Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 262 Fierce Battle in the Valley (Part 1)

Zuo Liangyu felt uneasy since he left Lincheng County. The reason why he became a general was because of Hou Xun's appreciation.

Zuo Liangyu had never been a junior officer before, but he soon lost his official position. Later, he followed Cao Wenzhao, who was then a guerrilla general, and fought with Hou Jin Dynasty with meritorious service. He happened to be under the command of Hou Xun, the governor of Changping.

Hou Xun first accepted him as a handyman in front of the accounts. It seemed that he was taking away his position, but in fact he wanted to promote him and make him his confidant.

In the fourth year of Chongzhen's reign, the Ming Dynasty fought against the Hou Jin Dynasty. The commander-in-chief You Shiwei could not leave because he had to guard the imperial mausoleum in Changping. Hou Xun took the opportunity to recommend Zuo Liangyu to lead troops there. He lived up to expectations and fought many times with Hou Jin in Songshan and Xingshan. After the war, he ranked first in terms of merit, and Zuo Liangyu became famous.

After the peasant army fled to Shanxi, in order to prevent the peasant army from flowing to Henan, the imperial court specially sent him to lead the Changping Army into Huaiqing Mansion to resist the rebels. In general, he was specifically responsible for the military in Henan.

Originally, Zuo Liangyu had been fighting with the rebels in Huaiqing Mansion, Zezhou and other places, and Zuo Liangyu was quite content. Who would have thought that things would take a turn for the worse just after a trip to Lincheng County in Zhending Prefecture. Zuo Liangyu seemed to have poked a hornet's nest. At first it looked like a small nest, but who knew that when he poked it, a black mass of "wasps" came out to chase him.

It was not that Zuo Liangyu wanted to hide in the mountains and deep valleys, but that he was responsible for suppressing the bandits. He did not dare to leave Huaiqing Mansion without authorization to avoid the sharp edge of the rebel army.

If not, if the court finds out, Zuo Liangyu will not end well even if Hou Xun tries his best to protect him. So he thought about it and decided that he could only hide in the mountains and wait until the thieves left before leaving the mountains.

In this way, even if he neglects his duty and follows Hou Xun's path, he can still get a small punishment but a big warning.

Zuo Liangyu had a pretty good idea here, but the result was not so pretty. Zuo Liangyu was also incompetent. He fought against "Chuang Jiang" many times in Wu'an County, but he didn't realize that Wu'an was the "Chuang Jiang"'s lair.

Zuo Liangyu's camp and the valley below Motian Ridge were unknown to anyone, but he never thought that the "Chuang Jiang" camp was not far from here, and he had already understood the topography of Wu'an. Previously, due to the "darkness under the lamp", Huang Lai'er, the "advocate", ignored the search in front of his camp. However, after being reminded by Zhang Shun, he discovered Zuo Liangyu's location not long after.

Zuo Liangyu was still dreaming about hiding from the limelight in the valley, but he never thought that the rebels had already arrived and surrounded the valley.

When the rebels launched their attack, Zuo Liangyu was shocked and quickly ordered his officers and soldiers to defend based on the advantages of the camp and terrain. The rebels launched several attacks, but they were repelled by the officers and soldiers relying on the location and firearms. The rebels suffered heavy losses.

At this time, "Purple Golden Liang" came to Zhang Shun and said: "Little brother, the officers and soldiers have fierce firearms. I can only rely on the cannon in your hand to defeat the enemy."

Therefore, Zhang ordered Li Shi'an to bring the "golden cannon" and five general cannons to bombard the officers and soldiers.

The effect was very good at first, because the officers and soldiers were crowded in the valley, and one shot was killed. However, as the rebels advance, the terrain becomes more fragmented and undulating, and if the artillery fires again, the effect will not be very good.

This terrain formation could not be used, and long-range weapons could not be used. The two sides had to fight hand-to-hand. "General" Huang Lai'er ordered "One Tiger" to personally lead the dead soldiers to attack. After several attacks, they failed to achieve very good results. Even the last time, because "One Tiger" rushed too far forward, he lost the battle. Covered by the soldiers, Cao Ming'e, the guard under Zuo Liangyu's command, shot him in the eye with an arrow.

When "A Tiger" came back covering his left eye, Zhang Shun saw blood overflowing from his fingers and quickly called the doctor to treat him.

There are no good doctors among the rebels, it's just a quack doctor from the countryside who is usually coerced. But it was better than nothing, so I reluctantly found some herbs and covered him with a cloth.

Zhang Shun looked around and said nothing, but murmured in his heart: You are Xiahou Dun!

"A Tiger" knew that he and Zhang Shun were not at odds with each other. Looking at his unkind eyes, he knew that he must be setting him up, so he shouted with an unkind expression: "What are you looking at! If you don't want to mock me?"

Zhang Shun heard the words and responded quickly: "How dare you, how dare you, it's just that I didn't take a closer look at the appearance of the pavilion before, but now that I look at it, it seems to have the appearance of a feudal lord!"

"Yiyihu" was stunned when he heard this. This person must have ridiculed himself, but he didn't expect that he was actually praising himself. He said in a much better tone: "How do you say this?"

"It's natural to look at the present from the past. In the past, Yuan Rang had such an appearance. He was granted the title of Marquis, and the general was not afraid of making too many concessions!" Zhang Shun said with a smile.

That "a tiger" suffered the disadvantage of being uneducated. He didn't know who Yuan Rang was for a while. He only said that Zhang Shun praised himself, and then said humbly: "No, no! You're welcome!"

Zhang Shun smiled and said nothing, but asked "Purple Gold Liang" and "Chuang Jiang": "Now that the officers and soldiers are fighting to the death and my family is seriously injured, what should we do?"

The "Zijinliang" and "Chuangjiang" were not very educated, and they couldn't figure out who "Yuan Rang" was for a while. Seeing Zhang Shun change the subject, they stopped mentioning this and followed Zhang Shun's question. : "Now that the officers and soldiers are strong and the rebel army is weak, it is easy to trap Zuo Liangyu's followers. If we cannot eradicate the roots today, it will be even more difficult for us in the future. 'Optimus Prime', don't worry, the officers and soldiers are only temporarily brave. If they fight for a long time, their anger will be exhausted and their troops will be defeated!"

After Zhang Shun listened, the two people asked questions that were not answered, and were a little speechless. At this time, "Purple Gold Liang" saw that "a tiger" was injured, and was embarrassed to let "Chuang Jiang"'s men go into battle again, so he said: "Since 'Chuang Jiang' has done his best, let me let my nephew go down and have a rest. There is a man under my command. His name is 'Geri Eye', he is quite brave and good at fighting, so he is well-known for it."

After finishing speaking, I saw a strong Shaanxi man coming out of the "Purple Golden Liang" command. He was tall, wearing heavy armor and holding a sharp blade. He looked like a fierce general. It's just that this man is different from the other fierce generals who have round eyes and angry eyes, but his eyes are narrowed, which is quite the legacy of Guan Gong.

It turned out that this man was born with some short-sighted eyes and was quite powerful, so he was nicknamed "Grey Eyes". Over time, everyone got used to calling him, and he got used to hearing it, so he became known as "Grey Eyes" among the rebels.

After "Ge Liyan" received the order from "Purple Gold Liang", he put on heavy armor and led three hundred warriors who dared to die towards the valley guarded by officers and soldiers.

Zhang Shun and others took the opportunity to use artillery, muskets, bows and arrows and other long-range firepower to provide cover, helping them get closer to where the officers and soldiers were defending.

When "Grey Eyes" arrived, he jumped out and led his soldiers to charge forward. Not to be outdone, the officers and soldiers saw this and a brave general jumped out and led the officers and soldiers to charge forward.

The formations of both sides were divided into pieces by the terrain and trees. Both sides did not bother to reorganize their teams, and just started fighting against each other.

There is only one chapter today. I updated it all night. I don’t know what happened. The writing is not very smooth. I revised and revised it and finally managed to write it into one chapter.

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