Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 278 Defeat (Part 2)

It turned out that after Cao Wenzhao defeated the second leader "Zijin Liang" that day, in order to intercept the leader of the thirty-sixth battalion "Zijin Liang", they made a quick detour to Liaozhou and Licheng, preparing to pre-select important places to set up an ambush, but unexpectedly... I happened to bump into Chen Changzhen and others.

According to common sense, there are many rebels, and many officers and soldiers should be too frightened to attack after seeing them.

However, Cao Wenzhao was worthy of being called "the most loyal and brave general in the Ming Dynasty". Others did not dare to fight, but he dared to fight. He ignored the fatigue of men and horses and immediately launched an attack on the rebels.

Chen Changzhen only had 200 cavalry left under his command, and the rest were handed over to the leadership of Li You, who followed Zhang Shun to join the second master "Purple Gold Liang".

The rest of Jiang He, Zhang Sanbai and Li Jiyu were all infantry. They were suddenly attacked and their formation could not be deployed. The remaining 20,000 people were all common people who had not received much training. They were suddenly attacked and immediately ran for their lives in a panic. They took Jiang He and others' infantry with them.

Seeing this, Cao Wenzhao immediately led his nephew Cao Bianjiao to charge against Chen Changzhen's army. Chen Changzhen was not afraid of danger. Although the enemy was outnumbered, he led his 200 cavalry to launch a counterattack against Cao Wenzhao and Cao Bianjiao.

Although Cao Wenzhao and Cao Bianjiao had been in battle for a long time, they could not help but be shocked. In fact, cavalry combat is different from what everyone imagines, with two pairs launching a desperate charge. Most of the time, the cavalry fight each other and shoot. When one party is at a disadvantage, the other party will launch a charge to defeat or drive the other party from the battlefield.

This kind of situation where two sides face each other and launch a desperate charge is quite rare in real battlefields. After all, everyone is made of flesh and blood, and no one is born without fear of death. A face-to-face charge like this is relatively fast. No matter how powerful you are in martial arts or how heroic you are, one mistake will result in your body being dismembered.

Chen Changzhen was not afraid of death, and Cao Wenzhao and Cao Bianjiao's uncle and nephew were not just for free. The two of them were not afraid either. They gritted their teeth to see who could withstand the attack.

If one side cannot withstand this pressure to die and turns to one side, morale will plummet and flaws will be exposed, and the formation will be defeated by the other side on the spot.

Cao Wenzhao knew the virtues of his officers and soldiers, so he shouted loudly: "Charge into the formation, and those who dare to retreat will be killed; those who dare to leave the formation to the left or right will be killed without mercy! After this charge, no one will reward two taels of silver, and those who kill the enemy will be counted separately!" "

Since ancient times, those who used military force have only used heavy punishments and generous rewards, and Cao Wenzhao was very good at this. Shout out on the spot at this time is not only a way to manage the army, but also a way to attack the heart.

When Chen Changzhen heard this and saw that all the rebels under his command were afraid, he couldn't help shouting: "The enemy is outnumbered and we are outnumbered. We can't move now. The only way to have a chance of survival is to fight to the death. Whoever charges to the end this time will be rewarded with ten taels of silver. If he kills One enemy will be rewarded with twenty taels of silver. If he can win a big victory, no one will be rewarded with a hundred taels of silver!"

When the rebels heard this, they immediately howled and shouted, and their morale was high. It turned out that most of these cavalrymen were from ordinary backgrounds, either from the frontier army or martial arts masters from Huaiqing Prefecture. They were all engaged in hard-working business, but they had never been able to earn so much silver.

At this time, although a large amount of silver from the Americas was imported into China by Spain, silver was still relatively valuable, and even some people from poorer families had never seen what silver looked like.

A strong man works for a month and earns only a little more than one tael of silver. Ten taels of silver is basically a strong man's annual income. How dare they not die?

Cao Wenzhao was so angry when he heard this that he had his own system of rewards and punishments for officers and soldiers in battle. Even if Cao Wenzhao had a certain degree of discretion, he did not dare to make random promises. After all, the value of "bandits" was far lower than the heads of Liaodong Jurchens. .

If Cao Wen's edict is accepted, how will the battle be fought in the future? For one thing, the imperial court's salary and silver were insufficient, and there were frequent shortages. Sometimes military pay cannot be paid, let alone silver rewards? Secondly, even if Cao Wenzhao spent the money himself, if the imperial censor was accused of "bribing the morale of the army", he might not be able to bear the consequences.

Cao Wenzhao had no choice but to say harshly: "We have many people and the thieves are few. Don't listen to their nonsense. As long as you kill them all, you can take whatever silver they have in their hands for you!"

The morale of the officers and soldiers was slightly improved, but it was too late to say that, but it was too fast to say that the cavalry on both sides had no time to change their formations, so they suddenly collided with each other.

Chen Changzhen was very skilled in martial arts and killed two or three people in succession, just when he met Cao Wenzhao. The two fought hastily for a round, with neither winning nor losing, and they passed by the wrong horse.

In this way, the two sides kill each other through the enemy's formation, each reducing their horse speed and checking the losses. As a result, both sides suffered heavy losses, and both Cao Wenzhao and Chen Changzhen were heartbroken.

However, since the war has begun, you cannot help but be affectionate and soft-hearted. After the two men reorganized their formations, they charged at each other again.

It's just that this time Cao Wenzhao had a better idea and brought his nephew Cao Bianjiao to him, and the two of them fought against Chen Changzhen.

This time, Chen Changzhen was unable to defeat the four-handed opponent. He was at a disadvantage in the battle and was stabbed in the arm by Cao Wenzhao. Chen Changzhen knew that if he launched another charge, he would die at the hands of these two men.

It is not a pity to die oneself, but these two thousand people are so innocent! Thinking of this, Chen Changzhen had no choice but to lead his army to retreat into the Dao Jianghe formation.

At this time, the infantry reluctantly stepped out of the formation and prepared to fight with the officers and soldiers. Unexpectedly, Cao Wenzhao was cunning and cruel, so he said to his nephew Cao Bianjiao: "Leave this group of officers and soldiers to me. If you lead five hundred cavalry to hunt down the thieves' families, you will definitely shake the thieves' military morale and defeat them with one blow."

As a result, Chen Changzhen, Jiang He, Zhang Sanbai, and Li Jiyu could only watch Cao Bianjiao massacre the people who were running around in Baotou, and they were unable to do anything.

Among their infantry were 500 infantrymen who were recruited from the common people by Chen Changzhen. Seeing this, the army's morale was shaken and they had no intention of fighting. Cao Wenzhao took the opportunity to kill them and was defeated.

Chen Changzhen had no choice but to go into battle with injuries, temporarily resisting Cao Wenzhao's attack. While ordering Jiang He and Zhang Sanbai to lead the soldiers and people to retreat to nearby hills to use the terrain for defense, he also ordered Li Jiyu: "Brother Jiyu, before joining the rebel army, There is a way to break out of the encirclement. Now the officers and soldiers are so powerful that it is difficult for us to resist. Only by inviting the second master and the elite of the lord's command can we have the strength to fight. The life and death of our army of more than 20,000 people are entrusted to your Excellency!"

Upon hearing this, Li Jiyu called a few township party members, then flew on his horse and drove all the way towards Yushe County.

Cao Wenzhao used his troops in a very systematic manner. Scouts were posted on the road early to block the battlefield. Li Jiyu fought hard and fought to the death before he was able to escape, and rushed to the temporary camp of the second master and Zhang Shun alone.

At this time, the second leader was newly defeated and his morale was low. Zhang Shun only had 800 cavalry in his hands and was unable to fight against Cao Wenzhao.

There was no other way, Zhang Shun gritted his teeth and said: "Second Master, these two thousand people are the capital of my 'Optimus Prime', and we must not lose it. Although the officers and soldiers are powerful now, I think Cao Wen's order to use military speed is Like the wind, there must not be many people there. Please come with me and move your camera."

Thank you to the fan "Feige Wolfpack" for the reward, thank you!

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