There were not many stones, rolling logs and other objects left in the Xishan camp, but Chen Changzhen knew that today was the day of the decisive battle, so he had already ordered not to keep any bricks and stones and smashed them all down. However, it was a drop in the bucket and did not achieve very good results.

Not long after, the officers and soldiers attacked the camp city again, and Chen Changzhen had no choice but to lead his troops to kill them. Chen Changzhen's broadsword was no longer sharp after cutting for so long. Fortunately, it was heavy enough. Even if the blade was blunt, it still had terrifying lethality.

Regardless of whether the enemy is armored or not, for Chen Changzhen, it is still the result of cutting them down with one strike.

Zuo Liangyu and Liang Fu stood under the city, frowning as they looked at the indomitable Chen Changzhen. Then Zuo Liangyu couldn't help but ask: "I heard that Lu Lian was good at using the Yanyue Sword, but I'm afraid it's nothing more than that, right?"

Liang Fu replied with a heavy face when he heard this: "Lu Lian is more powerful, but his skills are not as good as this man's!"

Zuo Liangyu only said that this person was not convinced, and did not argue. Instead, he smiled and said: "Zuo has also been very knowledgeable about bows and horses since he was a child, but his talent is not as good as others. I have only seen such a person in my life, only the 'big and small Cao' generals. I didn’t expect to meet such a person here.”

"If this person is lucky enough to survive today, please show mercy to General Liang and allow me to subdue this person and his subordinates so that they can serve the country."

When Liang Fu heard the words, he knew what they meant and responded: "That's easy to say, but I don't know how to distribute the credit?"

"Haha, of course General Liang ranks first in terms of merit in this battle, and Zuo doesn't dare to claim credit!" Zuo Liangyu knew that if he didn't give some benefits, General Soldier Liang Fu wouldn't be so easy to talk to.

The two of them had already finished discussing all the post-war matters. However, Chen Changzhen was so brave that he actually killed the dead soldiers who rushed up to the camp wall. The officers and soldiers failed to succeed again.

However, Zuo Liangyu and Liang Fu are not discouraged. How heroic are you? You are covered in iron and how many nails can you drive? As long as you take turns to attack, you will be exhausted on the spot.

Chen Changzhen had just repelled the enemy. Before he could rest, the drumbeat of the officers and soldiers' attack sounded again.

Chen Changzhen frowned, but there was really nothing he could do. Xu Ziyuan was originally a scribe, and commanding troops and horses was not his specialty. Li You was quite knowledgeable about military affairs and could temporarily organize strong men to defend the city. However, he had no elite men and could not fight a tough battle.

Only he and Ji Dan can charge into the battle, but Ji Dan is stupid and has only the courage of blood and no commanding talent. Every time he encounters a critical moment, he has to go into battle himself.

The city wall is guarded by strong men who can be replaced at any time, but the five hundred cavalry and five hundred soldiers under his command cannot be replaced no matter what. If things go on like this, even if I can withstand it, I am afraid that the men and horses under my command will not be able to withstand it.

The five hundred cavalrymen were his "free trump card". Chen Changzhen did not want them to be damaged on the city wall, but the five hundred soldiers under his command were weak and tired. Chen Changzhen was hesitating, should he really send his cavalry to the city wall?

After thinking for a long time, Chen Changzhen gritted his teeth and ordered: "Fatigue and injured soldiers, please take off your armor and give them to other men who dare to fight to the death, and prepare to go into battle with me."

He still couldn't let go of the illusory chance of victory, so he kept the five hundred cavalry in the camp on standby. He replenished and replaced the lost soldiers and continued to lead them into battle.

Chen Changzhen knew very well that as the losses of soldiers increased, although it seemed that he still had 500 soldiers under his command, they were actually no longer able to be used. He could only rely on the momentum brought by his own participation in the battle to hold his breath.

Fortunately, as the losses of the dead soldiers who attacked the city increased, they became more and more unusable. Everyone was just a novice, and the eldest brother did not talk about the second brother.

After repelling the attack of the officers and soldiers for the second time, it was already noon and the soldiers were already hungry and thirsty. Chen Changzhen quickly ordered everyone to go down to eat. Li You was ordered to lead five hundred men to defend the city on the city wall.

At this time, Li You also fought hard for days and was exhausted. His eyes were bloodshot, but Li You didn't complain at all.

On the one hand, he and Chen Changzhen were cousins. They had grown up together since they wore crotchless pants, and their relationship was like brothers. On the other hand, Chen Changzhen took the lead, leaving Li You speechless and convinced.

As a result, before Chen Changzhen had time to eat his meal, the officers and soldiers launched another attack. Chen Changzhen already felt that the Yanyue Sword in his hand was too heavy to lift, but he had no choice but to drink a few hastily of water, call Ji Dan, and go into battle again.

This time, Chen Changzhen felt that he was unable to defeat the enemy, so he tried his best to stay behind and command, trying to let Ji Dan step forward to kill the enemy.

This Ji Dan was stupid, but was born with supernatural powers, quite similar to his father Ji Cheng. Although he doesn't know martial arts, he is still a good fighter when he wears the blacksmith's clothes and wields a mace.

Things like fighting may seem complicated and difficult to understand, but in fact, the most important thing under normal circumstances is just morale.

The concept of morale sounds mysterious and difficult to understand, but the key is just courage. On the battlefield, everyone is afraid of death. They dare not retreat to the rear, and dare not advance forward when attacking. Therefore, if the general can take the lead in attacking and retreating behind, the soldiers will be courageous and fearless in whatever direction they go.

This Ji Dan is stupid and doesn't know anything about life and death, so he is indeed the most suitable person to replace him. One man works hard, and a thousand men can easily defeat him. Ji Dan fought hard, and after several people died, the soldiers sent by the officers and soldiers began to fear death and lost morale.

Therefore, Chen Changzhen quickly rushed forward with his men and drove the officers and soldiers down again. The two sides fought fiercely from morning to night and into the evening. Chen Changzhen, Li You and Ji Dan were unable to fight anymore, and the officers and soldiers were already exhausted.

At this time, Liang Fu advised: "Commander Zuo, it's getting late and our brothers can't bear to fight anymore. It's better to retreat and make plans tomorrow!"

Hearing this, Zuo Liangyu shouted sharply: "Our army is tired, and the thieves are even more tired. Now the thieves are hanging with only one breath. If the thieves can catch their breath, how many tomorrows can they make plans for?"

"The matter has come to this, and the chance of victory has appeared. I want to personally lead my soldiers into the battle to capture the thief chief 'Lu Yanwang'. I also ask General Liang to hold the battle for me."

Liang Fu wanted to persuade him again, but Zuo Liangyu refused: "Zuo has made up his mind. In today's battle, either you die or I die. I will definitely break through the Xishan bandit camp."

Liang Fu frowned when he heard this. Zuo Liangyu said something other than "If you die, I will die", which made him feel a little nervous. He always had a bad premonition.

It's just that Liang Fu thought about it for a long time and realized that the enemy in front of him was already at the end of his rope. How could there be any chance of survival? He agreed immediately and personally held the battle for Zuo Liangyu from behind.

The "dong dong" drum sound sounded again, and Chen Changzhen, Xu Ziyuan, Li You and others couldn't help but have despair on their faces. Now that the rebel army is at its wits end, what can they do to withstand the full blow of Zuo Liangyu, a new force?

Chen Changzhen thought for a while, but had no choice but to order the five hundred knights who had been waiting for a long time to abandon their mounts and prepare to climb the city wall and fight to the death. He knew that if he drank poison to quench his thirst, once the loss of these five hundred horses was too great, he and others would be trapped in the camp without the ability to fight back.

But when life and death are at stake, how can you care so much?

There is only one chapter today, normal updates will resume tomorrow

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