Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 256 The situation is reversed

Zhang Shun and others easily occupied the county seat of Fuping County. After occupying the county seat, Zhang Shun sent people to set up checkpoints on key routes in the county to check the passers-by. On the one hand, it prevents the leakage of information, and on the other hand, it can be used as a warning point to prevent officers and soldiers from raiding the county town.

In addition, Jiang He was sent to lead his soldiers to capture Longquan Pass, seventy miles west of Fuping County.

This pass is only sixty miles away from Wutai Mountain. When Xuanda Governor Zhang Zongheng and Shanxi Governor Xu Dingchen received the news, they were shocked and quickly led five hundred elite factions to try to recapture Longquan Pass. However, Jiang He was repelled by relying on the pass's city.

Seeing this, Zhang Shun quickly ordered Zhang Sanbai to lead his troops to provide support to strengthen the defense of Longquan Pass.

It turns out that although Longquan Pass is not very famous, under the current situation, its status is particularly important. This pass is the only way to go to Mount Wutai from the capital, Tianjin Wei, Baoding Prefecture and Zhending Prefecture.

Zhang Shun occupied Fuping County, and through this pass he and the "Purple Golden Liang" formed a pincer attack on Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuanda, and Xu Dingchen, the governor of Shanxi, so they could not help but be in a hurry.

Fortunately, Zhang and Xu had more than 10,000 troops together and were not afraid of fighting in the field with the rebels. Zhang Shun had no intention of defeating Zhang and Xu in one go, so he was not in a hurry. He just ordered Zhang Shenyan, Li Xin and others to handle Fuping County government affairs. One is to replenish some money and food, and the other is to familiarize his subordinates with how to manage the internal affairs of a county.

Two days later, Li Jiyu received news from Daomaguan. As expected, Wei Congyi arrived at Marco Polo Bridge outside the capital, shocking the government and the public.

Zhang Shun received this news and quickly ordered not to stop him. Instead, he deliberately spread the news to Wutai County, saying: "The rebel army is powerful and will surround the capital. It will come down overnight and the dynasty will change!"

When the governor of Xuande, Zhang Zongheng, and the governor of Shanxi, Xu Dingchen, heard this, they couldn't help but be in chaos. The two quickly put aside their prejudices and discussed with each other how to deal with the matter.

The two discussed it for a long time and could only come to this conclusion: Send troops as soon as possible and go north to King Qin!

The two of them knew that Emperor Chongzhen, who was currently in power, was not a magnanimous leader. The two of them were in Shanxi to suppress bandits in order to prevent the rebels from flowing into the capital and causing panic among the government and the public.

Now, not only did the two of them succeed in suppressing the bandits, but they allowed the bandits to attack the capital. This was a crime punished by the clan. The two of them dared to stay in Wutai Mountain and quarrel with the "Purple Golden Liang", so they quickly broke camp and headed north.

Originally, the most convenient route for Zhang Zongheng and Xu Dingchen to go to the capital was to take Longquan Pass and go north through Fuping County. Just because Zhang Shun occupied Longquan Pass and Fuping County, and the road was rugged and mountainous, Zhang and Xu were afraid of delaying the time and being blamed by Emperor Chongzhen, so they had to go north to Fanzhi County and then west to Lingqiu. , Guangchang.

At this time, "Chuang Jiang" had already fought against the Weizhou Guards in Guangchang. Since the rebels were few and weak, "Chuang Jiang" was reluctant to defend.

At this time, Zhang Shun heard that Zhang Zongheng and Xu Dingchen were leaving camp to go north, and he had already passed the news to Guangchang County. After receiving Zhang Shun's notice, the "Crashing General" knew that the time to retreat had come, so he led his troops to break through the encirclement overnight and retreated to Daima Pass.

At this time, "Zijinliang" finally broke away from the suppression of Xuanda Governor Zhang Zongheng and Shanxi Governor Xu Dingchen. Although he breathed a sigh of relief, he couldn't help but become angry with shame. He wanted to recruit Zhang Shun to join forces with "General Chuang" and go south together, taking advantage of the opportunity to capture Taiyuan City as a way of revenge.

Zhang Shun was shocked when he heard this, and quickly told the truth: "The warning from the capital is just a bluff by us. Soon Zhang and Xu will get the exact news, and they will definitely lead their army back. Even if Taiyuan City is captured by then, We will definitely not be able to hold on. If we cannot attack for a long time and are attacked by officers and soldiers from both inside and outside, we will definitely suffer heavy losses."

"It just so happened that all the elites from the Zhili area gathered in the north. Lu Xiangsheng was dismissed from his post. Zuo Liangyu had nothing to fear. It just so happened that we joined forces to defeat him."

This "Purple Golden Liang" itself was well versed in the art of war. After hearing the news about Zhang Shun, he immediately discovered the fighter plane inside and quickly led the team through Longquan Pass and entered Fuping County to meet Zhang Shun and others.

At this time, "General Chuang" also came over from Daomaguan with his people. The two sides didn't have much to talk about. Everyone was a man of military knowledge. In a few words, they unified the strategy of going south to fight Zuo Liangyu.

The plan has been decided, and "Purple Golden Liang" urges everyone to set off. However, Zhang Shun was worried about Wei Congyi's life, so he had to leave a few soldiers behind and wait for Wei Congyi's return.

The next day, "Zijin Liang", Zhang Shun and "Chuang Jiang" gathered 20,000 to 30,000 people and left Fuping County, heading south in a swaggering way.

How could the Zhending Guards and Shenwu Right Guards in Zhending Mansion dare to go out of the city to intercept, so they had to retreat into the city and defend with all their strength.

The rebels had no idea how to deal with this huddled and defended city. They just pretended that they couldn't see it and walked past the city in a swaggering manner.

By this time, Chen Changzhen was at the end of his rope at the Xishan camp. He led his cavalry out of the camp many times to make raids. However, Zuo Liangyu and Liang Fu were prepared for it, but they failed to achieve good results.

Chen Changzhen was even ambushed by officers and soldiers once, and Chen Changzhen was almost killed. Fortunately, he was very skilled in martial arts and killed the general, but he also lost more than 20 of his cavalry.

Chen Changzhen had no choice but to order his soldiers to block the entrance of the camp with huge rocks and prepare to defend the Xishan camp.

The Art of War says: You cannot defend for long; if you defend for too long, you will lose. Chen Changzhen knew that defending was a taboo for military strategists, but since he had no leverage, he had no choice but to defend and wait for change.

At this time, Zuo Liangyu and Liang Fu had also become red-blooded. They had a total of four to five thousand troops and attacked for more than half a month. They lost many troops and generals. They were unable to do anything about this small Xishan camp. It was really shameless to tell anyone. .

They saw that the Xishan camp was crumbling, but no matter how hard they attacked, they still couldn't get in. They were really frustrated.

In any case, the Xishan camp has reached its end. Zuo Liangyu discussed with Liang Fu: "Tomorrow, we will give a heavy reward and send five hundred dead soldiers to capture this camp in one go. Otherwise, we will not be able to explain to the court."

The two of them had reached a consensus, and at dawn the next day, they launched another fierce attack on the Xishan camp.

Chen Changzhen had a hasty breakfast and quickly led his soldiers to resist. But when Chen Changzhen looked at the Ding Zhuang soldiers around him, they all had dull eyes and dull expressions, and he had a bad feeling.

Chen Changzhen had already tried all kinds of rewards, promises of promotion and wealth, and threats to exploit the cruelty of his officers and soldiers, and now there was really no way to boost the morale of these people.

Chen Changzhen thought to himself: Is it my turn today as "Second Guan Gong" to go to Maicheng?

The "dong dong" war drum sounded again, but for both the enemy and us, it had long been accustomed to it, and it lost the slightest inspiring effect.

The officers and soldiers once again launched an attack on the Xishan camp using siege equipment such as ladders, charging chariots, nest chariots, and Linchong Lugong chariots.

There is only one chapter today, and the author hasn’t fully thought out the details yet, so I’ll take a break for now. This volume has been written for a long time, and it’s time to end. The author is thinking carefully about how to write the ending well.

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