Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 292 Intrigue and deception

Yang Yuchun had just killed a soldier in front of him when he was stabbed by the spears of other rebels. The cold iron spear tore through his armor and penetrated his body in an instant like it was piercing paper.

Before Yang Yuchun died painfully, his eyes were brought behind him by the huge force. He watched helplessly as the one or two thousand soldiers under his command who claimed to "follow him to the death" had already waded across the river while he turned around to stop the rebels. !

It’s really hard to die in peace!

It turned out that this group of veterans had gone through hundreds of battles since following Deng Qi on the expedition, and had already been deceived many times by Deng Qi in various ways.

As the saying goes, "Every bite you take makes you wise." What's more, these soldiers have eaten so many "cuts" that their IQs have already broken through the sky.

Poor Yang Yuchun thought he could fool this group of people into fighting for their lives against the rebels. Unexpectedly, this group of people had already made up their mind and coaxed him to fight for his life with the rebels and delay for a while. Just so that I and others can take the opportunity to cross the Zhulong River and escape for their lives.

Unfortunately, Yang Yuchun was incompetent and barely delayed the rebels for much time. Chen Changzhen and Liu Cheng led the cavalry to arrive again, blocking the officers and soldiers on the river bank and massacring them.

The officers and soldiers could not resist, and some had to forcefully cross the river, but they did not know the depth of the river and drowned directly in the river; some simply knelt down and surrendered, allowing themselves to be dealt with; and many officers and soldiers were lucky enough to escape and finally swam across the other side of the river.

Unexpectedly, I only heard the sound of a cannon, and two more troops came out. It turned out to be the "King Zuo Jin" and "Grey Eyes" who had been lying in wait for a long time.

Zhang Shun had already thought clearly when he planned this battle. Deng Qi was so powerful that he and others had to use all their strength to have a chance of victory. If he could kill Deng Qi and avenge the second leader of the clan, "Purple Golden Liang", then his position as the new alliance leader would naturally be secure.

Just for future consideration, it is necessary to make "Chuang Jiang", "Zuo Jin King", "Ge Liyan" and others achieve some achievements, so that we can take the opportunity to reward them. However, their achievements cannot outweigh those of their cronies, otherwise the balance of power will not be controllable.

After much thought, Zhang came up with this idea:

First of all, Deng Qi is so powerful that he cannot deal with it alone. He must recruit "generals" to face the enemy head-on in order to be worry-free.

Secondly, when the cavalry encircles the rear, they must let their cronies Chen Changzhen and Liu Cheng complete the task. Firstly, the task is arduous. If someone else had done something wrong, the whole plan would probably collapse. Secondly, this operation is the easiest to achieve the first success and should not be obtained by outsiders.

Finally, when the officers and soldiers push to the Zhulong River, many of them will inevitably cross the river and escape. It just so happens that "King Zuojin" and "Ge Liyan" can lead the original cavalry of "Purple Gold Liang" to intercept them, ensuring that nothing goes wrong. Annihilate Deng Qi's troops.

Unexpectedly, the plan could not keep up with the changes. Zhang Shunbei placed three tables of food and wine before one table of guests arrived. Although it's a bit overkill, it still guarantees victory.

Poor Yang Yuchun, just because Deng Qi made a mistake in judging that the rebel army had no leader, he came directly to deliver food.

At this time, Zhang Shun had already given up on the aftermath of the battlefield on the banks of the Mang River and directly brought Li Xin, Wukong and his personal guards to check on the battle situation.

But they happened to learn that Chen Changzhen and Liu Cheng had already killed the officer and soldier Yang Yuchun. Zhang Shun was overjoyed when he heard this, and hurriedly crossed the river to summon the "King of Zuo Jin" and "King Liyan". They captured hundreds of officers and soldiers in vain, and he was also very fond of them.

After the two parties briefly greeted each other, Zhang Shun asked about Deng Qi's whereabouts. Both parties said they had never encountered Deng Qi's men.

Zhang Shun's mind changed, and he suddenly came up with a plan. He said with a smile: "I have often heard that the two masters said that both of them are brave generals. Now I have a plan that can defeat the officers and soldiers, but it is a bit dangerous. I don't know if you two can do it." No?"

These two people have just gained some credit and are in high spirits. How can they not follow them? He quickly responded: "The two of us will abide by the second master's orders, but your Excellency will obey. If there is an order, just come down. Those who are afraid of death are not heroes!"

Zhang Shun was overjoyed when he heard this, and quickly called Chen Changzhen and Liu Cheng across the river. After giving these instructions, he was ready to lead them personally to continue fighting.

Zhang Shenyan was shocked when he heard this, and quickly remonstrated: "I heard that 'a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall', and the monarch cannot just go into battle and fight. If the lord is serious, he can just order a general to do it, so there is no need to lead the troops personally. If there is Just in case, who can we entrust the rebels to?"

Zhang Shun said with a smile: "Since ancient times, we have been obedient and defensive. The founding kings of all dynasties have all been able to unify the world through hard work and iron horses. I have never heard of anyone sitting in the court and waiting for the world to decide for itself."

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhang. The destiny is mine, and our great cause will naturally not be abandoned halfway. But there are a lot of aftermaths on the battlefield, and I can't be distracted. I hope Mr. Zhang will take care of me and take care of it for me. By the way, Just stabilize the situation in Jiyuan City and receive the other rebel leaders who have come to attend the appointment."

"After I break that Deng Qi, I'm still waiting for Mr. Zhang to take care of me!"

Zhang Shenyan wanted to persuade him again, but seeing Zhang Shun's firm attitude, he had to give up. In fact, Zhang Shun still had some words in his heart, but he couldn't say them out in front of the generals.

The second leader, "Purple Gold Liang", was injured at the hands of Deng Qi. If he did not personally direct this war, other leaders would not follow him in the future, and he would not be able to shamelessly compete with his subordinates for credit.

What's more, Deng Qi is powerful and the risk of this battle is quite high. If he did not personally supervise the battle, other generals would inevitably retreat and retreat if they encountered difficulties.

If you are only one breath away at that time, you will not be able to achieve complete victory, but it will make you more passive.

As for the risks, Zhang Shun has already calculated them clearly. He has two powerful generals, Li Xin and Wukong, under his command. As long as he does not seek death, he will basically not encounter much danger.

Even if he were to fall into a tight siege, Wukong's ability would be able to lead him out of the situation.

Thinking of this, Zhang ordered people to put away his own flag, and instead raised Yang Yuchun's flag. The rest of the people dismounted and walked, and the officers and soldiers captured by the rebels also deliberately released some of them, letting them walk in front and collapse all the way eastward according to the previous route.

But he said that Deng Qi had lost sight of Yang Yuchun not long after he set out, and he couldn't help but cursed this guy for being "greedy for merit"! Fortunately, he didn't care much. As long as the second leader "Zijin Liang" was dead and the rebel army was scattered, there was nothing to fear.

Even if Yang Yuchun was disadvantaged in the battle, he could still form a defensive formation and wait for him to lead his army to rescue.

As a result, not long after Deng Qi passed through Huaiqing Prefecture, he heard that Yang Yuchun had been defeated and his officers and soldiers suffered heavy losses.

Deng Qi was shocked when he heard this. He divided his troops to give Yang Yuchun 2,000 troops. If he lost all of them, his strength would definitely drop sharply. He would not only be denounced by the court, but also affect his chances of achieving great success. So Deng Qi quickly led his troops to the west to gather and rescue Yang Yuchun's troops.

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