Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 270 “Meng Zhang Fei” and “Zhao Zilong”

He Renlong relied on his strong martial arts skills and tried to take advantage of the rebel army's unstable foothold to surprise the rebel leader. But Xiao Qinhu's martial arts is not bad, so why should he be afraid of him?

The two fought for three or two rounds, and He Renlong was injured. The wound was bleeding profusely and he could no longer fight. Fortunately, his own soldiers fought to the rescue and escaped with their lives.

He Renlong was shocked and angry, and couldn't help shouting: "Who is here? I think you are also a hero, why are you a thief?"

Because Xiao Qinhu looks like Zhang Fei, his sworn brother Chen Changzhen is also nicknamed "Er Guan Gong", so he is often called "Zhang Fei" by others. He originally didn't care much about this nickname, it was dispensable.

Just to avoid exposing Shun Wangping's camp, Xiao Qinhu pretended to say: "I am 'Meng Zhang Fei'. Since ancient times, officials and thieves have not been at odds. If you want to fight, I will fight. Life and death are determined by fate and wealth. Why bother?" Such cowardice and wanton relationships!"

He Renlong was speechless. Although he was nicknamed "He Madman", he was not "He Fool". He couldn't do anything when he saw things happening. He cupped his hands in front of Xiao Qinhu and said, "The mountains are high and the rivers are long. See you soon!" After saying this, he patted his horse and turned around. Just leave without any regrets.

It didn't matter that He Renlong escaped, the officers and soldiers were immediately defeated. Originally, the rebels waited for work, used more to attack the less, and used well-equipped soldiers to fight lightly, which was to crush the advantage. Now that the chief officer was fleeing for his life, the officers and soldiers had no reason to continue fighting and could not help but turn around and flee.

When Xiao Qinhu saw this, he couldn't help but be filled with pride and shouted loudly: "The Yan people's 'Meng Zhang Fei' is here. Congratulations to Ren Long for leaving and leaving his life behind!"

After saying this, Xiao Qinhu took the lead, waving the snowflake silver knife in his hand and rushed forward, slashing right and left, feeling uncomfortable.

In order to pursue the rebels, most of this group of officers and soldiers took off their armor and went into battle lightly, which was especially suitable for slashing and stabbing with swords. Xiao Qinhu ran all the way, just like chopping melons and vegetables. Wherever he passed, officers and soldiers fell one after another.

However, the rebels were wearing armor and had difficulty moving. After chasing for about a mile, they gradually failed to catch up with He Renlong and his men.

Xiao Qinhu quickly ordered Zhao Lizi to go into battle. Zhao Lizi had already led more than a hundred scout cavalry under his command to ambush nearby. After receiving the signal and hearing the sound of a cannon, he came out to kill him.

Although He Renlong and others were good at running, two legs were no match for four, and they were immediately killed by Zhao Lizi again.

He Renlong was taken aback and asked quickly: "Who are you? Why are you working for the tiger?"

"I am Changshan Zhao Zilong!" Zhao Lizi laughed loudly. He was also quite familiar with the Three Kingdoms commentary. He was surprised to find that no one in the rebel army had the nickname Zhao Zilong, so he quickly took over this IP.

When He Renlong heard this, he couldn't help but became furious: "You're rude, how dare you insult me ​​like this. I think your martial arts skills are no match for those of others. When I recover from my injuries, I will definitely shoot you to death!"

Zhao Lizi didn't get angry after hearing this, but smiled and said, "I'm just humiliating you, how will you treat me?"

When He Renlong heard this, a fire of ignorance rose up in his chest, and he wished he could immediately abandon his soldiers and come to challenge this man alone.

Fortunately, his rationality told him that now he was like "a tiger in peace and being bullied by a dog", so he must not act out of anger, so he had to put up with it and lead the team to escape.

Zhao Lizi was like a piece of shit, clinging to this group of people, which made He Renlong disgusted. The officers and soldiers abandoned many corpses along the way, but still could not get rid of Zhao Lizi's cavalry.

At this moment, He Renlong looked up and saw dozens of officers and soldiers not far away, guarding the car for more than ten miles. It was none other than He Renlong, the soldier who stayed behind to take care of the armor of his soldiers.

He Renlong's heart skipped a beat, and he felt bad. Fortunately, He Renlong is also a ruthless person. Although he knows that he has suffered such a big loss, he still puts his own life as his first priority. He ignored them and led his soldiers to flee.

Zhao Lizi chased after him and saw dozens of officers and soldiers in front of him. They were in strict formation and fully armored. They seemed to be guarding something.

Zhao Lizi ignored the pursuit of He Renlong and quickly sent someone to check. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the armor of an officer and soldier.

Zhao Lizi couldn't help but be overjoyed, and thought to himself: "Nowadays, the rebel army is short of armor. That He Renlong must have fled far away, and if we pursue it again, we may not be able to find it. If we seize these armors, we can Strengthen the camp.”

Thinking of this, Zhao Lizi quickly led his cavalry to attack this group of officers and soldiers. I never thought that this group of officers and soldiers would cooperate effectively and defend rigorously. The cavalry under Zhao Lizi were actually just horsemen with high personal martial arts skills. They were not regular cavalry at all. They were unable to break through the enemy's formation for a while.

Fortunately, Xiao Qinhu was afraid that Zhao Lizi would make a mistake, so he led his generals to suppress the formation and was following not far away. After he received the report that Zhao Lizi had encountered a group of recalcitrant officers and soldiers, he quickly led his men to fight.

This time, the rebels were so numerous that they surrounded the officers and soldiers and chopped them down with a flurry of arrows and knives. Although this group of officers and soldiers were very unwilling, they had no choice but to drink in anger on the spot. In particular, Xiao Qinhu held a tiger tendon bow and shot arrows from a distance outside the formation of the officers and soldiers. The officers and soldiers often fell in response to the string, leaving them unable to fight back.

After Xiao Qinhu and Zhao Lizi worked together to defeat this group of officers and soldiers, they were overjoyed when they discovered the armors loaded in these carts. They quickly ordered the soldiers to count the items and collect them so that they could be brought to the Shunwangping camp for use.

Here, "Meng Zhang Fei" Xiao Qinhu and "Zhao Zilong" Zhao Lizi had just finished their work, when the "Zhishi King" rushed over with one person and his soldiers.

On the battlefield, etiquette was inconvenient. After both parties nodded, the "King of the World" said: "This is the King of the World. Those who were chased by the officers and soldiers before were his subordinates. Because the general killed the officers and soldiers. , for saving everyone’s lives, the ‘World King’ came here specially to express his gratitude!”

Xiao Qinhu looked at this "World King" up and down, and saw that he had a plain appearance. He had nothing but an iron sword in his hand, and he didn't know how this person was going to "show his gratitude."

What made Xiao Qinhu secretly complain was that each of these two people was more miserable than the other, but their nicknames were more prestigious than the other. This "king" and that "king" don't know how capable they are.

The "King of the World" didn't know what Xiao Qinhu was thinking, but he just nodded and said: "Your Excellency is the 'Meng Zhang Fei', right? Hearing it a hundred times is better than seeing it. He is indeed a good man. These days, the King of the World and I have I was chased so hard by 'Crazy He' that I almost died."

"Now we have figured it out. We have neither the ambition to fight for the world nor the talent to govern. It is already a luxury to barely save our lives. Today, we saw that the general is so wise and powerful that he is almost a god descending to earth. We are willing to follow the general. , build a great career!"

This was the plan of everyone in the camp. Xiao Qinhu was thin-faced and didn’t know how to speak. Unexpectedly, these two people knew each other and actually volunteered to join the rebel army. Xiao Qinhu refused and said quickly: "I am also someone else's subordinate. Generals, I dare not make a name for myself. Since you two are interested in joining us, please restrain your troops and come with me to meet the person in charge of my family!"

As usual, in one chapter, the author's face is bulletproof. . . I was originally very ambitious today, preparing for the third update, but I didn’t get home until after nine o’clock, and I didn’t say anything.

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