Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 286 Three concessions to the leadership of the alliance

The second head of the family, "Purple Golden Liang", and the commanders of the rebel armies also knew the cruelty of the rebellion and could not tolerate any softness or kindness.

"Purple Golden Liang" took a breath and said, "Since I can't do it, I won't wait for the commanders of other battalions such as the 'Eight Kings', 'Chuang King', and 'Living Cao Cao' to arrive."

"The leader of the rebel army is the most serious matter. When Wang Jiayin, the head of the family, was killed, and the right prime minister 'Bai Yuzhu' surrendered, the rebel army was almost leaderless. Fortunately, the head of the family elected me as the leader of the alliance, and the rebel army was able to work together, which caused a lot of damage to the officers and soldiers. Kill."

"Now that I am going to follow the leader, it stands to reason that everyone should nominate a trustworthy alliance leader in time. However, everyone also knows that in order not to be wiped out by the officers and soldiers, the thirty-sixth battalion is scattered in various places. Even if it is called now, it may be too late."

"Even if everyone can come together, I can't choose an alliance leader who can convince everyone. Although you, 'Chuang Jiang', are good at fighting, your qualifications are too young; although 'Chuang King' has a great reputation, you have no outstanding achievements; Not to mention the 'Eight Kings' and 'Living Cao Cao', although they are considered outstanding among the rebels, they have no virtue of obeying the crowd."

"Fortunately, although little brother Optimus Prime joined the rebel army quite late, he stood out from the crowd like a chicken. He defeated Zhang Zongheng, the governor of Xuan, and killed Song Tongyin, the governor of Shanxi. These are first-class military achievements."

"I, 'Purple Gold Liang', have always been boasted of being a great talent, but I have not been able to achieve such results. Compared with it, it is as ridiculous as a firefly competing against the bright moon. So I have repeatedly wanted to give up the position of alliance leader to 'Optimus Prime' brother."

"You all don't allow it, saying that Shaanxi people don't need Henan people to be emperors and other nonsense. Don't think about it either. You don't obey anyone. If you are suppressed by the officers and soldiers, who will distinguish between Shaanxi people and Henan people? You guys. They are all dead!”

"Now that I can't do it, it doesn't matter if I close my eyes. But since I led you to Shanxi, I must give you a way out. When you go underground, you will have an explanation when you meet the boss!"

"Otherwise, Wang Jiayin, the head of the family, asks: For my own use, what will happen to the rebel army after I leave? What will happen to the rebel army after you leave? How should I, 'Purple Gold Liang', answer?"

"Okay, I, a dying man, can only say this much. The other important people are not here. 'General Chuang', I know you are ambitious. If you are really good for the rebels, then you will tell me these things." The words will be conveyed to other rebel commanders; if it is for your own selfish purposes, then feel free to do whatever you want!"

"Chuang Jiang" Huang Lai'er was shocked when he heard this. He quickly knelt down and swore to "Purple Gold Liang": "Second Master, you work hard day and night for the rebels. If Huang Lai'er even swallows your last words, then I will Not human!"

"There are so many talented people in the rebel army, and no one is convinced by anyone. Only Optimus Prime's hard work and achievements are outstanding, but I see it in my eyes and admire him quite a lot. No matter what other people's attitudes are, I will definitely carry the Second Master's true words to his heart. arrive."

"Good! Good! Good!" The second head of the family, Zijin Liang, coughed a few times, vomited some blood, and praised loudly, "He is indeed our Yansui's 'general', he is righteous and courageous."

"I originally wanted to leave the men and horses under my command to you, but I was afraid that Optimus Prime's men and horses were not many and could not suppress the generals, so I entrusted them all to the new leader. 'Optimus Prime', I hope you can remember We Yansui people are kind to you, and we also hope that you can remember the kindness of 'General Chuang' to you, and I will entrust you with the future affairs."

Zhang Shun listened there for a long time and took the opportunity to calculate the stakes in his mind. He knew that this opportunity was his "Dragon Gate". If you can jump up, you can transform into a dragon; if you can't jump up, your body will be shattered and your bones will be broken, and everything will be over.

At this time, Zhang Shun didn't care about the fact that a man had gold under his knees. He plopped down on his knees to the second master's "Purple Gold Liang" and cried bitterly: "Why did the second master say this? It's just an arrow wound on the left and right. We Let’s go to Huaiqing Mansion, Zelu and other places to search for miraculous doctors. The auspicious person of the second head of the family has his own destiny. We will definitely find a miraculous doctor, and the second head of the family will be as vigorous and vigorous as before!"

"Okay, okay!" the second master dissuaded, "I already know your intentions. But I'm afraid I really can't do it this time! We've been together for a long time, and we can be regarded as people who know each other's heart. I'm leaving soon, and I don't know about you. Can you tell me your name so that I can brag about it to the big boss when you go underground?"

It turns out that Zhang Shun only revealed his name and that of "Lao Huihui" Ma Shouying. As a result, Ma Shouying had some disagreements with the second boss "Zijin Liang" and forgot to mention it. Up to now, the second boss still doesn't know Zhang Shun's real name.

Nowadays, Zhang Shun has many people under his command, and he knows that there are not many people with the same surname and the same name in the world, so he is not afraid that "Purple Gold Liang" will take the opportunity to deceive him, so he loudly replied: "The junior's surname is Zhang Shun, and the name is reversed!"

"Purple Gold Liang" was startled when he heard this. He struggled and looked at Zhang Shun carefully for a long time, and then laughed loudly: "Okay! Good! Good! What a Liu Bowen, what a 'curl ruler hanging on the tree, stop when things go right'! I'm afraid Is this where you should be?"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for anyone to ask, the second boss "Purple Gold Liang" coughed vigorously because he exerted too much force and his wound was involved.

Everyone ignored the questioning and quickly ordered the doctor to come and check. As a result, as soon as the doctor came up to him, the second-in-command, Zijin Liang, turned over and spat out a large mouthful of blood.

Everyone was immediately in a hurry. Those holding towels took towels, and those holding hot water wiped the blood stains on "Zijin Liang".

After struggling for a long time, the condition of the second master "Purple Gold Liang" finally stabilized slightly, and he waved his hand to signal everyone to leave.

Zhang Shun was about to leave when the second head of the family, Zijin Liang, waved weakly and said, "You, King Zuojin, Ge Liyan and Qixu Taoist will stay for now. I have something to say to you." explain!"

The others were dissatisfied, but seeing the condition of the second master "Purple Golden Liang", they had no choice but to obey.

After everyone retreated, the second head of the family, "Purple Gold Liang", weakly shouted: "Where are the 'King of Zuo Jin' He Jin and 'Ge Liyan' He Yilong?"

"Yes!" "King Zuo Jin" He Jin and "Grey Eyes" He Yilong responded quickly.

"Kneel down and accept Zhang Shun as your master!" the second leader "Zijin Liang" ordered.

"Yes!" "King of Zuo Jin" He Jin and "Grey Eye" He Yilong heard this and turned around and knelt down to Zhang Shun.

Zhang Shun hurriedly tried to pull him back, but he couldn't hold him back at all. Then He Jin and He Yilong kowtowed to Zhang Shun and called them "Lord" before they were done.

Seeing that Zhang Shun was quite uneasy, "Zijinliang" smiled and said, "Don't be humble. It's their blessing that they accept you as their master. Please take more care of them in the future."

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