When Chen Changzhen was fighting with Zuo Liangyu in the Xishan camp, Wei Congyi left Daoma Pass with his 200 cavalry.

This time Wei Congyi led few soldiers, and compared with the cavalry under Chen Changzhen and Liu Cheng, they were not elite enough. These cavalry were originally infantry under Wei Congyi, but because these people were more or less from the border areas and were quite skilled in riding horses, after Zhang Shun obtained Zhang Zongheng's horses, in order to facilitate the march and increase his strength, he allocated the remaining horses to Wei Congyi used it.

Therefore, Wei Congyi was quite convinced of Zhang Shun. He himself had a bad reputation because of his changing owners several times. As a result, Zhang Shun not only did not dislike him, but also allocated these rare war horses to him according to actual needs. He was very grateful.

This time, in order to hide the truth, Zhang Shun also specially assigned the cotton armor of other soldiers to him, so that he could pretend to be Ming Dynasty officers and soldiers along the way.

At this time, many officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty liked to wear blue cotton armor. Zhang Shun searched the entire army and replaced Wei Congyi with blue cotton armor. From a distance, he looked like the officers and soldiers of the Ming Dynasty.

In addition, Zhang Shun asked them to carry more flags and prepare to make a big show of their presence near the capital in order to intimidate the dignitaries of the capital and attract the attention of the world.

With everything ready, Wei Congyi set out without any further ado. Following the Tang River flowing from Daomaguan, passing over mountains and forests, Wei Congyi arrived at Wan County, north of Tang County.

Wei Congyi was unlucky and disliked the unlucky name of Wan County, so he quickly led his soldiers across Wan County and arrived at Yizhou, Baoding Prefecture.

Wei Congyi traveled for another two days and was quite close to Yizhou City. When he saw a river blocking his way, Wei Congyi found a ferry to cross the river.

Wei Congyi was also a mean-mouthed person, so he casually asked the old man at the ferry: "Old man, how do you call this?"

The old man heard this and replied: "'The wind is blowing and the river is cold, and the strong men will never return once they are gone.' This is the river where Prince Dan of Yan said goodbye when Jing Ke attacked Qin. It is also the river of Yishui!"

Wei Congyi's face turned dark when he heard this. He always felt that he and the old man were cursing him, and he almost couldn't help but kill someone. It's really unlucky for people. Even when they drink cold water, it's stuck between their teeth. Not long after they set off for the expedition, they encountered "Wanxian" and "Yishui", which were all bad omens!

Wei Congyi was born in a border area, and he only followed profit. Logically speaking, he should have no faith. This is not the case. As the saying goes, whatever you need is what you need. The living environment in the border areas is harsh and precarious. Even though Wei Congyi was highly skilled in martial arts, there were times when his manpower was exhausted and God's will was difficult to carry out, so he was still in trouble. Therefore, he sometimes became a bit superstitious.

There is a journey of five to six hundred miles from Daoma Pass to the capital, and he only has 200 cavalry under his command. Even though Wei Congyi is bold and unruly, he can't help but feel a little timid.

Fortunately, he has also been familiar with the art of military use since he was a child, and he fully understands that "prophet cannot be obtained from ghosts and gods, cannot be modeled on things, and cannot be verified by measurement. It must be obtained from people, who know the enemy's mood." The success or failure of military use, It cannot depend on ghosts and gods, divination or astrology, it can only depend on people.

Thinking of this, Wei Congyi couldn't help but laugh and said: "The ancients said that there are many generous and tragic people in Yan and Zhao. I, Suide, am not afraid of making more concessions. How can I let Jing Ke be more beautiful than before?"

As soon as I said this, I felt that the clouds opened and the fog dispersed between the sky and the earth, and a surge of pride rose into the sky. Wei Congyi shouted loudly: "Everyone, please cheer up with me. Speed ​​is more important than long-lasting troops. Come with me and head north quickly!"

The officers and soldiers were encouraged by Wei Congyi, and their morale immediately improved. A general is a brave man. When Wei Congyi was worried, the two hundred cavalry under his command were also anxious. Now Wei Congyi is full of pride, and his soldiers are also excited.

Yizhou was originally a barrier for the capital, and the imperial court also established Maoshan Guard here, which served as the horns of Zijingguan to protect the capital.

It's just that the imperial court was slack and looked down upon the peasant army. Although they were worried that the peasant army would disturb the capital, they only strengthened the security at the checkpoint in the Shanxi direction and dispatched Lu Xiangsheng to intercept the northward route of the peasant army.

Who would have thought that someone had actually taken advantage of the court's suspicion of Lu Xiangsheng to break through Lu Xiangsheng's defense line and invade the vicinity of the capital?

Therefore, Yizhou was almost defenseless. When Wei Congyi, who was passing by, met the patrolling officers and soldiers, he only replied to them with a Shanxi accent that he had just learned for a few months: "Zelu has important military information and has specially sent us to wait for him." Return to the capital and report to the Ministry of War!"

As a result, this excuse, which was full of loopholes, was believed to be true by the local defenders and was generously let go. As a result, Wei Congyi arrived at Laishui County easily, and Fangshan County in Shuntian Prefecture was within easy reach.

This Fangshan County was the Fangshan District of Beijing in later generations. Even though it was very close to the capital of this era, it was just that the Fangshan District government seat in later generations was located in Liangxiang, east of Fangshan County.

Although Fangshan County is close to the capital, it is not the main road leading to the capital from Henan and other places. If you are traveling on business from the north, you will basically take the Zhending, Baoding, and Zhuozhou lines to enter Beijing.

Wei Congyi walked along Yizhou and Fangshan. Although the road was difficult, it was mostly mountainous. On the one hand, it avoids the crowds of people and on the other hand, it helps to escape in time when things are not harmonious.

Fangshan County is also a mountainous place, and the so-called Xishan Mountains of Beijing in later generations are located in Fangshan County. This is a branch of Taihang Mountain. It was called "the head of Taihang Mountain" in ancient times, and is also called Xiaoqingliang Mountain. Like a dragon rising from a python, it is guarding the capital from the west. Therefore, the ancients called it "the right arm of Shenjing".

Originally, Wei Congyi had completed his mission when he arrived here. As a result, this guy thought about it and thought to himself: "I am traveling in a hurry. If I go sightseeing, I will not be able to show my ability as Wei. Otherwise, I will take the opportunity to do something big so that the world can know my reputation!"

Thinking of this, Wei Congyi led his cavalry and headed to Fangshan County in a swagger. When they arrived at the city gate, the disciples were shocked when they saw him and quickly stopped him.

As a result, Wei Congyi pulled out his knife and hacked the doorman to death, and cursed angrily: "You are blind, how dare you even stop my soldiers and horses? Grandpa, when I resisted the Tartars in the north and defeated the bandits in the south, You are so damn happy!"

When the others saw it, they immediately dispersed, no one dared to step forward to stop him. Therefore, Wei Congyi entered Fangshan County easily.

At this time, the Fangshan County Magistrate heard this and quickly brought several government officials to question him. When he saw Wei Congyi and others, he shouted: "Where are you from, and you are so domineering? You must know that you have violated the king's law, and the general soldiers will not protect you!" "

Wei Congyi laughed when he heard this and said: "If the general can't protect me, then who can protect me? Let's not ask who can protect me. Ask yourself, who can protect your wealth and life?"

When the county magistrate heard this, he felt a chill running down his spine and straight to his forehead, and couldn't help but said angrily: "How dare you listen to this, thief?"

Wei Congyi didn't want to talk nonsense with him. He stepped forward and killed the bird county magistrate with a knife, and then ordered the occupation of Fangshan County.

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