Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 264 Defeat Zuo Liangyu

"Chuang Jiang" heard the words and said with a smile: "Don't let the "Optimus Prime" drive, I will destroy it myself. Please also ask my little brother to plunder the formation for me."

Zhang Shun saw that the "general" was willing to contribute, so he stopped to watch the battle. I saw that the "crossing general" first sent his soldiers to collect the surrounding people, and then sent people to collect turpentine, pine oil, dead branches and leaves in the mountains.

Then "Chuang Jiang" ordered the captured people: "If you throw turpentine, pine oil and other objects next to the village, you can survive; if you return without success, the whole family, old and young, will be killed together!"

Zhang Shun frowned when he heard this and wanted to persuade "General Chuang" a few words, but he didn't know where to start. I couldn't help but sigh in my heart: Could it be that I am slowly becoming cold-blooded like this? No, this is just a temporary measure. When the actual situation comes, such a damned person will definitely not be allowed to stay!

Not to mention what Zhang Shun was thinking, the "general" ordered his soldiers to drive the people to attack the stronghold. Zuo Liangyu, who was in the village, was not a kind-hearted person to begin with, so he immediately ordered the firing of cannons, which only cut down the current people like grass. After several rounds of orders, they were mowed down.

It's just that these people are relatives and friends in Zhaozhai. How can the people in the village be willing to obey when they see the officers and soldiers being so cruel? They turned their weapons one after another and attacked the officers and soldiers in the village.

Seeing this, Zuo Liangyu couldn't help being furious, and cursed: "There are thieves outside the stronghold. You are related to the thieves. Are you not a thieves?" He ordered his officers and soldiers to suppress the people in the stronghold.

It's just that the officers and soldiers under Zuo Liangyu's command were not in good military discipline. Now that there was a killing, these officers and soldiers suddenly lost their restraints and took the opportunity to burn, kill and loot, causing chaos in the village.

Seeing this, Zhang Shun shouted loudly and shouted: "'General Chuang', if we don't attack now, when will we wait?"

So Zhang Shun and "Chuang Jiang" took the opportunity to work together to break the camp. Zuo Liangyu quickly gathered his soldiers and tried to resist.

In the end, where can you resist? Seeing that Zuo Liangyu was about to be surrounded by the rebels, the guard Cao Ming'e shouted: "Commander Zuo, go away, Cao's whole family is entrusted to you!"

After saying this, he led his two to three hundred men and charged towards the charging rebels. Seeing this, Zuo Liangyu burst into tears and said: "As long as Zuo is alive, he will definitely live up to your grace of saving his life!" After saying this, he got on his horse, turned around and ran away.

Let's say that the guard Cao Ming'e rushed over and tried to resist the rebels. How could he resist? Being charged by Zhang Shun and "Chuang Jiang", his team was reduced to pieces.

The guard Cao Ming'e was also quite brave. He was clapping his horse and holding a gun, and he fought fiercely and killed many rebels.

At this time, Chen Changzhen rushed over and yelled: "Good man, how about a one-on-one fight!"

"Why don't you dare!" Guard Cao Ming'e responded and came to fight Chen Changzhen with a gun. Chen Changzhen fought with him for two rounds, found an opportunity, deflected the opponent's spear, and cut the man off his horse with just one blow.

Zhang Shun saw it from a distance and frowned. Seeing that the guard Cao Ming'e died in battle, he didn't say anything. He just shouted loudly: "Don't delay, everyone, don't leave Zuo Liangyu!"

There were not many cavalry under the command of "General Chuang", so he had to stay behind to pursue and hunt down the defeated officers and soldiers, while Zhang Shun led the cavalry under his command and went straight to Zuo Liangyu.

Zuo Liangyu had no choice but to abandon his infantry and run south with five or six hundred cavalry. Zhang Shun and others pursued them relentlessly. Zuo Liangyu had no choice but to say to his subordinate Bo Wu Yingke: "You can lead two hundred cavalry and go to resist for a while!"

Lord Bo Wu Yingke heard the words and smiled bitterly: "I am not Lu Fengxian, and you are not Cao Mengde. Now I will take a step forward, and I bet you will not let me be too lonely on the road to Huangquan!" After saying this, this man was actually carrying two hundred people. The cavalry turned back.

Zuo Liangyu was immediately ashamed and murmured to himself: "How could I, Zuo Liangyu, be so virtuous and capable that I can do this!"

When Zhang Shun saw him from afar, he couldn't help but sigh: "You are a true righteous man. Why is Zuo Liangyu so interested in becoming a scholar?" After saying this, he wanted to give an order to fulfill this man's reputation for loyalty.

However, without waiting for Zhang Shun's order, the man ran within an arrow's distance and led the cavalry under his command to fly below, discarding their swords and disarming their armor and lying on the ground.

Zhang Shun was stunned when he saw this, and asked Li Xin strangely: "What does this mean? Is there such a way to fight in war?"

"Yes!" Li Xin replied seriously, "This is the way to surrender!"

Zhang Shun was stunned for a moment before he reacted. This guy is neither loyal nor righteous. In order to survive, he actually surrendered in the name of loyalty.

Zhang Shun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and quickly ordered Chen Changzhen to lead someone to receive him. He continued to lead his subordinates Liu Cheng, Li Xin and others to pursue Zuo Liangyu.

When Zuo Liangyu turned his head and looked, his eyelids suddenly split open, and he couldn't help but yelled: "Wu Thief! A good master would not do anything, but he would become a thief. If the sky has eyes, I can escape alive. I will definitely kill you." The whole family, young and old, to vent the hatred in my heart!"

It's a pity that this "Wu Thief" is lying on the ground far away. How can he hear Zuo Liangyu's harsh words?

Zuo Liangyu was chased too much by Zhang Shun. Zuo Liangyu had to run for his life while turning around and shouting: "I am an official, and you are a thief. When an official kills a thief, he also pays attention to the self-respect of the thief! If a thief kills an official, then Pay attention to leaving a front line when doing things!”

"If the bandits kill too many people, they will definitely be surrounded and hunted down by the officers and soldiers. Although I, Zuo Liangyu, am just a small general soldier, I am a close confidant of Hou Xun, the right minister of the Ministry of War. If you kill me, you will definitely not die well. !”

Zhang Shun heard the words and laughed loudly: "Zuo Liangyu has such a good reputation, how can you insult him! If the earthen jar is broken without leaving the well, the general will inevitably die before the battle. Since you join the army, you should be prepared to be dismembered. Being so greedy for life and afraid of death is inevitable. Change the name to 'You stubborn stone'!"

At this time, Liu Cheng, Li Xin and their subordinates heard what Zhang Shun said was interesting, and couldn't help laughing, and shouted: "'You stubborn stone' should not leave, but stay alive!"

Zuo Liangyu was so angry that he had no choice but to grit his teeth and personally lead his cavalry to fight. After all, Zuo Liangyu is also a veteran, and he is also quite outstanding in martial arts.

It's just that Zhang Shun, Wukong on the left and Li Xin on the right, are both good players, so why be afraid of him. The two sides only fought once, and Zuo Liangyu no longer dared to fight Zhang Shun.

Zuo Liangyu cursed angrily: "You are so courageous that you dare not challenge me in a duel!"

"What do you mean, Mr. Zuo?" Zhang Shun said with a smile, "The three of us are challenging you in a one-on-one challenge. Since you are no match, just admit defeat. If you make a mistake, you must admit it, and when you are beaten, you must stand upright. If you say this now, is it possible that a Can’t afford to lose?”

Zuo Liangyu couldn't win after being beaten and scolded, so he had no choice but to turn around and run away. At this time, Zuo Liangyu suddenly had more than a hundred cavalry left to follow him. The rest were either killed in battle or surrendered.

Zuo Liangyu didn't have any ambitions this time. He just seemed possessed by an evil spirit and muttered silently: I can't die! I won't die! I want to make great achievements and become a great person!

It's a pity that "spell" is good. But it's not very effective. Under Zhang Shun's pursuit, the number of cavalry around Zuo Liangyu gradually decreased.

When there were still more than ten riders left under Zuo Liangyu's command, Zuo Liangyu himself was desperate. He couldn't help but look up to the sky and shout angrily: "What is Zuo's crime? He deserves to die here!"

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