Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 279 Revenge Camp

The second boss "Purple Gold Liang" actually didn't want to face Cao Wenzhao again, but Zhang Shun had helped him a lot before and never asked him for anything, so he had to sell Zhang Shun's favor.

In order to prevent the rescuer from failing, they put themselves in instead. The two agreed to lead only the cavalry under their command, leaving the rest of the infantry to be led by Qixu Taoist and "King Zuojin" for the time being.

So the two of them went both ways and arrived at the battlefield that evening.

The war is over, and all kinds of corpses are scattered among the rolling hills. There were gray-haired old men, women as skinny as firewood, and even babies waiting to be fed.

Blood was everywhere, as if the sky had rained blood here. At this time, the sky was sunny, and the blood rain turned into blood water, which stained the grass and trees, soil and rocks, and the ditches. It also penetrated into the ruthless soil, becoming sticky and sticky, and it was sticky when you stepped on it. Sole.

Although Zhang Shun had experienced many wars and seemed to be familiar with blood and bones, this massacre deeply shocked him.

He thought he had become insensitive, but only then did he realize that he couldn't do it at all.

No matter how low life is, it should not be slaughtered like this. Some people were still breathing, moaning and twitching softly on the ground, which was unbearable to look at and hear.

Zhang Shun looked up and saw dead people everywhere. A feeling of sadness filled his chest. He wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

At this moment, a faint cry of a baby sounded in this battlefield filled with death.

Zhang Shun was startled, as if he was just waking up from a dream, and quickly ordered people to search for him. Finally, the baby was found by Li Sanniang who followed the cry.

Zhang Shun took a closer look and saw a thin and withered woman with a baby underneath her. It must have been that when the officers and soldiers rushed over, the baby was protected by the mother and survived.

Li Sanniang walked over and opened the dead woman. She saw a baby covered in blood crying there.

Li Sanniang didn't care that he was covered in blood, groped around to check it, and said in a low voice: "Fortunately, there is a cut on his leg. It's not a problem, and his life is safe."

The baby was probably very hungry, so it just crawled into Li Sanniang's arms, leaving blood stains all over Li Sanniang's clothes. But Li Sanniang has never given birth, so where can she get milk for him?

Neither Li Sanniang nor Zhang Shun had ever raised a child and didn't know how to deal with it. But Li Sanniang saw that he was pitiful, so she said to Zhang Shun: "Let's adopt him. What a strong baby. He only needs a bowl on each side. He can't eat much." !”

Zhang Shun didn't agree, so he agreed. The two didn't know how to feed it, so they had to hold it and ask other people.

The army is full of old men, "Feeding children is a matter for women, who knows?" Fortunately, after asking for a long time, I finally got the answer from a son-in-law: "Feed some rice cereal, it looks like it's okay." Two or three months. If you eat it, you can survive. If not, you can only find a wet nurse to save your life!"

This is a battlefield with no front or back, where can we find a nanny? Li Sanniang had no choice but to light a fire and cook some rice porridge with Zhu'er. It was cold enough to eat, and she reluctantly drank it for him.

Zhang Shun couldn't care about these trivial matters and quickly met up with Chen Changzhen, Jiang He, and Zhang Sanbai. At this time, the three of them were all injured and came to see Zhang Shun.

Zhang Shun quickly helped the three of them up, and first asked about the military situation: "How are the injuries of the three of them? What is the loss of our army? Where are the officers and soldiers?"

As the commander-in-chief, Chen Changzhen stepped forward and replied: "The three of us are fine. We are all slightly injured. We will recover in a few days."

"It's just that the soldiers have suffered a lot of damage, and the infantry has not yet been counted. There are only 200 cavalry under my command, and now there are only more than a hundred cavalry left. The rest of the cavalry either died in battle, or were too injured to continue serving as cavalry."

"As for the officers and soldiers, when we retreated to the higher ground, the officers and soldiers attacked several times, but failed to attack them, so they quickly retreated. According to my estimate, the enemy must have three thousand cavalry, lord, don't be careful!"

"How are the common people doing?" Zhang Shun frowned and asked suppressing his emotions.

"The losses of the people were even more severe. According to my estimate, there were no less than three thousand dead and wounded, and there were not a few who trampled on each other. There were also four to five thousand people who took the opportunity to escape and hid in the mountains. Now I estimate that there are only ten thousand or two left. ! The specific number of people can only be known after statistics are collected after things are stabilized."

Zhang Shun sighed after hearing this and said: "Let the scouts strengthen their vigilance. Now gather all the soldiers and civilians. Let me say a few words!"

Half an hour later, it was getting dark, and Chen Changzhen and others reluctantly gathered the common people and soldiers. Zhang Shun stood on a high place and shouted loudly: "Since ancient times, the art of war has said that 'victory and defeat are common affairs for military officers.' Since I led the army, I have won more than lost, and I am proud of it!"

"But today, I found that this statement is wrong. If you fail, you will be slaughtered, but if you win, you can control your destiny. How innocent are the people? They work all day long, and they can't feed themselves; it's hard to escape, and their lives are precarious."

"No one is born a rebel, only those who are born are forced to be rebels. If we don't take up arms to rebel, the fate of these people today will be our fate tomorrow!"

"What's the crime for the old, weak, women and children? Look around, the mountains and plains are covered with blood. Mountains of corpses and rivers of blood. The mountains and rivers are so strong that they are made of corpses and blood!"

"Here are your parents, here are your sisters, wives and daughters, here are your children and grandchildren! Are you just going to tolerate it like this? Do you just admit it like this? Are you just so cowardly?"

"If you have any masculinity, then take up arms! Follow me and kill all the dog officials, change the world, and become a human being with your head held high!"

The common people were strong and strong, looking at the corpses around them, how could they not feel as if they were their own bodies? Everyone was provoked by Zhang Shun and couldn't help shouting: "Kill all the dog officials and become human beings for once!" "Kill all the dog officials and become human beings for once!"

After everyone's situation became a little calmer, Zhang Shun raised his hand to ask everyone to be quiet. Then he shouted: "In this case, I have organized a battalion called 'Revenge'. Who is willing to be the commander of my 'Revenge Battalion' and never forget our army's ambition of revenge!"

Chen Changzhen and others were stunned when they heard this. Why did the Lord bring up this matter that should have been discussed privately without prior communication?

While Chen Changzhen, Jiang He, Li Jiyu and others were in a daze, Zhang Sanbai was stunned when he heard the words, and immediately stood up and said: "Although I am unworthy, I have a reputation for bravery. If you don't give up, I am willing to lead everyone to fight to the death so that we can recover today." Revenge!"

These common people didn't know anything. When they saw someone willing to take the lead, they shouted "yes" one after another. So Zhang Bian took the opportunity to appoint Zhang Sanbai as the commander of the "Revenge Battalion" and selected soldiers from among the common people to prepare to reorganize an army. .

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