other winning or losing.

Now he suddenly encountered a desperate man, which frightened Zuo Liangyu so much that he quickly led his soldiers to run away.

It didn't matter if he ran away, he lost the flag of the Chinese army. Seeing that he could no longer catch up to this man, Chen Changzhen stopped chasing him. He just ordered the three hundred cavalry to keep an eye on this man and ordered his soldiers to cut down the flag.

The Changping army had been in chaos for a long time due to Chen Changzhen's surprise attack. Now, seeing the Chinese army's flag down, they still had no fighting spirit, and two to three thousand officers and soldiers immediately dispersed.

Chen Changzhen then led his troops to chase after them. The slow-running Changping soldiers were hacked to death on the spot by Chen Changzhen and others. Both sides chased each other until the Changping army hid in Lincheng County. Chen Changzhen hacked to death all the officers and soldiers who had time to run into the city before withdrawing his troops back to the camp in a show of force.

Entering Lincheng County, Zuo Liangyu, who was still in shock, quickly sent his soldiers to the city wall, fearing that the rebels would take the opportunity to attack the city. It wasn't until Chen Changzhen left that Zuo Liangyu breathed a sigh of relief. He Qing quickly clicked on the soldiers under his command, and found that there were only two thousand men and horses left, and he felt like crying without tears for a while.

Only then did Zuo Liangyu realize how powerful the Xishan bandits were, and he quickly wrote a letter to the commander-in-chief Liang Fu, inviting him to join him in encircling and suppressing the Xishan bandits.

That headquarters Liang Fuqianfan and Lu Xiangsheng were beaten miserably in Xishan, where would they go? What's more, he heard that this person also had a conflict with Lu Xiangsheng, so he ignored him even more.

Zuo Liangyu had no choice but to write to Hou Xun for help. Hou Xun was then the right minister of the Ministry of War and supervised the administration of Changping. Because he was recommended by Zhou Shipu, the minister of household affairs, he led Zuo Liangyu's army to Huaiqing and Weihui.

Hou Xun was originally Zuo Liangyu's benefactor. After arriving at Huaiqing Mansion, Hou Xun rarely interfered with Zuo Liangyu's actions, allowing him to fully display his abilities, although Zuo Liangyu did not have much talent. That’s all.

Hou Xun has a good reputation. According to the news coming from somewhere, he will be promoted again in the near future, so no matter who he is, he will give him face. After Hou Xun learned about Zuo Liangyu and Lu Xiangsheng, he wrote a letter to Lu Xiangsheng in person: "Zuo Liangyu is young and energetic, and it is inevitable that he will be arrogant. I hope Lu Lian will not have any grudges. Now thieves and bandits are everywhere, and disasters are inevitable." If you plunder the place, the people will not be able to make a living. I would like to ask Lu Lian to make state affairs a priority and sell the old man a small piece of cake."

After Lu Xiangsheng received Hou Xun's letter, he immediately couldn't laugh or cry. Judging from his age, Zuo Liangyu seems to be several years older than himself. How can he be so "young and energetic"?

Fortunately, Lu Xiangsheng also knew that this was just a random excuse by Hou Xun. To be honest, after Lu Xiangsheng fell out with Zuo Liangyu, he might not have thought about Zuo Liangyu's jokes. If Zuo Liangyu's suppression of the bandits failed, only he could be responsible for the matter in the southern part of Zhili, and Lu Xiangsheng also began to sit back and watch the success or failure.

It's just that Lu Xiangsheng is the one who does things after all. Since Hou Xun wrote the letter, Lu Xiangsheng still puts state affairs first. He took the opportunity to borrow his donkey from the slope and wrote a letter to the commander-in-chief Liang Fu and the counselor Kou Conghua, persuading them to march with Zuo Liangyu to encircle and suppress the bandits in the Western Mountains.

Councilor Kou Conghua felt that Zuo Liangyu had not invited him, so he rejected Lu Xiangsheng's persuasion. The commander-in-chief Liang Fu had a good relationship with Lu Xiangsheng, so he gave him a favor and agreed to Zuo Liangyu's request.

So Zuo Liangyu and Liang Fu, the generals in charge, joined forces and led four thousand troops to march into Xishan again.

When Chen Changzhen heard that Zuo Liangyu and Liang Fu were coming, he personally led his cavalry to harass them many times. He also took advantage of many small-scale battles, but in the end he was unable to defeat the two generals and had to retreat to the Xishan camp.

Fortunately, Zuo Liangyu did some "good deeds" in the previous episode and "gifted" him more than 500 sets of armor. Chen Changzhen took the opportunity to select more than 500 brave and strong people from among the young men to use in hand-to-hand combat while guarding the city. Use.

This camp also has several small-caliber Western cannons left by the "general", which can also play a role in defending the city.

At first, Zuo Liangyu and Liang Fu only thought that Chen Changzhen only had 500 cavalry who dared to fight, and they were not afraid of the rest, so they tried to conquer the Xishan camp in one go.

As a result, Xu Ziyuan commanded the men in the camp to smash down a bunch of rocks, killing many officers and soldiers. Especially since the camp is located on a mountain, stones have been prepared in advance and can be smashed down. They will hit other rocks and bounce back and forth, making it really uncomfortable for the officers and soldiers who came to attack the city.

The officers and soldiers finally attacked, but Li You and Ji Dan immediately led the newly formed 500 soldiers to attack and drove the officers and soldiers down.

It turns out that Li You is good at martial arts, and Ji Dan is extremely powerful. Among the officers and soldiers, there were few strong men and generals. When the two of them charged, no one could stop them.

This small-scale battle originally focused on courage and the bravery of the generals. However, among the four men left behind by Zhang Shun, three of them were fierce generals. How could the officers and soldiers resist?

Both sides fought for it and fought for it for a whole day. Zuo Liangyu and Liang Fu were both decent generals after all, so there was no way to go on like this, so they had to surround the Xishan camp first and have people cut down trees and build siege equipment.

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