Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 252 Crisis in Xishan Camp (Part 2)

When Chen Changzhen saw the officers and soldiers delaying their attack, he couldn't help but frown. When Zhang Shun explained the art of war, he said: "If you defend for a long time, you will lose. Therefore, the way to defend is to use offense as defense, defense as offense, and transformation of offense and defense. The best use lies in one mind!"

At that time, Chen Changzhen asked strangely: "How can we use the magic of one mind?" Zhang Shun was silent for a long time and responded: "Destroying the enemy is effective! Although there are many enemies, only those who can fight can be said to be effective. I will kill one of them. He has one less person to attack; I will injure one person, and he has one less person to defend. Whether it is attacking or defending, killing the enemy must be the first priority!"

Chen Changzhen seemed to understand something when he thought of these military tactics. From time to time, he sent soldiers out of the city to call for harassment, which annoyed Zuo Liangyu and Liang Fu.

The officers and soldiers struggled for two days without making much progress. Fortunately, they had built some simple siege equipment, and they were ready to try it out tomorrow.

As a result, that night, Chen Changzhen, with the title of Mei and Ma Lekou, came out from behind the camp and attacked the officers and soldiers' camp. Although Zuo Liangyu and Liang Fu were also considered military masters, their status was similar and there was no distinction between them.

The military orders and tactics of both sides were different, and there were often mistakes in coordination, so the defense of the camp was not very strict. Chen Changzhen got the chance, harassed and killed them, and even set some tents on fire.

While Zuo Liangyu and Liang Fu were in a panic, Chen Changzhen led the cavalry to rush towards the siege equipment. He first slashed and killed them, then lit a lot of turpentine and pine oil, and threw them on the newly completed and unfinished siege equipment. A fire burned it all clean.

At dawn the next day, Zuo Liangyu and Liang Fu counted the number of people and equipment and found that the main force was not seriously damaged. Only the craftsmen were killed by Chen Changzhen. The siege equipment that had been busy for two days was burned clean by Chen Changzhen. . This guy even unscrupulously set a lot of wood that had just been collected on fire.

Zuo Liangyu and Liang Fu had no choice but to move the camp back a mile or two and have people cut wood to make siege equipment again, expecting to prepare for a long-term attack on the rebels' Xishan camp.

In order to prevent Chen Changzhen's cavalry, the two specially built three wooden buildings around the camp to monitor the movements of the surrounding rebels.

Chen Changzhen tried to attack a few more times, but was discovered in time by the sentry on the wooden building. He beat gongs and drums and notified the camp. By the time Chen Changzhen's cavalry arrived, the camp had already prepared for defense.

Chen Changzhen had no choice but to retreat to the camp and quickly made defensive equipment for long-term planning.

So, after a few days of calm, a fierce offensive and defensive battle broke out again between the officers and soldiers and the rebels.

The officers and soldiers made ladders and put them on the rebel camp, trying to climb the city wall. Xu Ziyuan ordered the soldiers to take out the long-handled wooden fork that the rebels had prepared, and hit it at the front of the ladder. Five or six big men worked together to overturn the ladder and fell directly on their backs. Not only did the officers and soldiers in need on the ladder not survive, they also Some of the officers and soldiers who were attacking the city were even killed on the spot.

Not to be outdone, the officers and soldiers on the ladder used iron hooks, ropes and other objects to try to fix the ladder on the wall of the camp. If the rebels could not push the ladder back in time, or if the officers and soldiers cut off the wooden fork during the push, then Just like that, the officers and soldiers rushed to the city wall.

Fortunately, Li You led five hundred soldiers to seize the opportunity to charge and kill the officers and soldiers who climbed up the city wall on the spot, or drive them all down.

The officers and soldiers pushed up and rushed the car again, trying to break down the gate of the camp. Xu Ziyuan ordered the rebels to push down several boulders and smash the ramrod directly. The strong man in the ramming car who was responsible for ramming the city gate was directly smashed into a pulp by the falling rocks from the city. It was terrible to see.

The officers and soldiers made many trebuchets and threw stones at the city. Huge stones hit the stone city wall and immediately shattered and bounced, killing many rebels. Some were directly smashed to death, and some were directly penetrated by flying stones.

Xu Ziyuan quickly ordered the rebels to bring out Western artillery and shoot at the trebuchet. He fired several times. Once, a cannon hit a team of more than a dozen people pulling the trebuchet and directly penetrated them. Seven or eight officers and soldiers were injured or killed. Immediately, others were so frightened that they did not dare to go up and throw stones.

Even if there were a few brave men who stepped forward under the officers' scolding and scolding, they responded in vain. The trebuchet was not fully loaded and could not shoot onto the city wall.

The officers and soldiers had no choice but to pull out Western artillery and bombard the camp. As a result, the officers and soldiers also had small-caliber Western guns with relatively high maneuverability. The pebble-sized shells could only destroy some female walls at most, but could not damage the stone walls of the Xishan Camp.

The two sides went back and forth, entering into a long and boring moment of flesh and blood. The two sides fought to the death in this mountainous area with their own flesh and blood.

The rebels' equipment was too poor and their combat effectiveness was low. The officers and soldiers gradually gained the upper hand. They were about to capture the rebel city wall. As a result, the gate of the Xishan camp suddenly opened wide, and Chen Changzhen led five hundred cavalry to rush out and slashed at the unprepared officers and soldiers, killing only two generals until they were bloody.

Chen Changzhen foolishly defeated the enemy troops and did not pursue them. He rushed to the siege equipment, lit turpentine and pine oil, and threw it on them. Seeing this, the officers and soldiers quickly filled some water bags with water bags and tried to put out the fire.

But once the pine resin is on fire, how can it be extinguished so easily? As a result, many siege equipment were burned by Chen Changzhen.

The next day, Xu Ziyuan gave Chen Changzhen an idea, and Chen Changzhen sent a dead man to visit Zuo Liangyu and Liang Fu with a basket of steamed buns and a letter.

The two men opened the letter and read it, and saw that it read: "I, King Lu Yan, have lived in the Western Mountains for a long time. The camps are all built of stone, and I am not afraid of artillery. There are also ten thousand stones of food in the camp, enough to last for several years." There are more than ten thousand soldiers, and you are not afraid of life or death. If you are patient, you can make new weapons to attack, but I am afraid that when your beards turn gray, you will not be able to do anything!"

After hearing this, Zuo Liangyu and Liang Fu looked at each other speechlessly. However, they did not kill the messenger sent by Chen Changzhen. Instead, they made him bring back a reply from himself and others.

Chen Changzhen opened the letter and read it, and saw that it read: "Bold thieves dare to resist the power of God. Now the emperor is wise, if you surrender in time, you can still save the lives of your family. If you rely on the danger of the mountains and strongholds and resist the power of God, we will be lucky." Come to the Hongyi Cannon, and with one shot, thunder will shake the sky, and the mountains will collapse and the earth will crack. When the time comes, the natural danger will turn into a stack, and you all will not die easily!"

After Chen Changzhen finished reading the letter, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of disdain. In fact, Chen Changzhen knew in his heart that his family was besieged here, and the resources and food were used up less and less, and the number of strong soldiers died, and more of them were untested recruits. If this goes on for a long time, the officers and soldiers will not be able to capture this city, and Xishan will not be able to do so. The camp will be in chaos.

Now, we can no longer find a way to defeat the enemy, and the Xishan Camp is in danger!

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