Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 280 Return to camp (Part 1)

This time Zhang Shun was really angry. He lived in a peaceful era in his previous life. After coming to this era again, he saw the brutality and evil deeds of the "rebels" and thought that this was the bottom line for mankind. He did not expect that the officers and soldiers would once again refresh their understanding of the word bottom line.

He used to have a childish idea that no matter who he was or what he was doing, there was always something to say. But this time the bloody reality told him that if he wanted to reason with others, he had to rely on the strength of the knife in his hand, otherwise he would not even be qualified to reason.

This is the best of times, and it is also the worst of times. You can only rely on the sword in your hand to explain the truth that cannot be explained with your mouth. The great man in his past life said well that "political power emerges from the barrel of a gun", and I am afraid it was also taught by bloody reality.

Revolution is not a dinner party; revolution is a riot, a violent action in which one class overthrows another class.

Originally, Zhang Shun thought that he could change the dynasty by using his strength to slowly force the officials of the Ming Dynasty to take sides.

Now it seems that if violent measures are not taken, I and others will be completely wiped out by the reactionary forces using violent measures.

So the question goes back to the beginning, who are our enemies and who are our friends?

First of all, the first enemy is the Zhu Ming royal family. According to the ancient family theory, the Ming Dynasty belongs to their old Zhu family. The emperor came from the Zhu family, and the princes from various places occupied a large amount of land and property, so they had to revolutionize their lives.

Secondly, the second enemy is those local tyrants and evil gentry. They read the books of sages and sages to their stomachs, only care about their own promotion and wealth, and occupy land. Those who do evil must be eliminated.

Thirdly, the third enemy is the army of the Ming Dynasty. As minions of the Ming Dynasty, they are a direct threat to the military force of the rebels and must be eliminated.

Finally, the fourth one is the Manchu Qing Dynasty outside the Pass. As a foreign race, they have entered the Central Plains. They are their ultimate opponents in the fight for world supremacy, so they must be cautious.

Of these four, those who can be surrendered and enlightened should be surrendered and educated as much as possible. Those who cannot be surrendered and enlightened can only be destroyed physically.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun's mind suddenly became clear. A great man is a great man. You only need to follow the great man's theory and the actual situation, and all the routes will become clear.

After Zhang Shun thought clearly, he ordered Zhang Sanbai to briefly select the manpower. The number of people was limited to one thousand. Then, he arranged for others to quickly organize the troops and go all the way south to the rebel camp in Licheng County.

Finally arriving at the rebel camp the next day, Zhang Shun felt a little relieved. After only a few days of minor repairs, Zhang Shun had to bid farewell to the second boss "Purple Gold Liang".

It turns out that the second boss "Zijin Liang" failed to harvest food this time, but was defeated by Cao Wenzhao, and his food was very tight. Zhang Shun now has more than 10,000 men under his command, and he cannot afford to support them for a while.

Zhang Shun was too embarrassed to work so hard under the second master, so he had to say goodbye and go south, returning to Zezhou to look for food.

Zezhou was repeatedly ravaged by the rebels, and it was difficult to find food. Zhang Shun sent his generals to try to buy grain several times, but failed. He had no choice but to lead everyone back to the Shunwangping camp to see if there was still food in his camp.

Zhang Shun arrived at the Shengwangping camp first, and he was surprised to find that a simple but huge camp had been established in Shengwangping.

When Zhao Lizi received the news of Zhang Shun's return, he hurriedly reported it to Chen Changzhen and others, and personally led his scouts to visit him.

Zhang Shun briefly asked about the Shengwangping camp and found out that Xiao Qinhu had made a huge deal when he was no longer around. He couldn't help but be surprised and happy.

Fortunately, there are also heroes who come to seek refuge with him, and his army gradually grows stronger. Surprisingly, it was difficult to feed the many people under his command. Unexpectedly, the camp itself was also taking advantage of the opportunity to grow and develop. If you don't know how expensive firewood and rice are, what should you do if this person eats horse chews?

In any case, it was always a good thing. Zhang Shun put aside his worries and looked at the generals who came to greet him with a cheerful face.

Xiao Qinhu took the opportunity to introduce to Zhang Shun the newly joined "King of the World" and "King of the World". The "King of the World" had a sinister face and looked like a military general. He had an iron halberd with a A sword; and the "King of the World" has a white face and no beard, and looks like a scribe, which makes him an iron whip.

Zhang Shun fell in love with him when he saw them, and thought: One of you is called the "King of Fighting for the World" and the other is called "The King of the World". They are really good words. It's up to me to fight for the world first and then govern the country.

When the "King of Fighting for the World" and "The King of Ruling the World" met Zhang Shun, they had no intention of being contemptuous as before. Instead, they were trembling with fear and convinced.

It turns out that by this time, Wei Congyi's power to shock the capital had already spread throughout the world, and everyone said: "King Shun sent General 'Xiao Yuchi' to march north under the command of 'King Shun' to march north to the capital." For the rebels, this was Just like listening to the comments, I was shocked beyond measure.

Only then did Zhang Shun realize that he had been dubbed "King Shun" by Wei Congyi, Hong Niangzi and others without knowing it.

Zhang Shunchu didn't take it seriously at first. It wasn't until he met the "King of the World" and "The King of the World" today that he realized that all of his subordinates were nicknamed "King". If he were to call himself "Optimus Prime" again, it would seem a bit short. Only then did he understand what the red lady meant.

At this time, Liu Yinggui also came to visit Zhang Shun. Zhang Shun helped him up, but was stunned. It turned out that Zhang Shenyan's sons, Zhang Luxuan and Wu Xian, were at Liu Yinggui's side. Fortunately, Zhang Shun was quick-witted and immediately realized that Liu Yinggui had deliberately placed these two men around him to monitor them to prevent them from getting into trouble.

At this time, Zhang Luxuan and Wu Xian looked at each other, unable to hide the shock in their eyes. They only thought that Zhang Shun was just making a small fuss. As long as the government mobilized elite soldiers, it would be like Mount Tai pressing down on the top, and these "thieves and bandits" would suddenly turn into fans.

Unexpectedly, after a few months, the "thieves and bandits" not only did not turn into fans, but actually grew stronger.

As the saying goes: "There are more than ten thousand people, and there are no boundaries." Zhang Shun brought back more than 10,000 people this time, and everyone looked at them from a distance, stretching to the sky, and they couldn't even see the horizon at a glance. Zhang Luxuan and Wu Xian were stunned for a moment, and they didn't even dare to say harsh words this time.

Zhang Shun was originally worried that the Shunwangping camp was too small to accommodate so many people. Now that he saw that Shengwangping was huge and the camp was quite vast, he quickly ordered his soldiers to arrange for the more than 10,000 people to stay here temporarily to rest.

Although Shengwangping was newly built, it was better because there were many fish, and everyone took the opportunity to have a good meal. Most of these people are homeless and hungry people. In the past, there was not enough food to eat. How had they ever eaten such delicious fish that they almost swallowed their own tongues.

Since Zhang Shun and others set up camp, they have been running around for days, eating and drinking only for one bite. Now that I have finally returned "home", I have put aside my anxiety for the time being, and I can't help but start eating and drinking.

I wrote for more than two hours today, and it’s a bit slow. There’s only one chapter. Please forgive me.

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