Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 258 Counterattack (Part 1)

Chen Changzhen, Li You, and Ji Dan all climbed onto the city wall, preparing for a final fight to the death.

Zuo Liangyu personally took action and led five to six hundred soldiers and dead soldiers under his command, and began to prepare to attack the city under the cover of other officers and soldiers.

Because the commander personally went into battle, the morale of the officers and soldiers was quite high for a while. The officers and soldiers marched to the drumbeat of impending victory, preparing to gather strength for the final blow.

Chen Changzhen glanced at the beautiful mountains and rivers from a distance, held the steel knife in his hand tightly, and prepared to make the final struggle.

But he suddenly seemed to see a group of cavalry coming from a distance. At first, Chen Changzhen said that he was dazzled.

It's just that because he has been practicing archery for many years, his eyesight is far better than that of ordinary people. He concentrated again and took a closer look. It was indeed a group of cavalry coming, and he didn't know whether it was the enemy or me.

Chen Changzhen's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly had a bold idea, and he burst out laughing. Li You only said that Chen Changzhen was preparing to boost morale, so he asked in cooperation: "Why is the general laughing?"

"God has not forgotten me, the reinforcements have arrived!" Chen Changzhen replied happily, "We don't have to defend anymore, just follow me out of the city to attack the officers and soldiers!"

Li You was stunned when he heard this. This is not what he imagined. We are all "thieves". Where did the reinforcements come from? He quickly asked: "Where are the reinforcements?"

"Look, everyone! The cavalry is approaching in the distance. It is the lord's army returning victoriously. My lord and I have agreed that no matter the victory or defeat of the journey north, we will quickly return to the army and attack the invading officers and soldiers with me. Now we are counting the days. It’s almost time.”

Li You couldn't help but smile bitterly when he heard this. It was still unknown whether the reinforcements were officers and soldiers or rebels. Why take such a risk? However, Chen Changzhen was both his aunt and cousin and his boss, so he must not dismantle himself. He quickly looked from a distance and said happily: "It's time for us to escape. Everyone, please follow us out of the city." Break the thief!"

Upon hearing this, the rebels on the city built a pavilion with their hands and looked over. Sure enough, they saw a group of people coming from far and near. They suddenly cried with joy and their morale was greatly boosted.

In order to prevent the officers and soldiers from discovering anything unusual in the city, Chen Changzhen did not take down flags and other objects, but secretly ordered the soldiers to secretly descend from the city. He personally led the 500 cavalry under his command, while the 500 soldiers were led by Li You personally, and the rest were led by Xu Ziyuan and Ji Dan, waving flags from behind to cheer.

Zuo Liangyu didn't know that there was such a change in the city, but he still treated the other party as a trembling weakling, ready to kill him at the slightest provocation.

The drums for launching the attack sounded "dong dong", and other officers and soldiers began to push their siege equipment closer to the city wall, while Zuo Liangyu personally led the five hundred elite men under his command, slowly approaching, ready to board the city at any time.

By the time the siege equipment was easily mounted on the city wall, not even the common stones and rolling wood fell on the city.

Zuo Liangyu's heart skipped a beat, and he was about to order a retreat amid suspicion. But he just happened to hear his subordinates laugh and say: "The thief is really at his wits' end. He has even exhausted the stones, rolling wood, and he deserves to be captured today!"

Zuo Liangyu couldn't help but smile after hearing this, thinking: I am in the midst of the roar of the wind and the roar of the cranes, and all the grass and trees are in danger. As the saying goes, "It is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice." Although the thief chief has good means, how can he turn the tide now?

Thinking of this, Zuo Liangyu ordered to climb the city according to the established plan. As a result, his dead soldiers easily climbed up the city wall and attacked.

As a result, Zuo Liangyu saw these people rushing forward, but there was no sound of fighting. He couldn't help but be confused, and shouted loudly: "How is it on the city? Have you defeated the defenders?"

At this time, a loud cry came: "You are about to be buried in the city, why don't you care about what happens in the city!"

The gate of the camp, which had been closed for a long time, suddenly opened. Chen Changzhen, wearing a green robe, holding a Qinglong Yanyue Sword, riding a bay-red horse, rushed out at the head of the group.

At this time, some of the elite officers and soldiers had climbed up the city wall, and some were climbing. Only one or two hundred people were crowding Zuo Liangyu below.

Zuo Liangyu was caught off guard, and was immediately rushed out of the formation by Chen Changzhen, who came directly to kill him. Zuo Liangyu quickly suppressed the shock in his heart, got on his horse and raised his gun to fight Chen Changzhen.

As a result, not to mention Zuo Liangyu's martial arts skills, how could he hastily accept the challenge, compare to Chen Changzhen's momentum like a rainbow, and his momentum like a tiger? If they can't get along, they just slap the horse and leave.

Chen Changzhen hurriedly prepared to pursue and kill Zuo Liangyu, but Zuo Liangyu's men were all elites. Although they were small in number, they firmly resisted Chen Changzhen's cavalry.

Chen Changzhen had no choice but to turn around and fight these elite officers and soldiers again. Fortunately, Li You also led his infantry to follow up in time and worked together to kill these officers and soldiers.

But at this time, Zuo Liangyu had already fled back to the rear of the officers and soldiers, and many of the elite attackers had already boarded the city, or were on their way to the city.

Fortunately, before Chen Changzhen left the city, he had already ordered all the doors where the old, weak, women and children were to be blocked, so that he could fight to the death without any worries.

So he immediately released Xu Ziyuan, Ji Dan and others outside the city, and ordered them to burn the enemy's equipment for climbing the city to prevent the officers and soldiers who climbed the city from using these equipment to descend the city and attack the rear of the rebel army. Then, let them block the city gate to prevent this group of officers and soldiers from leaving the city. Chen Changzhen and Li You smiled at each other and led more than a thousand soldiers to attack the officers and soldiers camp.

According to common sense, if officers and soldiers are defeated in a field battle, they should retreat to the camp for defense. It's just that this time the officers and soldiers were far more powerful than the rebels. It was just that the rebels struggled temporarily and launched a desperate attack.

They also quickly organized their officers and soldiers into a large formation, preparing for a field battle with Chen Changzhen and Li You.

Chen Changzhen was also decisive this time, taking advantage of the unsteady foothold of the officers and soldiers to launch a desperate attack. The thumping sound of horse hoofs gathered together, covering up the "dong dong" drum beat of the officers and soldiers, oppressing the nerves of the officers and soldiers in front of the formation.

Rows of cavalry, like turbulent waves, slapped the panicked officers and soldiers in front of them.

The huge impact knocked the first row of officers and soldiers directly away. No matter whether they were hit by weapons or not, they didn't know whether they were dead or alive.

Then, the second wave and the third wave hit one after another. The officers and soldiers were pushed away layer by layer by the rebel cavalry. However, after all the cavalry had finished attacking, the thick formation of officers and soldiers was still not penetrated by the rebels.

At this time, the officers and soldiers who had survived the rebel charge came to their senses and quickly used their swords, guns, swords, halberds and other weapons to kill the cavalry who had no time to retreat.

Immediately, the rebel cavalry suffered heavy losses. Fortunately, Li You's infantry followed and arrived quickly. They took the opportunity to rush up and attack the officers and soldiers who were in chaos due to cavalry charges and hand-to-hand combat. They used strict formations and chaotic formations, which instantly put a lot of pressure on the officers and soldiers.

At this time, the cavalry took the opportunity to withdraw, and Chen Changzhen quickly reorganized his formation and prepared to charge again. However, because the number of infantry in Li You's hands was too small, after passing through the advantageous period of the impact, they fell into danger again.

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