Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 263 Fierce Battle in the Valley (Part 2)

"Ge Liyan" is indeed as "Purple Gold Liang" said, brave and good at fighting. He was wearing heavy armor, with plain iron armor on the outside and cotton armor on the inside. He was invulnerable to weapons and bullets, and was indestructible even to fire rifles.

This person has bad eyesight and is not good at archery and musketry. He is only very proficient in armored close combat. Zuo Liangyu's general Cao Ming'e was unable to resist and was beaten back steadily.

Finally, "Grey Eyes" broke through the defense of the officers and soldiers in this broken terrain, and just rushed out, but saw Zuo Liangyu personally leading his 600 cavalry to charge into the formation. The formation of the rebel army was scattered and they had no time to reorganize themselves, so they were rushed and dispersed by Zuo Liangyu.

"Grey Eyes" lost many men and horses and quickly retreated to the broken terrain. Seeing that the cavalry was not in a good position here, Zuo Liangyu did not dare to charge, so he had to send Cao Ming'e to lead the infantry to charge again.

"Ge Liyan" was newly defeated, and the soldiers were not able to gain a stable foothold, but were pushed back by Cao Ming'e. Both sides came and went, and the battle lasted until night. Then they paid the money and retreated to the camp to rest.

Only then did Zhang Shun find an opportunity and said to "Purple Gold Liang" and "General Chuang": "It is natural for a trapped animal to fight. Now we have officers and soldiers surrounded in groups. Although the officers and soldiers are timid, they still have to fight."

"The art of war says: surround three towers. We should open up one side and leave a way for the officers and soldiers to survive, so that we can quickly defeat the officers and soldiers to avoid a long night and many dreams!"

After hearing this, Taoist Qiuxu refuted: "Since ancient times, officials and thieves have always been at odds with each other. How can the dog officer kill my rebels and open the net? How can we have the benevolence of women? We should kill him immediately and then quickly!"

"Purple Gold Liang" laughed when he heard this and said: "Taoist Priest, who knows astronomy, geography, and divination, but he doesn't know the art of war. This plan seems to open up the net, but in fact it leads to death and no life. This road looks like a way to survive, in order to destroy the enemy." Will be willing to resist. When the enemy escapes from this, the ambush will be out, and there will be no chance of survival."

"'Optimus Prime's words are very true. I was planning to implement this strategy! Tomorrow, we will withdraw half of the soldiers and horses from the back of the valley and let Zuo Liangyu retreat. The terrain is quite flat three rooms away from here. We are waiting Prepare the cavalry first to attack the officers and soldiers. Optimus Prime's Shun camp is quite capable of fighting, and should serve as the enemy's return route; Huang Lai'er's Chuang camp is quite good at attacking, and should cut off its return route. Now it is certain I can capture Zuo Liangyu and his colleagues!"

There was no words all night. Although Zhang Shun heard Zuo Liangyu sending officers and soldiers to rob the camp in the middle of the night, he was not worried at all. He turned over and continued to sleep.

It turned out that Zuo Liangyu was proud of his hiding place, and there were only two or three roads out of the valley, and the rebels had already sent troops to watch. This terrain makes it difficult for the rebels to invade, and naturally it is also difficult for the officers and soldiers to escape.

When Zhang Shun asked about it at dawn, he learned that Zuo Liangyu had lost dozens of elite soldiers last night, without achieving any decent results.

After breakfast, the two sides fought together again and started fighting. Not long after, Zuo Liangyu became acutely aware that the attack at the back of the valley was quite weak, which must have been due to weak troops.

Zuo Liangyu is also a man who knows how to fight. He doesn't know the principle of "encircling three towers and one tower", so he doesn't want to evacuate from here.

At this time, Wu Yingke, the chief of staff, admonished: "The method of fighting is to attack people without controlling them. If the thieves want us to retreat from the rear, it is better for us to attack the enemy in front of us with all our strength and break through directly from the thieves' center. There is a chance of survival!”

Zuo Liangyu smiled sarcastically and said: "If we can defeat the enemy in front of us, why should we be trapped here? There are three ways out of the valley here, the front road, the back road and the right road. The front road leads to Wu'an County, and the back road leads to Taihang Deep in the mountains, the right road leads to She County and Cizhou."

"Since we can't do it before, we can't do it later. When the thieves are paralyzed and careless, we can make a desperate attack on the right road to get out of Shexian or Cizhou. Only then will we have a chance."

The plan was decided, and sure enough, after fighting for half a day, both sides were quite exhausted, so they both retreated to rest for a while. At this time, Zuo Liangyu suddenly personally led his men to guard Cao Ming'e and the commander Bo Wu Yingke, and raided the rebels on the right.

The defender on the right side of the valley is the "Zuo Jin King" under the command of "Purple Jin Liang". This "Zuo Jin King" is also quite skillful in using troops, but his soldiers are unable to fight and were caught off guard. He was immediately beaten by Zuo Liangyu and was unable to fight back.

"King Zuo Jin" was very high-spirited, so he personally led his soldiers to fight to the death to boost morale. Zuo Liangyu attacked for half an hour, but he still couldn't open the way to the outside world, and he couldn't help but feel anxious.

He shouted loudly: "I am waiting to be trapped to death. If we fight quickly, we will live. If we don't fight quickly, we will die!"

The officers and soldiers were facing death, but they showed their full strength. The guard Cao Ming'e took the lead and fought bloody battles. Both sides are determined to die, and victory or defeat can only be determined by the equipment and quality of the soldiers.

However, the soldiers under the command of "King Zuo Jin" are not strong enough. How can they defeat Zuo Liangyu and other officers and soldiers?

At this time, Zhang Shun had already led his men to wait for the retreat three to five miles away in the valley according to the "Purple Golden Liang" deployment. Only "Purple Gold Liang" and "Chuang Jiang" were dealing with the officers and soldiers from the front. After the rebels rested for a while, they suddenly felt something was wrong when they fought with the officers and soldiers.

The officers and soldiers suddenly had no power to resist. Something must have happened in the officers and soldiers camp. "Zijinliang" slapped his thigh and said happily: "The officers and soldiers want to escape, follow the plan!"

Upon hearing this, "General Chuang" quickly personally led his troops to attack the valley where the officers and soldiers were. The enemy's resistance in front of them was weak, and soon "Chuang Jiang" invaded the valley.

Fortunately, "General Chuang" was cautious. When he arrived in the valley, he saw the marching traces of the officers and soldiers, and found that the officers and soldiers did not follow the rebels' idea of ​​breaking out from the rear, but instead broke into the "King Zuo Jin" on the right.

"Chuang Jiang" quickly sent someone to notify Zhang Shun and "Zijin Liang", while personally leading "Yi Yihu" and others to follow the officers and soldiers to attack.

When "Chuang Jiang" arrived, Zuo Liangyu had just defeated the "Zuo Jin King" in front of him. He had no time to adjust his formation and was defeated by "Chuang Jiang". Zuo Liangyu led his soldiers and retreated southward. .

At this time, Zhang Shun was shocked when he got the news that Zuo Liangyu had escaped from another road. He made a mistake in the secret passage. He had hit all the tricks and guessed correctly before, but his guesses had inflated.

Nowadays, the soldiers of the imperial court are also capable soldiers, and the generals of the imperial court are also capable generals. You need to be careful and not be arrogant to avoid defeat and death.

But having said that, the military situation is like a fire. Zhang Shun made a prompt decision and asked Zhang Sanbai and Jiang He to organize their infantry, and he personally led his own troops and cavalry such as Liu Cheng and Chen Changzhen to pursue the officers and soldiers.

By the time Zhang Shun arrived, Zuo Liangyu had already retreated to a village to defend himself. Zhang Shun sent people to hear about it, and it was Zhao Village.

There is not a large population in the village. Just because of the harassment by the rebels, the people in the village, led by the big families in the village, have the money and strength to set up such a camp.

Although this place is surrounded by mountains and rivers, it is only built by villagers and is quite simple. Zhang Shun was quite unreasonable about the siege, so he could only tell the "invading general" based on his past experience: "I will wait until this person is killed. When my artillery arrives, I will definitely be able to break through this stronghold."

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