Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 288: Driving up one’s worth

"Purple Golden Liang" is dead. No matter how heroic he was during his lifetime, no matter how grand and grand he was buried after his death, he is still like a piece of wood, lying there at the mercy of others.

Although Zhang Shun was young, he had experienced several funerals. There was my own funeral in the previous life, my father's funeral this time, and this time the funeral of the second-in-command "Purple Gold Liang".

But he still had an unspeakable feeling in his heart. If he failed, his fate wouldn't be better than that of the second-in-command "Purple Golden Liang", right? It was even uncertain whether the corpse would be intact.

Inexplicably, Zhang Shun remembered a sentence he heard in his previous life, "Even if there is an iron threshold for a thousand years, there will eventually be a soiled bun"! Is it true for everyone?

But I was still unwilling to do so after all. Even if you end up becoming a "homeless mantou", can't you do something for the world?

What is the meaning of my own rebirth? Is it just to let myself live another life? Heaven is about to entrust this person with a great responsibility, and he must first work hard on his mind and body. Now that you are here, work hard and bring peace to this world, and your journey will not be in vain!

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun lay on the "Purple Gold Liang" bed and cried bitterly, more sadly than he had cried when his father died in this life.

At first, Zhang Shun was just pretending, but later he thought that there were no "good people" like the second master in the world, which was really a great loss to the world.

He is a noble person, a person who has escaped from vulgar taste. He has a noble spirit that does not benefit himself but only benefits others.

Since Zhang Shun joined the rebel army, Wang Ziyong of "Purple Golden Liang" has been working tirelessly to send Zhang Shun equipment, money and food, soldiers and horses, and even generals.

Even at the moment when he was about to die, what he could not forget was Zhang Shun, a general who was not his biological son, but more like his biological son.

He transferred all his inheritance, his troops, generals, and the position of leader of the thirty-sixth battalion to himself.

Zhang Shun lost such a benefactor in an instant, how could he not burst into tears and feel sad?

At this time, "Chuang Jiang" and other commanders rushed in after hearing the news of the second master's death.

Huang Lai'er, the "advanced general", also felt sad when he saw that the second leader "Zijin Liang" had passed away. In fact, he originally followed the "non-stick" Zhang Cunmeng, but because Zhang Cunmeng surrendered his officers and soldiers, Huang Lai'er had to lead the old "Eighth Brigade" to leave Shaanxi and reluctantly became the leader of the first battalion. Without the full support of the second boss "Purple Gold Liang", Huang Lai'er, the "general", would not be where he is today.

Huang Lai'er thought that he was grateful enough to the second boss "Purple Gold Liang", but compared with Zhang Shun, it was like a firefly competing with the bright moon.

Originally, although Huang Lai'er knew that his fame and merit were not enough, he was quite jealous of Zhang Shun. Now that I see Zhang Shun being so grateful and sincere towards the second boss, "Purple Gold Liang", I can't help but admire him secretly. Aiwujiwuxia, on the contrary, became fond of Zhang Shun.

"Admiral Chuang" Huang Lai'er quickly advised: "The dead are gone, but so are the living. 'Optimus Prime,' you should express your condolences and deal with the affairs behind the second master as soon as possible, and avenge his murder." valid reason!"

Taoist Qi Xu also took the opportunity to persuade: "General, I express my condolences and accept the change. Now the officers and soldiers are as powerful as a rainbow, and the morale of the rebel army is low. Now that the second commander is missing, the rebel army is like a piece of loose sand. Everyone's lives are at stake. Don't be emotional."

"The top priority is to let the second master rest as soon as possible, secondly to gather other rebel commanders as soon as possible and decide on the position of alliance leader as soon as possible, and thirdly to solve the encirclement and suppression by officers and soldiers as soon as possible!"

Zhang Shun barely stopped crying after hearing this, and choked with sobs: "Now I am heartbroken and confused, and I can't calm down for a while. I also ask Qixu Taoist, Brother Huang, and all of you to help me!" "

Qixu Taoist, "Chuang Jiang" Huang Lai'er, "Zuo Jinwang", "Ge Liyan" and others quickly clasped their fists and said: "How dare you refuse to accept your fate!"

Only then did Zhang Shun calm down and asked, "How should we deal with the first thing now?"

Everyone was waiting for the funeral and burial of the second leader of Yan family, "Purple Gold Liang". Unexpectedly, Zhang Shenyan stood up quickly and said, "Commanders, I have something I don't know whether to say or not!"

"You shouldn't say that!" Taoist Qi Xu interrupted coldly after hearing this, "Who are you? I am waiting for the commander of the rebel army to speak here, how can you interrupt?"

Hearing this, Zhang Shenyan smoothed his beard on his chin and smiled softly: "I am Zhang Shenyan, the right minister of the Ministry of Punishment of the third rank of the late Ming Dynasty. Even in the court, if I have advice, His Majesty the Emperor has to listen!"

Everyone couldn't help being shocked when they heard this. They had heard in the past that the governor-general was a high-ranking official. Why did such a prominent figure suddenly appear among the rebels? Could it be that the court wants to take advantage of this opportunity to issue an imperial edict to me? Can't we wait?

The common people in feudal society were three points shorter than officials, let alone such a high official? Everyone looked at each other and didn't dare to come forward to talk.

Taoist Qi Xu was embarrassed for a long time, and Huang Lai'er, the "Investigant General", managed to calm down and asked: "Your Excellency should be on the palace gate, how come you are among our rebels? I wonder if you have any advice, I am all ears."

"Hahaha!" Zhang Shenyan laughed three times and said: "The emperor's son is not what I want, so I have resigned. Now I am following my lord Zhang Shun here, and I am preparing to do something big!"

Zhang Shenyan himself is not such an arrogant person, but he has held an official position for many years and has an extraordinary ability to observe people's emotions. When he heard the retreating Taoist scolding him, he felt that there was an opportunity to raise Zhang Shun's worth.

Everyone couldn't help but look at each other in shock when they heard this. As the commanders of the rebel army, they knew how difficult it was to recruit scholars and scholars. Even if they recruited a single student, they would feel like they had obtained a treasure. Who would have thought that this "Optimus Prime" Zhang Shun, without saying a word, would secretly be followed and assisted by a third-grade official.

In fact, Zhang Shenyan was originally loyal to the Ming Dynasty, but he only followed Zhang Shun all the way to get to know the real situation at the bottom, and Zhang Shenyan was deeply touched by Zhang Shun's deliberate indoctrination of the "theory that the Ming Dynasty must die".

Especially Zhang Shun's sentence: "Ugh, perish! Since ancient times, there have been people who have perished their country, and there have also been people who have perished the world. When a family and one surname destroy a country, it is called a country perish; when people are full of benevolence and righteousness, they lead beasts to eat people, and they call it the world perish. Today. The Zhu family has been in existence for nearly three hundred years and the country should be destroyed, but the world should not be destroyed. Is my father loyal to the Zhu family, or is he loyal to the world?"

It means that it is about to perish now, but there is a difference between the destruction of a country and the destruction of the world. Now it has been nearly three hundred years since the founding of Zhu Ming. It should be destroyed, but the world should not be destroyed. Are you, Zhang Shenyan, loyal to the Zhu family or to the people of the world?

Zhang Shenyan has been reading the books of sages since he was a child, and he also has the ambition to "cultivate his moral integrity, harmonize his family, govern the country and bring peace to the world". After hearing this, he thought about it for three days and three nights before he came to the conclusion: "The people are the most precious, and the king is the least. The king is the one with the surname and the country." The emperor is just the emperor, and the people are the common people of the world. Therefore, the saint despises the country and the surname, but attaches great importance to the common people of the world!"

Sorry, it’s still a chapter today. The author was busy writing, but suddenly realized that it took him more than two hours to finish this chapter. In addition, I would like to thank fans "Big Brother Pretender" and "Nine-leaf Emperor" for their large rewards, thank you!

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