Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 285 A sudden turn of events

Zhang Shun saw Ma Yingniang riding a horse with a sword and armor, and she was full of heroic spirit. He was quite puzzled and said: "Yingniang, what are you doing? We are leaving the camp. Don't play here, blocking the way of the army." the way!"

Ma Yingniang smiled softly, jumped off the horse neatly, cupped her hands to Zhang Shun and said: "I already know about this expedition. It is related to the safety of the general and the survival of the rebel army. If the general makes a mistake, the rebel army will be defeated and overthrown. Are there any eggs under the nest? There will be no place for Ying Niang to stay."

"Although Ying Niang is a female, how can she sit in the camp and listen to the soldiers fighting for their lives outside and entrusting their own wealth and life to others?"

"Now that I have matured in martial arts and armor, I can compete with men on the battlefield. The general told me that day about the female heroes Hua Mulan, Qin Liangyu and others, and I yearned for them. Now I am willing to follow the general into battle to kill the enemy and help the rebel army. A helping hand.”

"If you are lucky enough to achieve military success, you will be named the same name as Hua Mulan and Qin Liangyu; if you are unfortunate enough to die in battle, it is better than suffering in the camp and waiting to be slaughtered by fate!"

Zhang Shun was stunned and advised: "On the battlefield, swords have no eyes. As a woman, Ying Niang has lofty ambitions and great ambition. But now the victory or defeat is also unknown, so An allows Ying Niang to fight for her life. ?”

"It turns out that the general used to talk about Hua Mulan and Qin Liangyu in order to coax me to compete with Chen Changzhen. Now he wants to use real words, and instead talks about the difference between men and women." Ma Yingniang changed her shy and weak image in front of Zhang Shun, and instead said aggressively. .

Zhang Shun smiled bitterly when he heard this, but stopped trying to persuade him. Everyone has the right to choose his own destiny. As long as he can bear the consequences of his choice, he has no right to interfere.

So, he took a deep look at Ma Yingniang, dismounted, took a few steps closer, and whispered: "As long as you don't regret it, I won't object. It's just that everyone in the camp is a man. As a woman, it's inconvenient for you. "

Ma Yingniang smiled proudly when she heard this, snapped her fingers, and saw two more riders coming out from behind him, one of them was Wu Ma in armor, and the other was an unknown maid.

She said: "General, don't worry, I will lead two attendants and have a separate tent. Ying Niang is not a lady, so everything should be kept simple."

In the end, Zhang Shun led Zhang Shenyan, Xu Ziyuan, Chen Changzhen, Liu Cheng, Zhang Sanbai, Jiang He, Li Jiyu, Li Shian, "Wing of Contesting the World" and "King of Zhishi", a total of more than 3,400 soldiers and four cannons. Set off together.

The rest of the people stayed at the camp, and Xiao Qinhu took the remaining 500 soldiers to defend the camp. Everything in the camp is still in charge of the red lady.

But when Lady Hong heard that Ma Yingniang single-handedly persuaded Zhang Shun to go with the army, she couldn't help but sigh and said: "This woman has been coveting the head of the family for a long time, but she is really good at it. But I am a villain in vain!"

When Zhang Sanbai knew that Ma Yingniang was also coming with the army, he just sighed and said nothing.

Chen Changzhen felt strange, so he asked: "My sister is stubborn and insists on going out with the army. Why don't you try to persuade her?"

"My sister has always had her own opinion, and I, as the elder brother, am incompetent. The only thing I can do is take care of her more on the battlefield." Zhang Sanbai said with a wry smile.

"Don't worry, Brother Zhang!" Chen Changzhen assured after hearing this, "If Ying Niang encounters danger on the battlefield, if I can escape, I will do my best to rescue her."

Zhang Sanbai glanced at Chen Changzhen and shook his head. He didn't say yes or no, but said inexplicably: "Just let everything go!"

Then the army moved all the way north. When the army arrived at Huguan, Zhang Shun and others got the news. The second leader "Zijin Liang" and others were defeated in Wu'an, and the leader of the rebel army "Jiutian Sheng" was killed by Deng Qi and Zuo Liangyu. "Shangshan Tiger" and "Liu Xiaoshan" were captured by Zuo Liangyu.

The second leader "Zijin Liang" and "Chuang Jiang" Huang Lai'er and others had to be defeated and retreated along Huixian and Xiuwu towards Huaiqing Mansion.

After hearing this, Zhang Shun had no choice but to change his marching direction again, and went all the way along Lingchuan and Zezhou through Tianjing Pass to Huaiqing Mansion to join the rebel army.

When Zhang Shun finally broke through Tianjing Pass and entered Huaiqing Prefecture from Shanxi for the second time, he heard bad news again. The second master "Zijin Liang" and others were defeated again at Shanyang Mountain and retreated all the way to Jiyuan. .

Zhang Shun only focused on "touring the mountains and rivers" along the way, so he hurried to the county seat of Jiyuan County.

Just after entering Jiyuan City, Zhang Shun found that the morale of the rebel army was low. There were wailing wounded soldiers and violent defeated troops everywhere. The whole atmosphere was extremely depressed.

In order to get a bite of food, some rebels even drew swords and fought privately in the street. The second boss "Zi Jinliang" and others were unable to stop them.

At this time, hearing about Zhang Shun's arrival, Huang Lai'er, the "general", personally led "a tiger" to greet him.

After the two parties met and the ceremony was held, Zhang Shun felt strange when he saw that the second master did not come, so he asked: "Where is the second master? What is the situation of the rebels now?"

"General" Huang Lai'er heard the words and whispered: "The situation is not good, the second master specially sent me to meet you. You come with me, I will take you to see the second master."

Zhang Shun's heart skipped a beat and he secretly thought it was not good. Although there was some discord between the second boss "Purple Gold Liang" and Zhang Shun, Zhang Shun was able to fight. On weekdays, the second head of the family, "Purple Gold Liang", hears about Zhang Shun's arrival and will definitely come to greet him in person. He didn't come out this time, so something must have happened.

When "General" Huang Lai'er led Zhang Shun into the residence of "Zijinliang", the second master of the Chinese army, Zhang Shun smelled a smell of medicine and blood before he could enter the house.

Huang Lai'er stepped forward and knocked on the door. The person who opened the door was Qixu Taoist under the second head of the family, "Zijin Liang".

Taoist Qi Xu didn't even look at Zhang Shun. He just said "Please come in" in a low voice and led them in.

Zhang Shun entered the room and saw the second boss "Zijin Liang" lying on the bed with a long arrow sticking out of his chest. The snow-white arrow feathers reflected the blood stains on the bandage on the chest of "Purple Gold Liang", making it look even whiter.

Zhang Shun was shocked and asked quickly: "Second Master, what's wrong with you? Who hurt you? I wonder how injured you are?"

The second leader "Purple Gold Liang" turned his head with difficulty when he heard this, and smiled painfully: "Is it 'Optimus Prime'? You are finally here."

"I'm at the end of my rope. Yesterday I had a fierce battle with Deng Qi at Shanyang Mountain. Unfortunately, I was injured by a stray arrow. It hurt my heart and lungs. No medicine or stone can cure it!"

When Zhang Shun heard this, he was like a bolt from the blue. Despite all the shortcomings of the second-in-command "Purple Golden Liang", after the death of Wang Jiayin, the leader of the rebel army, he was still able to persist in the war of resistance and unite the thirty-sixth battalion of the rebel army. Now, if this "Purple Golden Liang" is gone, the rebel army will be like a ball of scattered sand. Wouldn't it be defeated by the officers and soldiers one by one?

It was so difficult. Today I revised it based on yesterday. It took more than three hours to update two chapters. At the same time, I would like to thank the fan "lovesunbird" for the tip, thank you!

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