Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 289: Secret mourning

Zhang Shenyan finally figured it out. Although the inertia of traditional loyalty to the emperor was still binding him, cracks had appeared in this "foolish loyalty".

After all, being loyal to one dynasty and one emperor is really stingy compared to being loyal to one's family, country and the world, and one cannot do anything about it.

Therefore, Zhang Shenyan tried to take a small step toward being loyal to his "family, country, and world" by making his identity clear in a high-profile way. Of course, since he kept it secret, with the vigorous actions of the rebels and the spread of the government's hunting notices, Zhang Shenyan would have to suffer like this sooner or later.

Now he scared these rough soldiers to death. It's like your deskmate for many years. Although his grades are better than yours, they are still mediocre. In the past, you just regarded him as an ordinary friend.

Until one day, a beautiful woman driving a Maserati suddenly ran over, nodded and bowed, and respectfully called him CEO. Under the huge psychological gap, you will definitely not only be shocked, but also feel looked up to and respected.

Other rebel commanders also had the same mentality. Originally, Zhang Shun was young, and although he had some achievements, he may not be contemptuous of him in his heart. Even if the second leader "Zijin Liang" gave up the position of leader of the Thirty-sixth Battalion to Zhang Shun, they still felt a bit unconvinced.

Especially people who are familiar with him are easily blinded by jealousy. They only think that this guy is lucky, and they are quite disapproving of him in private.

But when Zhang Shenyan, the right minister of the Ministry of Punishment of the third rank of the Ming Dynasty, also served under him, the shock in their hearts could not be greater.

It turns out that we are really not the same kind of people. This "Optimus Prime" has already been recognized as the owner by a high-ranking member of the imperial court. He is indeed a born noble person, unlike us men of humble origins.

Inadvertently, there was a sense of superiority and inferiority in my heart, and Zhang Shun's status was temporarily stable.

Seeing that his goal had been achieved and no one dared to object to his speech, Zhang Shenyan bowed his hands to the leaders and said, "Everyone, since no one objects, I will say a few words."

"I think the top priority is to block the news and not announce the funeral! Now that the officers and soldiers are strong and the rebels are weak, if the officers and soldiers get the news of the death of the second master, they will definitely become more aggressive. And the other rebels have not arrived in time. If they get the news of the death of the second master, With the news, I will inevitably feel depressed. If someone takes the opportunity to provoke, someone will inevitably take the opportunity to have different intentions!"

"In my opinion, we will block the news for the time being, with 'Optimus Prime' as the leader, and send the alliance leader's order on behalf of the second master. We will wait until the rebels gather together to settle this matter of superiority and inferiority, and then we can mourn with everyone as one."

Zhang Shenyan has been in the officialdom for a long time and is scheming. When emperors in the past dynasties passed away and the political situation was unstable before the new emperor ascended the throne, they often used this method of "secret mourning" to block news.

After the political situation is stabilized, it is a mature political method to conduct the funeral in an honest manner. It's just that all the rebels are from humble backgrounds and are not politically sensitive enough. How could they have thought of such a method?

What's more, even if Zhang Shenyan said this method, everyone just thought it was a good method, but they didn't have time to think deeply about the pros and cons.

In fact, the so-called "Leader of the Thirty-sixth Battalion" is, in a serious sense, nothing more than a shield recommended by everyone; even at the best, he is just the co-leader of a loose alliance that the rebel commanders reluctantly formed under the pressure of the officers and soldiers. .

How does the second-in-command "Purple Golden Liang" have the right to teach each other privately? I'm afraid that Wang Jiayin, the current boss, didn't have this ability either.

According to the normal historical trajectory, the so-called "leader" is basically the strongest and most famous person among the rebels.

It's just that now the first boss Wang Jiayin and the second boss "Zijin Liang" have died in battle, leaving the group without a leader for a while.

When the second head of the family, Zijin Liang, was dying, Taoist Qixu praised Zhang Shun's achievements many times, and hinted that his sincere uncle Liu Bowen had left a prophecy of "hanging a curved ruler on the tree, and stopping when things go well".

It turned out that before his death, the second leader "Purple Gold Liang" reluctantly agreed to Taoist Quxu's proposal and prepared to give up the position of alliance leader to Zhang Shun. . However, he was not prepared to let his subordinates "King Zuo Jin" and "Ge Liyan" recognize Zhang Shun as their master and fully support this person's plan.

As a result, when he heard Zhang Shun calling himself "surname Zhang and name Shun, with the characters reversed," he had an "inspiration" and realized that the prophecy should be attributed to Zhang Shun. That's why "King Zuojin" and "King Liyan" recognized their masters.

Originally, even if they abided by the last words of the second leader "Purple Gold Liang" and supported Zhang Shun to ascend to the position of leader of the alliance, they would have to set up another battalion in the future and act independently, just like the original "Trespassing General".

But now that Zhang Shun is recognized as the master, he can only suffer losses and gain both, and follow Zhang Shun's path to the end.

Zhang Shun is also smart. After hearing Zhang Shenyan's suggestion, he immediately realized that it would be of great benefit to him. He quickly said: "What Mr. Zhang said is true. If it weren't for you, you would have missed the important events of our rebellion! What do you think of Mr. Zhang's proposal? Can you do this?"

Among the people present, "King Zuojin" and "Ge Liyan" have already recognized Zhang Shun as the leader; the prestigious "Chuang Jiang" has a good impression of Zhang Shun and agreed to support Zhang Shun in front of the second leader; most of the remaining The general was originally under Zhang Shun's command, and he only obeyed Zhang Shun's orders.

The other half-stinky fish and rotten shrimps couldn't come up with any tricks, so they had no choice but to fall in line with the wind and accept them all.

So Zhang Shun, with the strong support of Qixu Taoist and Zhang Shenyan, easily took control of the Jiyuan Rebel Army.

Zhang Shun ordered: "Immediately give an order to seal off the news in the city. The death of the second master, Zijin Liang, must not be leaked. It is related to the safety of the rebels. Don't blame me for being ruthless. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed without mercy!"

As a result, I never thought that the people who had been kicked out by the second head of the family, "Purple Gold Liang", looked at each other, looking at each other. It turns out that someone among them was careless and had already leaked the news.

In addition, the second head of the family, "Purple Gold Liang", was seriously injured and unable to take charge, and the rebel army became even more disorganized. It had been rumored for a long time that the city of Jiyuan was full of troubles.

Those few people couldn't help but panic when they knew that they had ruined the rebel army's affairs. They quickly knelt down in front of Zhang Shun and said "death penalty".

Zhang Shun, the new official, was supposed to take the opportunity to kill people and establish his authority. It's just that he knows that his strength is insufficient, and his position as leader of the alliance is not recognized by most people. I don't have any kindness towards these people. If I push too hard, some people will inevitably have different intentions. At that time, internal strife broke out in the rebel army, but the officers and soldiers took advantage of it.

Fortunately, Zhang Shun had a quick wit and quickly laughed, personally helped these commanders up and said, "Don't worry, I will take care of this matter myself!"

Thanks to fan "Ark 7758" for the tip, thank you. The author's hand speed is a bit slow today. I will try to see if I can update another chapter later. If there is no update at 23:00, it means there is no update.

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