Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 269 He Renlong

He Renlong was also a big man from Shaanxi, and he and other rebel leaders such as "Purple Gold Liang", "Chuang Jiang" and "Eight Kings" were all from the same hometown in Shaanxi, but the two sides did not miss the feeling of being from the same hometown at all.

He Renlong was born as a martial arts scholar. In the Ming Dynasty, before Emperor Chongzhen appointed Wang Laipin, the highest achievement for a warrior who participated in the martial arts examination was to become a martial arts scholar.

This He Renlong has been practicing martial arts and archery since he was a child, and has developed good martial arts skills. During the Wanli period, he passed the Wu Jinshi examination and was awarded the post of garrison.

During the Chongzhen period, Shaanxi rebels broke out everywhere, and he happened to be under the command of Hong Chengchou, the then governor of Yansui. This was exactly what brought heaven and earth to work together. He was already highly skilled in martial arts, and Hong Chengchou was good at military tactics and commanded well, so he made many contributions.

After He Renlong received many rewards, he realized a truth: if he wanted to get promoted and make a fortune, he could only exchange the heads of these poor and rebellious people.

Therefore, he became more bloodthirsty and regarded killing as child's play. This caused him to be hated by the rebels on the one hand, and feared by the rebels on the other.

This time, He Renlong was just dealing with a chaotic remnant of remnants. Although they were large in number, no less than 2,000 strong, they did not have a commander to command them, and they did not have armor, weapons or other good equipment.

Therefore, He Renlong dared to pursue him with only 500 men and horses under his command, and he must eradicate the roots. In He Renlong's eyes, the crowds of people fleeing in front cannot be regarded as people, but the merits of walking one by one, silver coins that are walking one by one.

He Renlong rested for a while, then suppressed his exhaustion and shouted: "Brothers, you have rested enough. Follow me and continue to hunt down the bandits. We are all in front of you. We must not let them slip away before our eyes!"

He Renlong's Yansui border soldiers couldn't help but stood up when they heard this. They had always been fighting with prisoners on the border. How could they have such an easy job? The opportunity must not be missed and it will never come again. Everyone could not care less about their fatigue. Thinking of the white silver reward, their whole bodies were suddenly full of energy.

Since the rebels were lightly armed and the officers and soldiers were heavily armored, they pursued for a long time and were about to be unable to catch up with the fleeing rebels.

At this time, greed gained the upper hand. Someone left and suggested to He Renlong: "The armor is too heavy to catch up. Why don't we take off the armor first and leave dozens of people behind to take care of us. When the pursuit is over, we can cut off the heads." It’s not too late to come back and collect the armor.”

An ordinary general would definitely reject such a risky proposal. However, He Renlong had been chasing the rebels all the way and had already despised them to the extreme. He Renlong was indeed worthy of being called "Crazy He". He gave the order decisively, asking the soldiers to take off their armor and pursue the current rebel army lightly.

The rebels who were being chased by He Renlong found that the following officers and soldiers had lost their armor protection. They suddenly felt hopeful and turned around to kill them.

Seeing this, He Renlong laughed and said: "There is a road to heaven, but you don't take it. There is no door to hell, so you can come on your own. Brothers, let me take away the credit!"

After saying this, He Renlong took the lead and killed the general. His quick horse and light sword were perfect for dealing with this group of unarmored and unruly people. He was covered in blood as he was killed, like a madman.

The rebels could not withstand it and were so frightened that they had been killed by He Renlong. They immediately collapsed and fled southeast along the Boqing River. He Renlong pursued them all the way, not giving the rebels a chance to regroup and breathe.

The two sides fought from morning to night until they were exhausted, but He Renlong refused to give up. The sun finally went down, but it was still bright. He Renlong asked loudly to his soldiers: "Are you all tired?"

"General, I'm so exhausted that we can pursue you tomorrow!" Many soldiers couldn't stand it anymore and begged.

"Asshole! No matter how tired you are, can it be more tiring than plowing the fields under the scorching sun? How tired can you be more tiring than having no clothes to cover your body and not having enough to eat? We have to sacrifice our lives to seize the credit, how can we compare with thieves? Eager to escape?"

After being scolded by He Renlong, everyone was speechless and had no choice but to obey his orders and follow He Renlong to charge forward again.

At this time, the rebels had been hunted for many days and had already lost their food source. They had no strength to continue running for their lives.

Some people were so tired that they vomited blood and died on the spot while running; some people had no shoes, and their calloused soles were already dripping with blood; there were even a group of people who had been running for more than half a month, When he was already in despair, he simply fell to the ground and muttered to himself: "I'm going to die, I can't run anymore!"

Seeing that this group of rebels was about to be brutally killed again, it was nothing more than Congratulations on Renlong's military exploits. Unexpectedly, an arrow suddenly flew from the side of the stab. He Renlong subconsciously tilted his neck, and a sharp pain suddenly shot through his neck.

He Renlong subconsciously stretched out his hand to cover his neck, only to feel gurgling blood overflowing from his fingers. The soldiers under his command quickly gathered around him and asked how he was injured.

He Renlong tried breathing and found that it was quite smooth, so he endured the pain and shouted: "Why are you shouting? I am alive and well, but I just suffered a minor injury!"

While He Renlong was speaking, he saw a group of people suddenly emerge from the mountain and rush toward the officers and soldiers. The leader, eight feet tall, with a swallow's jaw and a tiger's beard, put away the strong bow in his hand, drew two sharp swords and charged forward.

It was none other than Xiao Qinhu, who had been lying in wait for a long time. It turned out that Xiao Qinhu left Shunwangping camp that day, followed the advice of Lady Hong, led all his troops, and hurriedly came to join the "King of the World".

Although the "King of the World" does not have much prestige and cannot integrate this rebel army, fortunately he knows the intelligence of both the enemy and ourselves quite well.

Therefore, the "King of Zhishi" brought Xiao Qinhu and others here based on his own speculation, and waited until the officers and soldiers passing by in pursuit of the rebels.

At first, Xiao Qinhu thought that this place was too far away from the officers and soldiers, and He Renlong might not catch up to this place. He originally planned to attack the camp at night. Unexpectedly, He Renlong was extremely arrogant and did not take the rebels into consideration, and he happened to enter Xiao Qinhu's encirclement.

From morning to night, Nahe Renlong's entire army was extremely exhausted, and the soldiers under his command were fat, thin, strong and weak. They came one after another along the way. They had already dispersed their formation, and there were only more than 200 people following him. That’s all.

Nahe Renlong could not defeat the new force of the rebel army, not to mention that he himself was injured by Xiao Qinhu at the beginning of the battle.

Although He Renlong was frightened, he still had a glimmer of hope. He asked the left and right men to tear off the strips of cloth, briefly bandage the wound, and said: "Thieves are just like sheep. When they gather a crowd, they are bold, and when they break the camp, they flee in all directions. Now my officers and soldiers are like tigers and wolves, if I just scare them, they will definitely be defeated and flee!"

After speaking, He Renlong endured the pain and led his men to greet Xiao Qinhu and others. Xiao Qinhu couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw He Renlong advancing instead of retreating, and quickly urged his men to rush forward.

A chapter.

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