Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 255 Shocking the Capital

Wei Congyi and Mabu plundered and kidnapped them all the way, and in two days they kidnapped two thousand households, about ten thousand people.

Only then did Wei Congyi realize that coercing the people was even more difficult than leading an army. These people have no discipline at all, running around everywhere, and it is difficult for military orders to be passed down.

Wei Congyi angrily killed several disobedient people. As a result, these people still went their own way and could not be managed at all. Not to mention that although the old, weak, women and children were organized into one battalion, it was impossible to tell the difference between the young and the old, and it was impossible to punish them.

Wei Congyi had no choice but to dispatch more than a hundred cavalry to serve as commanders, chiefs and other positions. With multiple flags, it seemed to be a huge force. In fact, it was a mess, with fifty cavalry left to serve as bodyguards; the other fifty cavalry were sent to patrol on both sides of the army. If they saw anyone who disobeyed military orders, or tried to escape, or was lazy, they would be chopped to death on the spot.

Wei Congyi and his party reluctantly left Fangshan County and marched to the vicinity of Marco Polo Bridge. They claimed that "King Shun sent the general 'Little Yuchi' to the north and led 100,000 elite troops to conquer the capital of the Ming Dynasty!"

Suddenly, the military situation was like flying snowflakes, drifting towards the Qianqing Palace in the capital. Emperor Chongzhen, his cabinet ministers and the six ministers could not help but be extremely nervous.

In the second year of Chongzhen, Hou Jin entered the pass, and the shock caused to the capital was still fresh in his memory. Now, the "rogue bandits" unexpectedly attacked the vicinity of the capital again, and the government and the public could not help but be frightened again.

Fortunately, Zhang Fengyi, the Minister of War, said: "The 'roving bandits' are scurrying around like fish; the officers and soldiers are like hooks. Although there are many fish hooks, it is not possible to catch all the fish. Occasionally, two or three slip through the net, and it is inevitable The Holy Master was shocked."

"In my opinion, the rogue bandits who have entered the capital are just small groups of bandits. They are just coercing the people to build momentum. You only need to dispatch a few officers and soldiers to stop them, and you will know how deep they are. The capital will arrange defense matters in time. If the officers and soldiers win, it will be a false alarm; if the officers and soldiers are defeated, it will be a safe plan!"

Chongzhen felt much more at ease after hearing this, but he was still a little worried. Wen Tiren observed the words and began to say: "Although Zhang Shangshu's plan is good, it is not perfect. Your Majesty is in the capital and has a body of ten thousand gold. How can you easily take risks? He is the one who has mobilized troops and horses to work diligently!"

Zhou Yanru heard this and refuted it quickly: "The bandits are escaping and they must be quick. If it is as Zhang Shangshu said, it is just a false alarm. If we go to war because of this, the world will laugh! If the bandits are really powerful, the world's soldiers will The horses are all far away, how can the distant water quench the thirst that is near?”

"Although there are few thieves, they are just making the world laugh. If the thieves are powerful, wouldn't they put the center of the country and the emperor of heaven in danger? Which is more important, the emperor's safety or the world's ridicule?" Wen Tiren retorted after hearing this.

Zhang Fengyi looked at the two pavilion elders after hearing this. He couldn't afford to offend anyone, so he had to compromise and said: "Your Majesty has a body of thousands of gold, so he should be cautious. It was my fault. It would be better to mobilize nearby Tongzhou and Jizhou." The two guards, Ma Qinwang, are so safe that even if there is a false alarm, they will not go into a big fight and be laughed at by the people of the world."

When Chongzhen heard this, he felt that this strategy was quite satisfactory, and said: "Good! Just follow this plan! The previous time Gao Qiqian had made great achievements in attacking Kong Youde, and he just returned to the court, so he ordered him to lead an army and give it a try The thieves are real!"

When the courtiers saw that Emperor Chongzhen had made a decision, they no longer argued. They all obeyed the order and retreated, going down to arrange the execution matters.

Not to mention how the DPRK made decisions, since Wei Congyi arrived near Marco Polo Bridge, he should march, but he hesitated.

His own family knew his own affairs, and although he was harassing the capital this time with great force, Wei Congyi knew that this "hundred-thousand-thousand-strong army" would almost collapse at the first touch. It doesn't even need to be touched, it just needs to be climbed for a few days, and then it will disperse after I can't control it.

The Marco Polo Bridge happened to span both sides of the Yongding River. If he led this "hundred-thousand-thousand-strong army" across the Marco Polo Bridge, he might not be able to escape once the army was defeated. Thinking of this, Wei Congyi simply stationed the "big army" on the south bank of Marco Polo Bridge, and sent a group of bold cavalry to shoot a letter of challenge to the capital.

At that time, Gao Qiqian had just received an order to lead 3,000 Beijing troops to test the rebels. Gao Qiqian didn't take him too seriously at first. The rebel Kong Youde had a great reputation, and it was not like he had never fought against Gao Qiqian.

But after Gao Qiqian received Wei Congyi's letter of challenge, he couldn't help but hesitate. He had just returned to the capital, and he didn't know the extent of the rogue bandits. How could all these bandits attack the capital in the blink of an eye?

After diving at such a high altitude, he was fully prepared and carried many firearms before he dared to go out of the city to confront Wei Congyi. In order to prevent Gao Qiqi from spying on the real situation in the camp, Wei Congyi deliberately sent his cavalry in turns to cover the officers and soldiers.

Gao Qiqian tested it out and didn't dare to attack rashly. It turned out that at night, Wei Congyi pulled Master Mabu Ma out of his bed, led his two hundred cavalrymen, and ran westward with their heads and horses in their mouths.

Early the next morning, Gao Qiqian heard the scout's report and said: "For some reason, the camp opposite is in chaos without fighting."

When Gao Qiqian heard this, he quickly left the tent and looked at the camp on the other side of the river from a high place. Sure enough, he saw that the camp on the other side was in chaos. Gao Qiqian knew that the military plane had appeared and quickly ordered his subordinate Jingying to launch an attack.

This capital camp has not been used for many years and has become corrupt. Fortunately, Gao Qiqian had made rapid progress since he became the supervisor of the army. He had learned a lot about how to use troops, and he strictly ordered two hundred carefully selected elites to launch an attack.

As expected, Gao Qiqian predicted events like a god and used his troops skillfully. The thieves on the other side of the river were on the verge of collapse. Gao Qiqian quickly led his soldiers into battle in person, trying to capture the "thief chief" to take credit.

As a result, after chasing for more than ten miles and struggling for half a day, Gao Qiqian failed to find the location of the "thief chief", so he reluctantly withdrew his troops.

Gao Qiqian sent someone to bring over a few prisoners. After interrogation, he found out that the "thief chief" on the opposite side had already escaped overnight. These more than ten thousand "thieves and bandits" were all common people held hostage in Fangshan and other places.

Gao Qiqian immediately couldn't laugh or cry. He had no choice but to report the "great victory" and at the same time notify the Jingnan Checkpoint to search for "Xiao Yuchi, the general of King Shun's Northern Expedition".

It is said that "Little Yuchi, the general of King Shun's Northern Expedition", after leaving the Marco Polo Bridge Camp, traveled all the way in a hurry, preparing to return to Daomaguan to join Zhang Shun.

Unexpectedly, when Master Ma saw the horse's head facing south, he quickly stopped Wei Congyi and said, "Where are you going, general? Now that we have done such a big thing, how can we go south? I guess the imperial court has already issued a document to arrest us. If we If your steps are a little slow, you may end up falling into a trap!"

Wei Congyi was stunned when he heard this, and felt that what this person said was reasonable, and quickly asked: "In Master Ma's opinion, how should we leave?"

"General, there is a checkpoint to the west of this place. It is about 200 miles away. It is called Mashuikou and is in Yizhou. From here to the west, you can lead to Yuzhou. The general can first turn to Yuzhou to avoid being pursued by the government, and then turn It’s not too late to head south.”

Thank you to the fans "The God of Luck Don't Know Where He Is" for tipping me again, thank you

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